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Asoka Chakra, Chanakya and RAW

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lol ROFL u totally pybass the arguement i represented.HAHAHA

And remove tht picture or it will be reported and a response shall be given to tht.
I think the biggest problem of Indian Muslims is the stigma that had been attached to them as pro-Pakistan. May be it had some relevance just after partition as Pakistan was created on the basis of religion(Whatever Jinnah wanted Pakistan to be is a matter of debate but he used religion to curb a niche!) But with the economic and social development there's burgeoning middle class in muslim communities as well as other communities, and their feeling about Pakistan is no different if not worse than their other religion's counterparts!
lol ROFL u totally pybass the arguement i represented.HAHAHA

And remove tht picture or it will be reported and a response shall be given to tht.

Wont remove the picture, I don't share the opinion the pictures says. No country is terrorist country and truthfully Pakistan is affected of more terrorist activities than India. The picture was to refute your point to show you Indian Muslims can be as hateful to Pakistan as Indian Hindus or Indian Sikhs, religion doesn't always play the trick. Once again I dont share the opinion, if mods think its offensive they can remove it.

And how did I bypass your argument, and what part of my statement actually made you go ROFL. don't mind my sorry state of sense of humour, as its almost 2am IST.
Seems all the crap launched in your upper crust is slowly seeping through your laughing gear. :lol:

Tall talk from an incompetent character who even needs Hindi to be translated. Living in denial is exclusive to your kind, just like the Naxal issue, BTW, they have killed another 50 today, sadly some civilians amongst them.

Hindi is not the super language in india,infact no lanuage is superior to other knowing only TAMIL is good enof for india because our hearts beat for this country..U can take this as a fact for these words r from someone whose mother tounge is HINDI any hey u know that smeone its meeee.:smitten:

Had u urdueites in pak have had some respect for bengali and tried to learn and speak it Bangladesh would have been east pakistan till Tday..

And yes thanks for ur concern for my country mates but never expect the same when some of ur country mates are butchered by mine at the borders..:devil:
Listen up all you Indians, before jumping in to bad mouth and derail the topic, mind your table manners, i'll bloody give you as good as it comes.
No wonder the saying goes, each Pakistani is equal to six Indians and you always prove it, put up or shut up.

Where does this saying go??
Must be only in pakistan to satisfy ur EGO.wanna fight??
come my cousin studying in 10 th can Rip ur A$s apart in a boxing match...

We are a Marcial Race blah blah and all Huh..if u guys wouldhave had this cr@p theory and treated the bengalis well and equally Bangladesh would have still been East pakistan...
Hell how was i expecting such a denial. :lol::lol:
Unlike some other gap fillers, PO is a reputable print and try not to miss the date.

If u want me to accept that is published in Pakistan by a pakistani...why dont u accept this also..?


And according to me this this is also not a gap filler and a reputable site.:lol::lol:

And im also expecting ur denial saying Bharat verma :blah::blah:

and btw WJ who lives in Tamil Nadu ...me or this Jassim Taqi dude..and who knows the ground realities there.??.
Seriously be careful of wat u post in the future.
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Once China gets its 6-8 CBG, it will liberate Sikkim, NE and Kashmir. Pakistan will of course be granted full integration with Kashmir.

China will reaffirm support for FULL independence for Nepal, Sri Lankam Maldives, Mauitius, and bring Bhutan back into its orbit.

In addition it will give West Bengal to Bangladesh, and will grant Khalistan independence.

That is all. :china::pakistan:

made my day...
CPC cannot give independence and ur dreaming that they will lead the crusader to liberate or give independence to others in the region..First let CPC give independence to common chinese then rant ok...
Where does this saying go??
Must be only in pakistan to satisfy ur EGO.wanna fight??
come my cousin studying in 10 th can Rip ur A$s apart in a boxing match...

We are a Marcial Race blah blah and all Huh..if u guys wouldhave had this cr@p theory and treated the bengalis well and equally Bangladesh would have still been East pakistan...

Seems some one has torn you a new hole, no doubt you have learned to talk from that. :lol:
If u want me to accept that is published in Pakistan by a pakistani...why dont u accept this also..?

IDR Article: Pakistan’s Fault Line

And according to me this this is also not a gap filler and a reputable site.:lol::lol:

And im also expecting ur denial saying Bharat verma :blah::blah:

and btw WJ who lives in Tamil Nadu ...me or this Jassim Taqi dude..and who knows the ground realities there.??.
Seriously be careful of wat u post in the future.
Seems most of yous have had a guided tour of Balochistan, I am sure Jassim Taqi has much more knowledge than you ever will.
As for the wind in your sails, even the American dudes have done away with the dooms day clock so any Bharat buk buk is irrelevant.
And KS, you know what my problem is, it's when some one tries to threaten me, the damn thing gives me a hard on, so go easy with your self.... Seriously.
Seems most of yous have had a guided tour of Balochistan, I am sure Jassim Taqi has much more knowledge than you ever will

yeah exactly my point..Dont i look clumsy wen i talk abt Balochistan..thats because i ve never been there.
Now apply the same logic to that dude.
I ve been born,brought up,living in TN for 24 years...do u expect a fool living in Pakistan to know more abt Tamil Nadu than me..?
Doesnt that look ridiculous?:agree:

As for the wind in your sails, even the American dudes have done away with the dooms day clock so any Bharat buk buk is irrelevant.

look genius did i post this link before u posted tht Jassi rubbish taqi link..?If that is credible enuff for u to post..then mine is certainly so.

And KS, you know what my problem is, it's when some one tries to threaten me, the damn thing gives me a hard on, so go easy with your self.... Seriously.

Lol...i hope ur not gay..as im a dude .:rofl::rofl:
yeah exactly my point..Dont i look clumsy wen i talk abt Balochistan..thats because i ve never been there.
Now apply the same logic to that dude.
I ve been born,brought up,living in TN for 24 years...do u expect a fool living in Pakistan to know more abt Tamil Nadu than me..?
Doesnt that look ridiculous?:agree:
If he was a fool he wouldn't be the editor of a respected newspaper.
Going by your logic, i live in Punjab province of Pakistan but does that mean i am aware of every nitty gritty that suppose to happen there.
Besides you can't deny that TN never had any problems,

look genius did i post this link before u posted tht Jassi rubbish taqi link..?If that is credible enuff for u to post..then mine is certainly so.
Well Mr Brains, You have certainly used it to defend your self besides, whatever floats your boat.

Lol...i hope ur not gay..as im a dude .:rofl::rofl:

Don't flatter your self, remember the name is Wind Jammer, . ;)
Once China gets its 6-8 CBG, it will liberate Sikkim, NE and Kashmir. Pakistan will of course be granted full integration with Kashmir.

China will reaffirm support for FULL independence for Nepal, Sri Lankam Maldives, Mauitius, and bring Bhutan back into its orbit.

In addition it will give West Bengal to Bangladesh, and will grant Khalistan independence.

That is all. :china::pakistan:

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
If he was a fool he wouldn't be the editor of a respected newspaper.
Going by your logic, i live in Punjab province of Pakistan but does that mean i am aware of every nitty gritty that suppose to happen there.

And in the same way if Bharat Verma was a fool wuld he be running a respected strategic discussion forum..?

U may or may be aware of the nitty gritties in Punjab,but im well aware of the nitty gritties in Tamil Nadu.

Besides you can't deny that TN never had any problems,
Oh yeahh...i very well can..Remember its for the prosecution to provide the witness not the defender.
So present ur links and we ll discuss..until then :wave:

Well Mr Brains, You have certainly used it to defend your self besides, whatever floats your boat

Wen u can sail or rather float ur boat very well even after me giving u a reality check....SO CAN I.

Don't flatter your self, remember the name is Wind Jammer, . ;)

Does the name WindJammer mean Gay in Pakistan..?:blink:
I am just waiting for GLOBAL WARMING, man.
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