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Attack Myanmar Terrorists

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It is usually how it works.

I do feel bad for these people, no one cares much about them. But that hardly stops Muslims from blaming the white West for not doing enough to save these people. After all, it's their responsibility.

Of course, there are conflicts of interests going on here. Burma has friends you don't want to tick off, even if they are killing Muslims(Terrorists, when the US is not the one doing the killing)... And suddenly Muslim nations turn a blind eye, too busy saving other Muslims somewhere else or driving gold Ferraris.

If only the countries mentioned in the first post got involved, no Myanmar/ Burma ally will pose a threat. Saudi Arabia is already such a big player which covers US and Russia, and China values relations with Pakistan far more than with Myanmar.

UN is lead by majority "white countries" true. When people call on the UN unfortunately the countries hogging control of the UN are the ones that are asked to do something. With the exception of China all Permanent UNSC members are white majority countries.

You bring a good point that other Muslims should also act and I agree they should which is what I why I was trying to find out why they haven't done anything that's made a difference.

^^^I agree fake pictures should not be used which is why I've taken down any fake pic that accidently made its way on here. But I would like to add that that's the first time I'm seeing the pic you posted above and this is the first time I'm hearing about the Turkish PM's wife crying.

But this is clearly a problem which shouldn't be ignored due to a few bad sources.
Ok false pic removed**

To those who might says Muslims are playing victim should see that the UN recognizes them as the world's most persecuted people. But that's not what I'm talking about here I'm talking about a move to stop violence PERIOD!


**Pic Removed**

this image too is not from burma and neither is he holding a 9mm handgun
If only the countries mentioned in the first post got involved, no Myanmar/ Burma ally will pose a threat. Saudi Arabia is already such a big player which covers US and Russia, and China values relations with Pakistan far more than with Myanmar.

UN is lead by majority "white countries" true. When people call on the UN unfortunately the countries hogging control of the UN are the ones that are asked to do something. With the exception of China all Permanent UNSC members are white majority countries.

You bring a good point that other Muslims should also act and I agree they should which is what I why I was trying to find out why they haven't done anything that's made a difference.

^^^I agree fake pictures should not be used which is why I've taken down any fake pic that accidently made its way on here. But I would like to add that that's the first time I'm seeing the pic you posted above and this is the first time I'm hearing about the Turkish PM's wife crying.

But this is clearly a problem which shouldn't be ignored due to a few bad sources.

You got it wrong. The white West is a minority in the UN.
Muslim nations have always had the automatic majority but they do not use it. They do not pressure China because China does not care what Muslims think. Nor do they pressure Russia because Russian really does not care what they think.
If only the countries mentioned in the first post got involved, no Myanmar/ Burma ally will pose a threat. Saudi Arabia is already such a big player which covers US and Russia, and China values relations with Pakistan far more than with Myanmar.

China will be the first one to veto any UNSC move on Myanmar. Want to know why, China invest almost 2 Billion dollars every year in Myanmar. You can see how China acting in Syria against the wishes of Arab League. In the Rakhine States where the riots happened China has following interest.

1) Deep sea Port Kyaukphyu.
2) Oil and gas pipeline from Kyaukphyu to Kunming.
3) A rail line connecting Kyaukphyu with Kunming in China most likely to be completed by 2015-16.
China will be the first one to veto any UNSC move on Myanmar. Want to know why, China invest almost 2 Billion dollars every year in Myanmar. You can see how China acting in Syria against the wishes of Arab League. In the Rakhine States where the riots happened China has following interest.

1) Deep sea Port Kyaukphyu.
2) Oil and gas pipeline from Kyaukphyu to Kunming.
3) A rail line connecting Kyaukphyu with Kunming in China most likely to be completed by 2015-16.
we will probably help myanmar to defeat the muslim rebels.
The last pic is from Africa dude, its been used to death by anti-Muslim haters to show an alleged "genocide" of Christians by Muslims (Typical sneaky rat-like behaviour on their part). It actually is the aftermath of an accident when a gas tanker fell over and caught fire. I don't think you should be using a fake picture.

And anyway, the esteemed human-rights loving secular Indians who are "inclusive" of all faiths will soon jump you and condemn Muslims for "playing the victim". They'll tell you that all those killed are "terrorists"

Such is the state of the world today.

Deliberately feeding false info is a standard sabotage tactic to discredit any movement. Emotional people take up anything without checking its validity and the detractors then swoop in to malign the whole campaign.
we will probably help myanmar to defeat the muslim rebels.

Flameboard..you reading this?? :wink:

The basic problem with the Muslim countries is that they become too emotional when it comes to dealing with Muslims. A professional approach should be adopted.
There should be a military action against those Buddhist terrorists...
Currently Turkish,Saudi,UAE and Pakistani air forces are the most advanced among Muslim world..Can join hands for air strikes.
There should be a military action against those Buddhist terrorists...
Currently Turkish,Saudi,UAE and Pakistani air forces are the most advanced among Muslim world..Can join hands for air strikes.

Read the comment no 19 with image I have posted. Military action is impossible just like Syria.
The Rohingya are the most persecuted people in the world. They live in Mayanmar (a.k.a. Burma) and are helpless. Although they have become victims of genocide, the UN has done very little to stop the organized, killing and raping of innocent people. The Rohingya have nowhere to go and not many countries are stepping up to help out. This is trypically where UN missions start but there are none!

The Rohingya are also Muslim which plays into why they're persecuted.

The Muslims of the world and Muslims countries of the world have a responsibility to at least be involved in peace-keeping missions. There needs to be a physical presence. Muslims have a religious duty to look out for each other.

Shouldn't citizens of the muslim world be pushing their governments to act or go and stop it physically?

There's the Arab League and other muslims countries like Pakistan and Indonesia. Maybe what's required is a "NATO type" move to put an end to this. Such as the one displayed in Libya recently.

Could anyone tell me why others are not thinking this way and why the heavily militarized Muslim countries of the world won't even send over a warship to establish a presence, or maybe place sanctions, because the military and police are also involved in the persecution.

Mayanmar (Burma) is also not letting in observers force may be required to accomplish this.

The world needs to know that Muslims are united against evil



bunch of liars, whole terrorism is based on propaganda. just yesterday some terrorists propagated such videos and photo at pune . viewing that muslims become angry and they targeted north east indian .

source: ndtv website.
do you know where myanmar is?
air force? from india or from china??

Maybe from Indonesia its possible to perform air strikes on Myanmar.

So Chinese like yourself are ok with a minority being mass murdered ?

His question is simple, how is PAF going to be of any use given the geographic location of Myanmar.

I would like to post genuine pics about how Muslims massacred innocent Buddhist monks in Thailand and how their jihad is going on against my community in these countries for decades.

If you see some of the pics here, they are either PSed or have been taken from other incidents (Tibet Earthquake) and shown as if Buddhists attacked and killed them.

Will you allow me to post the reality about how Buddhists are being attacked?

Do you have the courage to once face the truth than lying always?


And then you wonder why Muslims are having problem with every other non-Muslim country on this planet. Whether it is Christians, Jews, Hindus, Atheists or us Buddhists, Muslim community has repeatedly shown its hostility to every single community.

You might call me a troll but if the Moderator allows, I would like to post the pics of the massacre that Muslims have been doing in Thailand's Buddhist areas to justify their so-called holy war against innocent monks and villagers.

If you can justify jihad with fake pictures, do you really think that Buddhists cannot even defend themselves or retaliate against wrong?

Let me highlight some errors made by your community repeatedly in the modern history:

1- You made the Christians your enemy in modern times through attacks like 9/11, London subway attack, Spain train attack, Beslan School Siege, Moscow terror strikes etc.

2- You made Jews your enemy by constantly attempting to harm their holy land, Israel.

3- You could not come to terms in the last 1,200 years with the Hindus and are still at war with them through attacks like what happened in Assam last week and what happened in J&K 20 years ago.

4- Atheist Communists were your enemies again for the reason that you did not comply with government laws and formed your own.

In Atheist China as well, you are not satisfied with anything despite the fact that Chinese government is doing so much development work and providing infrastructure.

5- Now you are spreading hate and false messages while constantly attacking our Buddhist community. Anyone wearing saffron or maroon robes doesn't become a Buddhist monk.

This means you are going on at cross roads against all the major communities of the world.

Tell me where do people like you who have problem with everyone, want to take this?

Where do you want to stop this war at?

It is high time that the Muslim society looks into its own extremist elements and reforms.

There are good people and bad people in all communities but a certain portion of them ruin lives for everyone.

This religious-war is getting too much for everyone to handle and the world community at large is really running short of anymore patience.

Let this not escalate into something like a dangerous series of incidents that had consumed the world 65 years ago.
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