Excuse me,
Sorry to tell you, don't just jump into pakistani politics, you will never understand affairs in between.
If some one , some where wants to blame Pakarmy, I would like to beg them respectfully, that plz, come out from your air-conditioned homes, get a free militry gear from , pakarmy & they will send, you to check posts,where pakarmy is engagged fighting the bloody war of terror.
Just for 24 hours!
I want see these, traitors legs , how they can move them after? Its dam ezy to critisize pakarmy, & to be a champion of independence of media, humman rights, civil rights, demo-crazy, thn putting your life for, the country.
Come on these cowards, its time to defend your country, not a dam lecture , in ice-cold classroom, of a dam universty!
Excuse me,
Sorry to tell you, don't just jump into pakistani politics, you will never understand affairs in between.
If some one , some where wants to blame Pakarmy, I would like to beg them respectfully, that plz, come out from your air-conditioned homes, get a free militry gear from , pakarmy & they will send, you to check posts,where pakarmy is engagged fighting the bloody war of terror.
Just for 24 hours!
I want see these, traitors legs , how they can move them after? Its dam ezy to critisize pakarmy, & to be a champion of independence of media, humman rights, civil rights, demo-crazy, thn putting your life for, the country.
Come on these cowards, its time to defend your country, not a dam lecture , in ice-cold classroom, of a dam universty!