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Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

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yes it is a disgrace for the country......but the situation of women in your countries is even worse.....:cheers:

Are you taking your Farmer's wives into prospective.

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It's also the only place where Caste system thrives, no thoughts for the poor Dalits. :cheers:

The big difference my friend is that we recognise it as an archaic system that has no relevance in today's society. Both at the level of the society as well as the government. We have laws to prevent it. We have reservations and incentives and schemes for their upliftment. We are trying. And that is the difference. Whereas what you doing about the Pakistani dalit who have been suffering under the yoke of feudalism and still continue to do so? I would not be mistaken is saying with confidence that our dalits are a whole sight better off than the vast majority of your landless enslaved poor who have no hope in sight on the distant horizon of Pakistani polity or feudal society. Sad but thats what happens when you attempt to disrobe in a room with glass walls.
As said earlier only an Indian can have visited these places by viewing likes of Aaj Tak. Do you even know the difference between, Sindh, Balochistan and FATA.

Seems you are choking on it now, please save us from the irritating nonsense.
tell me windjammer why you have to reply in a rude manner?
If u had known that u wuldn have posted that thing in the first place.

Why not, i will do it again since the article is giving a general situation scenario, much less than you people bundle Sindh and Balochistan into soothing your own grievances.

Indian version...??!?..it was wriiten by a stupid who was sitting somewere in foreign who doesnt know wat he s talking abt.
BTW i think I know more abt the ground situation rather than u online warriors...Wat say..?

Amit Pandya, doesn't sound foreign to me beside why do you consider every author to be a fan boy like you.

Im not saying that there is no insurgency in my country...but only that there is absolutely none in my state..
Still difficulty in comprehending it amigo..?
Well make yourself useful and write and complain to the authors of the said topics, what's stopping you. Talk about weekend warriors.

And a dalit is the CM in UP,the most populous state in India,A tribal was the CM in Jharkhand, A scheduled Caste was a CM in Maharashtra, nd wat not...A dalit was the President of India. :cheers:
Where are we going now, stick to your own topic.
BTW, British BNP also has some black members now.
The big difference my friend is that we recognise it as an archaic system that has no relevance in today's society. Both at the level of the society as well as the government. We have laws to prevent it. We have reservations and incentives and schemes for their upliftment. We are trying. And that is the difference. Whereas what you doing about the Pakistani dalit who have been suffering under the yoke of feudalism and still continue to do so? I would not be mistaken is saying with confidence that our dalits are a whole sight better off than the vast majority of your landless enslaved poor who have no hope in sight on the distant horizon of Pakistani polity or feudal society. Sad but thats what happens when you attempt to disrobe in a room with glass walls.
No doubt they may be suffering under the feudal system like others in remote areas but one thing is certain, they are not seen as the out casts, they can drink from any well they wish to. My dear our both countries are always introducing Laws to rid such menaces, I.E Caste system, but one should only hold the banter aloft once such rules are implemented and applied. There is a fine line between vision and will.
hmm coming from a country were a sect is considered as traitors because they dont follow pure Islam :cheers:

Get your facts in place, they are not considered traitors but non-Muslims since they always try to implement their new versions of Islam.
In any case it was your country fellow who felt the need to project a break down.
No doubt they may be suffering under the feudal system like others in remote areas but one thing is certain, they are not seen as the out casts, they can drink from any well they wish to. My dear our both countries are always introducing Laws to rid such menaces, I.E Caste system, but one should only hold the banter aloft once such rules are implemented and applied. There is a fine line between vision and will.

Sorry I do not buy your 'remote areas' sideline my friend. Its a lot more widespread than that and I suspect you know it. What is the use of drinking from the same well, when there is no water to drink, when the soil you till is not yours, and never will be, when the life you live is at the mercy of your feudal lord, and you do his bidding be it cast your 'ballot' or take a bullet. How is this any different from slavery as practiced down the ages? Lets not even get into sects, and ethnicities, outcasts of one form or another, and various other segregations that have violent periodic explosions across your country since the day of its birth. It would call for a whole separate mega thread. Your society is far far more fragmented and in need of serious and urgent repair than our ever was in even our worst times my friend, in spite of our diversity, and your so-called homogeneity. So look within.
Why not, i will do it again since the article is giving a general situation scenario, much less than you people bundle Sindh and Balochistan into soothing your own grievances.

How the hell is naming a speciifc state becomes giving the genral situation to u..?
Oh pls do it by all means..it will not be me who will then look as a fool in front of others.

Amit Pandya, doesn't sound foreign to me beside why do you consider every author to be a fan boy like you.

Doesnt sound as a Tamil name either..:disagree: oh btw do u know how a Tamil name looks like or have i asked too much from u..?;)

Well make yourself useful and write and complain to the authors of the said topics, what's stopping you. Talk about weekend warriors.

I can only complain it to the man..who blindly posts that articles without doing as much as atkeast even a cursory research and who is getting desperate post by post to save his face.

Where are we going now, stick to your own topic.

U brought in caste system in India and Dalits and so as a citizen of India its my duty to clear u of ur misconceptions.
Sorry I do not buy your 'remote areas' sideline my friend. Its a lot more widespread than that and I suspect you know it. What is the use of drinking from the same well, when there is no water to drink, when the soil you till is not yours, and never will be, when the life you live is at the mercy of your feudal lord, and you do his bidding be it cast your 'ballot' or take a bullet. How is this any different from slavery as practiced down the ages? Lets not even get into sects, and ethnicities, outcasts of one form or another, and various other segregations that have violent periodic explosions across your country since the day of its birth. It would call for a whole separate mega thread. Your society is far far more fragmented and in need of serious and urgent repair than our ever was in even our worst times my friend. So look within.

You wouldn't buy it because it's a case of my evil is better than yours.
No doubt the Feudal system is apparent in my country but it's your delusional implementation that it thrives on a paramount excess.
Indeed we have had sporadic moments of ethnic violence but none so headline making as say what happened in Gujarat or how the Christians are making the news. In fact the latest shiner is the likes of Shiv Sena mobs are offering their services to hire.
The beauty within our society is that they may resort to some in house fighting but whenever it's challenged by clamities or for that matter on any other front, it gels to perfection of steadfastness which is it's real strength and dilemma for others. As for the worst case scenario, well my dear, the American predictors have even done away with the Pakistan specific dooms day clock.
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The beauty within our society is that they may resort to some in house fighting but whenever it's challenged by clamities or for that matter on any other front, it gels to perfection of steadfastness which is it's real strength and dilemma for others. As for the worst case scenario, well my dear, the American predictors have even done away with the Pakistan specific dooms day clock.

In India too we have a saying Mr.Jammer..

India becomes united wen one of these happens
When there is an external enemy at our borders :devil:
or When Sachin hits a century....:cheesy:
Eighteen thousand communal riots since independence!

Wow is that a world record? We should check with Guinness. Finally India might have achieved something.
How many thousand communal riots We r still there . And It is still called INDIA, unlike some country. That is the record. Since the person raised the subject is not a INDIAN I kindly suggest to stop making comments.
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Thank you for the compliment dear, one can only use what ever he possesses if there is a healthy debate with reasonable members.

wow WJ, so many pages of replies still no sources to prove your points ? And you are batting against so many people here with your stupid posts. I am surprised. You have a great capacity to give personal insults when you can't prove your points.
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Where did he get the number 18,000 communal riots from?? :what:
what do you know about india????to tell you
Its a place where Muslims are more happy than your country..
Its a place where we have no shame to call our country as our mother<vandematram>
It is a place where a Muslim family is the owner of largest maker of Hindu hawan items.
It is a place where in marriages Muslim bangle makers decorate the hindu bride.<U.P bihar ,villages>.
It is a place where one of the largest shrine<jagannath temple> is managed by a panel whose co-chiarman has been a Muslim for last 30 yrs.....<present-mr. zafar ali beg>.
It is a place where the subsidy to haj travellers is more than any other country.
most of all
It is a place where our muslim brothers refuse to burry the bodies of 26/11 culprits from pakistan.....

It seems to be like giving subsidy to haj travel is not according to Muslim wishes. Still our Congress does this just to show off that they care about all minorities. There were instances where in even prominent Muslim figures said that this subsidy should not be there it seems. The government should consult with Muslim leaders and if they do not wish remove the subsidy and provide subsidy in some other things which will not hurt their sentiments.
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