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Attack Helicopter Match-Ups: India vs. Pakistan

sometimes i really get frustrated by the comments written from both sides come on guy we are comparing our attack helos like we are the supreme users in attack helos league. come on guys india has about 30 to 40 old mi 35 later upgraded and pakistan has about 20 AH-1F which were used by usa in the vietnam conflict then handed over to pakistan . stop fighting like 13 year olds
ATTACK HELICOPTER--------COBRA-----------DHURV---------FOREGINERS----------MIG 21-------SU-30--------HUNDU NAMES-------------AND NOW --SLUM.............I THINK THE DISCUSSION IS KIND OF OFF TRACK GUYS.
It never was on track in the first place
Has Pakistan ever considered the Chinese WZ-10??
Pakistan is fighting the taliban in the North where they need good attack helicopters..The Cobras are good,but they are age old AH-1 as far as I know,not the the AH-1Z Super Cobra??An upgrade to AH-1Z or some other better option will be good for the army(correct me if I am wrong,its Pak Army which operates the helis isnt it??).
Has Pakistan ever considered the Chinese WZ-10??
Pakistan is fighting the taliban in the North where they need good attack helicopters..The Cobras are good,but they are age old AH-1 as far as I know,not the the AH-1Z Super Cobra??An upgrade to AH-1Z or some other better option will be good for the army(correct me if I am wrong,its Pak Army which operates the helis isnt it??).

No we r evaluating T-129 and US has assured us the super cobras.
And no our cobras arent AH-1.
They are AH-1S and AH-1F and all have been upgraded on cost of millions of $$
No we r evaluating T-129 and US has assured us the super cobras.
And no our cobras arent AH-1.
They are AH-1S and AH-1F and all have been upgraded on cost of millions of $$

T-129 was just a prototype. Which crashed after 1st successful flight. So please tell me how pak evaluating ATAK ?
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