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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

LOL Bangladeshis create 10s of threads on Burma riots and now crying river when their illegal immigration gets highlighted in another riot.

I do remember the felani case where the same hypocrites created a big drama when she was clearly killed crossing the fence. These pole vaulters think its their right to walk into India.

And whats with the delusional behavior when confronted with your unwanted scum, you guys go bananas and start posting about greater bangladesh? Get your heads examined.
Hey that's not going to happen.

Pardon me saying this - but the indigenous North Easterners in India dont respect the Bangladeshis even as much your Punjabis or Pathans did at the height of Op.Searchlight and would just massacre them at the first given chance. It is only the Congress Govt that is standing between the illegal Bangladeshis and death.

So if the situation becomes a bit more volatile and political pressure piles on the Government of Assam they will just wash their hands off the illegal Banggladeshis and that means only one thing - expulsion or culling off the illegals in Assam.
Well, what took place during op. searchlight wasn't no child's game, people were actually killed and persecuted, so if what you say is true than there would not have been even a single Bangladeshi in NE india regardless of what the government says or does.

What I mean to say is - hold your horses please :D

A democracy is supposed to take care of its own citizens - Bodos are our own and not the bangladeshis.

Well, that is what its supposed to do, at least on the paper that is.
Here is the link to the Governor Sinha report quoted in the OP. Interesting read.

And the below snippet especially caught my eyes for reasons I do not want to write here else I would sound cliche.

Political parties have been underplaying the grave importance of this problem and have been viewing it as something affecting only the Assamese people. Thus an issue of great concern for national security has been made into a partisan affair and a matter of vote banks. It must be lifted above the mire of party politics and viewed as a national security issue of great importance. There is an imperative need to evolve a national consensus on this all important threat facing the Nation.

Illegal Migration into Assam
I can say with full confidence,most of the pakistanis and bangaldeshis here have no clue about the north east.

This riot is a witness to what ll happen if there is more trouble from muslims in Assam.

The bangla Muslims are playing with fire.

Without the intervention of the Indian Army,the Bodos can cleanse their land off.
And one more snippet from the link above especially if people have the feeling it is Christian vs Muslim or Hindu vs Muslim. It the dirty politics of pseudo-secular parties for which Assam is paying for.

Shri E.N. Rammohan, DG. BSF, who is an IPS officer of Assam cadre, in his report of 10 February, 1997 has stated, "As Additional S.P. in 1968 in Nowgaon, I did not see a single Bangladeshi village in Jagi Road or in Kaziranga. In 1982, when I was posted as DIGP, Northern Range, Tezpur, five new Bangladeshis Muslim villages had come up near Jagi Road and hundreds of families had built up their huts encroaching into the land of the Kaziranga Game Sanctuary". He mentioned that in 1971 the large island of Chawalkhoa comprising 5000 bighas of land was being cultivated by Assamese villagers from Gorukhut and Sanuna and went on the state, "In 1982 when I was posted as DIGP, Tezpur, there was a population of more than 10,000 immigrant Muslims on the island. The pleas of the Assamese villagers to the District Administration to evict those people from the island fell on deaf ears. Any honest young IAS, SDO of Mangaldoi Sub-division who tried to do this, found himself transferred. In 1983 when an election was forced on the people of Assam… the people of the villages living on the banks of the Brahmaputra opposite Chawalkhoa attacked the encroachers on this island, when they found that they had been given voting rights by the Government. It is of interest that Assamese Muslims of Sanuna village attacked the Bengali Muslim encroachers on this island. I am a direct witness to this."
Are you from mental hospital? I talked about 1971 war at that time we saved your women, I like Hitler thats different and I from Tamilnadu (Dravidian). I never seen such complicated post. Recover soon from your mental illness.

I think you are getting cured! You will be completely cured when you will kick out all the Aryans from your hearts and the Faces! It may be happened if you are a really a Dravidian!!!! But point is not that, point is that Dravidian Muslim root of Assam are being killed which is inspired by the Aryan cluster. No sacrifice of blood is meaningless. It must create new history. Ya, Dravidian Muslim Root is the highest & core component of the Bangladeshi Race! For this reason, we are well concerned with this brutal cruel killing of humanity. Shame on the killers!
I will, if you guys shut your mouth regarding Chinese topics that you have no idea about.

They are Indian Bengalai-speaking Muslims. Not that the NE Indians care though.

What are Chinese Doing in this thread??
By the way don't troll.

Assam has some minor linguistic similarity with our shylet division and also it was part of bengal
presidency during the british raj. SO begalis are living there since ages. They also have relatives in BD. Assam was severed from the presidency in 1874 and demographic shift took place to turn bengalis there as a minority so that it couldn't be claimed by a future muslim majority State
like PAK or E.bengal. These are indian bengalis that are being killed and here indians are
rejoicing their murder just because they are muslims. On top of that they are labelling them as
illegal migrants. What can you call these kind of moral less people who call themsleves secular.

This Illegal immigration is not a communal problem note that point before posting. Partition is an agreement and one should live with it. You claim of bengali settlers in Bodo land is utter wrong. By the way it is not only Assam our whole North east is affected by it.
This post deserves representation in both thread a of assam violence and the Burma violence.

What happens to the sense of muslim outrage when majority of those killed in riots are non muslims ........like in Assam riots where these same BD were boasting.and here you are crying wolf coz muslims are at receiving end.......

Whats with your sense of duplicity...Are the muslim or just the shame on the name of muslim world.:rolleyes:

True, one should defend the innocent and stand up to the tyrant regardless of their religion.
It is becoming increasingly suspicious that Indian Intel incited this for some ill motive against BD. Otherwise such riots don't just occur, and go on and on.

The local political leaders greed that kept these Northeast people turning against this menace. It Got saturated now days.

All hail "Bangladeshi illegal immigrants", the new "Muslim Demographic Invaders".:lol:

Its all allegation and pure speculation about 30-50 million illegal Bangladeshi's. Stop your borders and bring evidence to our govt. that they are from Bangladesh. If you cannot prove your bs theories, quit whining in pdf, as if it will make a difference.

I think asad71 is correct in his assertion that Indian intelligence agencies have instigated both of these coordinated riots in Myanmar and North East states, one after another, to dehumanize and scapegoat Muslim inhabitants of these two places.

Now you blame Indian Intelligence for Myanmar also :rofl:
I wonder what Bodos did when the Islamic invaders enslaved them a couple of hundred years back??
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