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At least 27 killed as Iraqi forces raid Sunni protest camp

Baghdad: Two Sunni members of the Iraqi cabinet resigned Tuesday after security forces moved in against Sunni protesters in the north of the country, sparking clashes that left dozens dead, officials said.

"The minister of education, Mohammed Ali Tamim, resigned from his post after the Iraqi army forces broke into the area of the sit-in in Kirkuk" province, an official from Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlak's office said.

"The resignation is final, and there will be no going back," the official added.

Parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi later said at a news conference that science and technology minister Abdulkarim al-Samarraie told him by telephone that he too was quitting.

Clashes between security forces and protesters in the morning at a demonstration near Hawijah in north Iraq left 27 people dead, while 13 gunmen died carrying out subsequent revenge attacks on army positions.

Later in the day, protesters west of Baghdad killed six soldiers and kidnapped a seventh, security officers said.

The resignations bring the number of ministers to leave Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's cabinet since March to four.

Agriculture minister Ezzedine al-Dawleh quit on March 8 after a protester was killed in north Iraq, and finance minister Rafa al-Essawi, some of whose bodyguards were arrested on terrorism charges in December, announced his resignation at an anti-government demonstration on March 1.

Protesters have taken to the streets in Sunni-majority areas of Iraq for more than four months, calling for the resignation of Maliki and decrying the alleged targeting of their minority community by the Shiite-led authorities.

Look what the neighbours are doing to each other in Syria.

Look what they do to each other in Iraq.

And I'm sure you understand what these neighbours are like, because you have them in Pakistan.

It's not Israel that's the problem.

When the Arabs are ready for peace with themselves, they might be ready for peace with Israel.

Until then, Israel is strong, has strong friends and will remain until such time as the Arabs grow up.

Excuse me for going off topic, but you have nothing in this region and never try to act innocent, although this very informative and important documentary was made in Germany, but your actions and nature were documented and confirmed for the thousandth time, feel free to watch it:
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You guys, especially the suddenly "sensitive, peacefull" khaleejis here should not compare Iraq to Europe.

Compare todays Iraq to the Iraq of Saddam.
These people have been protesting since 2012, now what would Saddam do with them ? do you remember Dujail ? where he took a decision within a few minutes.

But we hear nothing about Saddam.
Just a comparison to show that you do not care about the 20+ dead.
You guys, especially the suddenly "sensitive, peacefull" khaleejis here should not compare Iraq to Europe.

Compare todays Iraq to the Iraq of Saddam.
These people have been protesting since 2012, now what would Saddam do with them ? do you remember Dujail ? where he took a decision within a few minutes.

But we hear nothing about Saddam.
Just a comparison to show that you do not care about the 20+ dead.

Yes, we often hear that Saddam "kept the peace"

Yes, he kept it by killing every dissident or protester he could find.

And if people think that's bad, you can only imagine the carnage once his psychopathic sons got into power.
The Iraqi army has been peaceful with them for months, they have been ignoring then provocative for months, have why guys ever wondered why they decided to attack all of a sudden?, what happened is members from the Naqshabandi band, which is a terrorists group were controlling the protests. On friday, and after a provocative speech by one of the demonstrators, about 200 protesters stormed a nearby checkpoint which was setup to protect the protessters. Andbecause the army let them get close without firing, they ended up taking the weapons and shooting one of the soldiers and injuring two before returning back to the demonstraters tents. The Iraqi army immediately called for backup and sealed the entire Area to prevent the weapons and the terrorists from leaving. After besieging them for 3 days, they allowed the elderly and children to leav, but they asked for the protesters to hand over the weapons and the persons involved in the attack agaainst the army. They protesters refused so the army was forced to use force. Before the army stormed the area, they begged them and asked them with respect numerous times to solve itleacefuly, but the protesters refused and ended up getti g their arse kicked. A group of terrorist decided to attack the army with weapons in the area after hearin of the events, which resulted in the killing of 13 of the attackers in two separate incidents in the areA

Lets check out these videos and see who is provoking who.
In this video, you can hear the protesters chanting provocative chants against the army, while the army totally ignores them.

In this video before the protests, you can hear the security forces telling the protesters to hand over the weapons and persons peacefully, they also tell them "Salam alykom, we are all Iraqis, don't let the emotion take over you" but the protesters reply with "no Salam for you, we are not Iraqis"

Here you can see the protesters with flags of Alqaeda


O the Irony,

This is a great step to regain the respect of the Iraqi army, they better understand that anyone who underestimates the army will get a very harsh retaliation.
Some more details about the incident. All the peaceful protesters were allowed to leave before storming the tents. All children and elderly left the area as we, as everyone who wanted to leave. (3) Iraqi security forces were killed and six injured. 27 terrorists killed and About 78 arrested. The following weapons were found at the protesters tent
-40 assault rifles
- 5 BKC machine guns
-16 hand grenades
-large amounts of ammunition
-swords, knifes and other sharp weapons

Some armed terrorists from outside the protests decided to attack the security forces, which ended up with the killing of about 60 of them while the security forces suffered minimum casutaltiea, just a few injured.

the majority of army personal in the area consists of Sunnis from the Tigris operations command which is led by a Sunni officer as well, with some Kurds and some Shia.

Right now a curfew has been imposed in the town and the situation is calm for the most part.

But it's a good hunt for the Iraqi forces, over 150 terrorists killed and arrested in one day lol
Sleeping alqaeda cells have decided to take the streets.

Shootouts in Falujah near the great mosque, the Iraqi forces impose a curfew. Iraqi special forces deployed and surround a group of armed men near the "great mosque" after terrorist groups ambushed the Iraqi army.

The conflict in haweja is over for the post part after the killing and arresting of over 150 terrorists. The total Iraqi army casualties are about 5 killed and 13 injured.

In Ramadi massive Iraqi army reinforcements were sent to retaliate after terrorists within the protesters ambushed a small convoy passing by, killing six soldiers and burning two military vehicles.

The protesters tents were totaly removed in Hawejah and the army decided not to allow any other protesters "camp" because the old one turned into a den for terrorists from the "Naqshabandi terrorist group.

In other events the security forces killed 17 terrorists during their attempt to attack an Iraqi army outpost.

Curfew has been impost in haweja, Falujah, and Ramadi until all terrorist groups are exterminated.

These events may be bad, but it's an important step for the Iraqi army to gain its respect. Once the terrorist groups are exterminated, all other groups and countries will think twice about starting a Syrian "style" revolution in Iraq.

RIP to the soldiers wo sacrificed themselves for Iraq, rot in hell to all the terrorists and a big F**k you to everyone that supports them or is thinking of supporting an alqaeda revolution in Iraq. This is Iraq, not anywhere country you can buy with your money.

This is also a step even since it exposed the terrorist sleeping cells, which otherwise would have continues with their daily terrorist attacks and would have taken possible months to arrest.
Iraqi officer begs the protesters to comply with the orders before storming the camp. The reason for the casualties was because some of the protesters starting shooting at the security forces, the Iraqi forces were forced to respond with great firepower, killing many of the protesters, in which the majority of them belong to terrorist groups.

Sleeping alqaeda cells have decided to take the streets.

Shootouts in Falujah near the great mosque, the Iraqi forces impose a curfew. Iraqi special forces deployed and surround a group of armed men near the "great mosque" after terrorist groups ambushed the Iraqi army.

The conflict in haweja is over for the post part after the killing and arresting of over 150 terrorists. The total Iraqi army casualties are about 5 killed and 13 injured.

In Ramadi massive Iraqi army reinforcements were sent to retaliate after terrorists within the protesters ambushed a small convoy passing by, killing six soldiers and burning two military vehicles.

The protesters tents were totaly removed in Hawejah and the army decided not to allow any other protesters "camp" because the old one turned into a den for terrorists from the "Naqshabandi terrorist group.

In other events the security forces killed 17 terrorists during their attempt to attack an Iraqi army outpost.

Curfew has been impost in haweja, Falujah, and Ramadi until all terrorist groups are exterminated.

These events may be bad, but it's an important step for the Iraqi army to gain its respect. Once the terrorist groups are exterminated, all other groups and countries will think twice about starting a Syrian "style" revolution in Iraq.

RIP to the soldiers wo sacrificed themselves for Iraq, rot in hell to all the terrorists and a big F**k you to everyone that supports them or is thinking of supporting an alqaeda revolution in Iraq. This is Iraq, not anywhere country you can buy with your money.

This is also a step even since it exposed the terrorist sleeping cells, which otherwise would have continues with their daily terrorist attacks and would have taken possible months to arrest.
It seems the Iraqi leaders learned nothing of Syria. The more killing the more determined will the protesters become, especially with the FSA and Nusrah controlling most of the Syrian-Iraqi border. Maybe Maliki will beg Hizballah & IRGC to save him like Bashar. In short Iraq is fucked.
What has sparked the protests?

The protests or the clashes? The protests started after the bodyguards of a politician were arresting and charged with terrorism. The clashes started after a group of protesters attacked a nearby checkpoint, killing a soldiers and injuring two officers, while taking the army weapons and going back to hide in the protesters camps.
To hell with all those ba'athis dead body who've been remote controlled by the puppets Al-saud, Maliki had done a good work.

Some more details about the incident. All the peaceful protesters were allowed to leave before storming the tents. All children and elderly left the area as we, as everyone who wanted to leave. (3) Iraqi security forces were killed and six injured. 27 terrorists killed and About 78 arrested. The following weapons were found at the protesters tent
-40 assault rifles
- 5 BKC machine guns
-16 hand grenades
-large amounts of ammunition
-swords, knifes and other sharp weapons

Some armed terrorists from outside the protests decided to attack the security forces, which ended up with the killing of about 60 of them while the security forces suffered minimum casutaltiea, just a few injured.

the majority of army personal in the area consists of Sunnis from the Tigris operations command which is led by a Sunni officer as well, with some Kurds and some Shia.

Right now a curfew has been imposed in the town and the situation is calm for the most part.

But it's a good hunt for the Iraqi forces, over 150 terrorists killed and arrested in one day lol

In two seperate incidents, 13 terrorists were killed while trying to attack two different checkpoints in "revenge attacks", luckily no Iraqi army casualties in these incidents

13 die in revenge attacks on Iraq army sites

What a coexistence! Those are called terrorists along with FSA while the ones in Bahrain are called free and peaceful people!!
Listen my friend, don't guide the moth to the flame, you are painting it with sectarianism which would instigate more hatred. You know that Iran is getting on it's knees and the Syrian regime will leave, yet you will be left all alone. I told you if you keep acting like this and Al-Maliki himself admitted it, Iraq would face fragmentation into three states, or sectarian war. On both scenarios you will be the biggest loser, as you would be a small country being played with by regional and global powers, such a dark future. And Syria would look like nothing of what could happen to Iraq with thousands lining up at the borders, Bashar had far stronger army and was almost destroyed, you barely had one right now. Don't instigate sectarianism and deem it as political. And remember that USA has left, it would be much worse than before for all of you.

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