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Attack Myanmar Terrorists

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Muslim countries need to come together and make a joint military force on the lines of NATO..
We have the capability,the expertise,the resources but no unity...
If a united military force existed today.....an insignificant country like Burma could be forced to stopped from Killing Muslims in days..

Polarization works both ways.

NATO snowballing into something much bigger is really not something you would want to think about.

Notwithstanding that with Russia and China sitting on the sidlines, the US alone is capable of taking on this alliance you speak of.

The NATO need not even break a sweat.
Muslim countries need to come together and make a joint military force on the lines of NATO..
We have the capability,the expertise,the resources but no unity...

You have all that but you don't have one thing; the right.

If this is the mentality with which you want to approach in today's world, then we are only a few steps away from another World War.

WW1 was about territory.

WW2 was about political ideology.

and if what you speak here becomes case, then WW3's theme will be faith or religion.

If a united military force existed today.....an insignificant country like Burma could be forced to stopped from Killing Muslims in days..

Look who's talking? :lol:

Ever since Burma opened its economy a few months ago, investors and businesses are running to her as if there is no tomorrow and you call them "insignificant".
In short, you wish to revive the era of inter-religious wars that existed from the days of Muhammed to the failure of the Ottomans to capture Vienna over three centuries ago.

An alliance can be for any reason.. Religious regional or ethnic..
NATO is a regional alliance..EU is an ethnic alliance..

Currently Muslims are being targeted worldwide on the basis of our religion and there is a need for us to unite together.
In short, you wish to revive the era of inter-religious wars that existed from the days of Muhammed to the failure of the Ottomans to capture Vienna over three centuries ago.

Yes he does.

And he will be outgunned and outmanned.

many many many times over.

Because along the way, the Christians have made friends.
well yes if you give me a bad look,i have the option to ignore you, give you a bad look,swear at you,hit you,Kill you,and kill your whole family..which one will be the justified approach?

Clearly if I have given you a bad look anything beyond swearing at me is considered unilateral physical aggression and will be retaliated.

Your very concept of what options you tell me, gives the idea what the Rohingyas would have been doing to cause this.

Basically you are justifying mass murder of children..shame on you.

Even Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists etc have children...

The Bodos had children too... the Kashmiri pandits had children too and 50% of those who got burnt off in that train were also children.

Out of the 3,000 who died in 9/11, some were children too and the adults who died in that incident were also parents of some children, who would never reunite with them.

The rocket attacks that killed 7-10 Jews last year were also children and the parents who lost them would have preferred a slow death than to see their kids die.

The Coptics in Egypt also have children too who are not considered so when being attacked.


are you telling me that it is okay to massacre them while only expect empathy and respect for yourself?

Tell me when you make up your mind.
If a united military force existed today.....an insignificant country like Burma could be forced to stopped from Killing Muslims in days..

Burma an insignificant country :rofl::rofl: It seems you heard the name of the country named Myanmar only today. :lol::lol:

Burma is important for many countries in the region- China, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan because of her strategic importance as the trade corridor. :enjoy:
Myanmar is a sovereign nation.

Its not good to interfere in someone else's internal matters.

If Myanmar is taking action against troublemakers, let them do it....its their country, they can do anything and everything to secure it.
An alliance can be for any reason.. Religious regional or ethnic..
NATO is a regional alliance..EU is an ethnic alliance..

There you go....:fie:

Please write after you understand enough about any subject. EU is an economic alliance to reduce redundancy in a common region bound by geography and common requirements for all the countries.

Currently Muslims are being targeted worldwide on the basis of our religion and there is a need for us to unite together.

There are two sides of a coin. What you see now mostly is the reaction and result of wrong-doing by people whom you call your brothers, living in these regions.

While you conveniently choose to overlook what they have inflicted, nature does not ignore anything.
Burma is far better than your country. Have you even visited it? It is poor but it doesn't have deranged fanatics burning and destroying everything that doesn't belong to their beliefs .

Your hindutva logic has no room for irony I guess.... You made my day with your imbecilic ranting.

Pray tell where have I said Bangladesh should take action by itself? Kosovo, iraq and libya has set precedence in international law for military intervention to prevent genocide. It would have to be an international action.

In your little hate filled mind you saw the flag of Bangladesh jumped to conclusion based on your violent logic.

Read what I wrote.... I am not advocating violence but if logic and reason fails the decent thing to do would be assist the rohingya so they have a future in their country.
Polarization works both ways.

NATO snowballing into something much bigger is really not something you would want to think about.

Notwithstanding that with Russia and China sitting on the sidlines, the US alone is capable of taking on this alliance you speak of.

The NATO need not even break a sweat.

while singing songs of praise for NATO you are forgetting that most f their weapons programs are being kept afloat by money from Muslim countries..

Note the green Flag on eurofighter?


Diversion of these funds will cause collapse of their weapon production....
So the situation isn't as grave as you portray..A Muslim alliance on the lines of NATO can cause NATO itself to collapse simply because of diversion of funds...

Clearly if I have given you a bad look anything beyond swearing at me is considered unilateral physical aggression and will be retaliated.

Your very concept of what options you tell me, gives the idea what the Rohingyas would have been doing to cause this.

Even Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists etc have children...

The Bodos had children too... the Kashmiri pandits had children too and 50% of those who got burnt off in that train were also children.

Out of the 3,000 who died in 9/11, some were children too and the adults who died in that incident were also parents of some children, who would never reunite with them.

The rocket attacks that killed 7-10 Jews last year were also children and the parents who lost them would have preferred a slow death than to see their kids die.

The Coptics in Egypt also have children too who are not considered so when being attacked.


are you telling me that it is okay to massacre them while only expect empathy and respect for yourself?

Tell me when you make up your mind.

Your radicalised Buddhist terrorist mind has gone blind due to your hate against Muslims.
I rather not waste my time arguing with you....
Your hindutva logic has no room for irony I guess.... You made my day with your imbecilic ranting.

And you made my day by equating a Buddhist with Hindutva ideology (though I support it candidly) :lol:. Your mulla logic is humorous.

Pray tell where have I said Bangladesh should take action by itself? Kosovo, iraq and libya has set precedence in international law for military intervention to prevent genocide. It would have to be an international action.

Read my sentence again; I did not say you will attack; I asked "would your government take the chance of a conflict with Burma since you are so uptight about Islamic brotherhood and what not".

International action in Kosovo was to weaken a hardcore Russian ally Serbia. Iraq and Libya you know very well.

Right now with Suu Kyi in, resource-rich Burma has opened up its borders to western investors worldwide.

Put on your thinking cap and re-read your own examples.

In your little hate filled mind you saw the flag of Bangladesh jumped to conclusion based on your violent logic.

There is a big difference in what you are claiming that I said and what I actually asked. Read my line above.

Read what I wrote.... I am not advocating violence but if logic and reason fails the decent thing to do would be assist the rohingya so they have a future in theircountry.

That's funny; you say "their country" and at the same time yell here as if Burmese entered your house and flattened your own brothers.

You people play the "we poor innocent Muslims" card so well that Liberal and secularists get fooled over and over.

But those who were affected by them would not take nonsense no matter what a bunch of vote-hungry politicians say.

while singing songs of praise for NATO you are forgetting that most f their weapons programs are being kept afloat by money from Muslim countries..

Note the green Flag on eurofighter?


Diversion of these funds will cause collapse of their weapon production....
So the situation isn't as grave as you portray..A Muslim alliance on the lines of NATO can cause NATO itself to collapse simply because of diversion of funds...

Your radicalised Buddhist terrorist mind has gone blind due to your hate against Muslims.
I rather not waste my time arguing with you....

Wow! Nice language. No wonder you don't like it when people talk in your own style to explain you.

You just cannot argue with me alone; as people like you disagree with all non-Muslims in the world, you will continue to push the path to an inevitable conflict no one wants other than your kind.

BTW If I were an extremist Buddhist, I would have become a saint.

You see, unlike your variety, extremism in our culture means the opposite.
BTW If I were an extremist Buddhist, I would have become a saint.

You see, unlike your variety, extremism in our culture means the opposite.

Or more conveniently a Yellow robed bald headed Gun wielding Muslim killer....with a few yellow flowers hanging in your neck and bead string in you hand?
Its your justifications of killing children that disgust me..

And why are you so damn afraid of a Pan Islamic military alliance?
Lot of fake pictures flying around aren't there eh? :lol:

There is no need for a military option right now. The best that Muslim nations can do is do what Turkey did back there. And work and hope for all people in Myanmar get along.

We should speed up that process, not divide them. Or in the worst case, a partition.

Or more conveniently a Yellow robed bald headed Gun wielding Muslim killer....with a few yellow flowers hanging in your neck and bead string in you hand?
Its your justifications of killing children that disgust me..

And why are you so damn afraid of a Pan Islamic military alliance?

Mate, don't reply to him. He's just an attention seeker.
Or more conveniently a Yellow robed bald headed Gun wielding Muslim killer....with a few yellow flowers hanging in your neck and bead string in you hand?
Its your justifications of killing children that disgust me..

And why are you so damn afraid of a Pan Islamic military alliance?

why are you wasting ur energy, ur time to reply to pathetic peoples ??
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