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The challenge is in The Holy Quran for you already. Reproduce just ONE Ayat like the ones in The Quran. No human has been able to reproduce one in last 1400+ years.

The Holy Quran is a proof as no human can produce such a Book, not even one new line.
who wrote the book?
The challenge is in The Holy Quran for you already. Reproduce just ONE Ayat like the ones in The Quran. No human has been able to reproduce one in last 1400+ years.

The Holy Quran is a proof as no human can produce such a Book, not even one new line.
What kind of argument is this? Produce one sentence like Shakespeare, or Homer.
The challenge is in The Holy Quran for you already. Reproduce just ONE Ayat like the ones in The Quran. No human has been able to reproduce one in last 1400+ years.

The Holy Quran is a proof as no human can produce such a Book, not even one new line.
Alien language ??
What kind of argument is this? Produce one sentence like Shakespeare, or Homer.

Explain how come millions have memorised The Quran by heart, word by word. Find another book that's been memorised by millions, with over 77,000 words, and in a language that's not even native to the many of the millions.
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Explain how come millions have memorised The Quran by heart, word by word. Find another book that's been memorised by millions, with over 77,000 words, and in a language that's not even native to the many of the millions.
Instead of memorising a book they could have put their effort to do something more productive, no? So what if a book has been memorised? Only shows how religion can dupe people.

Then you are not following your religion properly.

answer my question- what does your holy book says about the shape of the earth?

Concensus amongst Islamic scholars that the Earth is round.

It includes both sources from Quran and Hadith and the scholars of past and present about the shape of the earth.


Now I await your answer to my question.

Given that science has no definitive answer to how the Universe came about, do you think it is possible that the Universe was created by God?

Instead of memorising a book they could have put their effort to do something more productive, no? So what if a book has been memorised? Only shows how religion can dupe people.

Well, the challenge to reproduce on Ayat is there - rest is up to you.

Issue is you guys haven't even attempted to read the translation of The Quran but want to discuss existence of God as if you know everything.

If you don't understand the muslim's perspective and guidance from The Quran, why get into the discussion? Illogical that is.


Concensus amongst Islamic scholars that the Earth is round.

It includes both sources from Quran and Hadith and the scholars of past and present about the shape of the earth.


Now I await your answer to my question.

Given that science has no definitive answer to how the Universe came about, do you think it is possible that the Universe was created by God?



Closer study is required on that. Not once it is mentioned in Quran that earth orbits around anything. Earth is described as a carpet (stretched).
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I have yet not made a claim about God's existence. I merely asked a question about the possibility of it. You said it is not possible because it is illogical.

So let's simplify.

Given that science has no definitive answer to how the Universe came about, do you think it is possible that the Universe was created by God?

Do You think it is possible that the universe was created by a drunk lizard with a limp?
Then I give you the challenge to reproduce a painting like Vinci, a novel like Homer, a porno like Stormy Daniels or a symphony like Beethoven.

Counter challenge to escape.

Challenge is not set by me, but Allah to all the non-believers.

The least you can do is read the translation. Instead of silly arguments, go to the source of muslim's guidance yourself.
Well, the challenge to reproduce on Ayat is there - rest is up to you.
Closer study is required on that. Not once it is mentioned in Quran that earth orbits around anything. Earth is described as a carpet (stretched).
Please see Surah Ambiya : 33. Clearly mentioned heavenly bodies are revolving in orbits.
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Please see Surah Ambiya : 33. Clearly mentioned heavenly bodies are revolving in orbits.

And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming.

Heavenly bodies do not include Earth.
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