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Ask your question about Iran

Why pakistanis need to go to iran for begging.....any one who have been to iran would tell you that there is large scale unemployment, inflation and negativity among youth in iran.......believe me our pakistan is still 100 times better than u.....iraq-iran war and mullahs have destroyed ur country

where ??? you mean balochistan in iran ?

they kick themselves with wahhabi ideology .

think more ! 100 times better !? :blink: so i am dead now :lol:
can anybody plz elaborate how Iran is different from Wahabisim ???

I thought Wahabi was all about Islamic Sharia law, hijab, death punishment for small crimes, etc...:undecided:

death punishment for small crimes !!!??? :flirt: translate me small crimes :coffee:

Iran is different from Wahabisim because we are shia , and thinking is the most important thing in shia :coffee:
death punishment for small crimes !!!??? :flirt: translate me small crimes :coffee:

Iran is different from Wahabisim because we are shia , and thinking is the most important thing in shia :coffee:

What is your facebook ID?

Tell me and delete the comment after some time.
What do most Iranians think of the Shah? And how does that compare to the current Iranian leadership?
There is a minority who may support him or his son,but mostly people don't like that times either.You should know,this revolution was not started only by Islamists.People from all political groups participated,from Communists,Marxists,Non-believers,minorities,and etc.

Are normal Iranians also hard core radical muslims or its just the regime?
Every person has his/her opinion about this.I don't think they are very radical and western media may have had influence on your opinion.Indeed there are some extremists zealots in some levels,but the leader of Iran himself,he is least radical.Also,it depends how do you define radical,maybe I see something as radical,but you don't see it.About the people,most of them have moderate religious views,but I think you can find extremists in every society,however they are the absolute minority.
i think Iranians have great faith in the Govt. n Supreme leader but do the feel that there r some unfair laws n rules for oppression of woman in Iran???
I don't think I can answer that,that's a personal question you should ask every Iranian.My personal opinion is,there some some laws that should be change and improve,I have serious problems with them,though,maybe Iranian members here don't agree with me.

Since Iran is an muslim majority nation n most of its rules n regulations r inspired by muslim practices so do muslim laws r applicable on minorities as well???

N what kind of minorities does Iran have???

No nothing is imposed on them except the Hijab for women.For example,non-Muslims can have access to alcohol through some legal channels,also they can practice their own religion.There are 3 recognized religion by state,Jewish,Christian and Zoroastrian.

Is Iran really making Nuclear bombs ?

No it's not,I can write 5 pages about it,but I think this is the best answer.

1. Are you in Iran?
2. How is the economic situation in Iran currently? E.g. Inflation, Unemployment and so on
3. How is healthcare in Iran for the average person?
4. How is access to electricity in Iran?
5. Where do you see Iran in 5-10 years time?
6. How do Iranians treat foreigners for all races?
7. Who do you think will win the next Iranian elections?

1.Yes,I live in Tehran.
2.Inflation is a bit high mainly because of subsidy plan and maybe also,because of sanctions.It's about 20%.The Ahhmadinejad's government lags in economics and I have many problems with him only because of this.
3.Iran has a relatively extensive and cheap healthcare program.A massive movement started in Iran in 80s that led to to the establishment of this movement.You can find medical houses in most villages.Almost all the population have medical insurance.However,there are still some problems,like insufficient number of hospitals in some areas and cities.
4.Very good,all cities and almost all villages have electricity.We are exporting electricity today,to Armenia,Iraq,Pakistan,Afghanistan and Turkey.
5.It depends,if sanctions are lifted,Iran has massive potential to become largest economy in western Asia because of vast natural resources and fairly good industrial base.
6.Most of the times very good,there may be some small incidents,but generally,Iranians treat all nationalities and races good.

7.It's really hard to say,maybe a completely new figure becomes popular.like Ahmadinejad in 2005.But I think,Qalibaf,current mayor of Tehran,has a good chance.
Iran have chabahr port and pakistan have gwadar,so how u see it? and especially india is going to use it for A-stan.
I don't really like to talk about it,but most Mods here act very one-sided.When other members insult Iranians or their beliefs,they barely get banned,but if an Iranian insults back,he quickly gets banned.I didn't insult anyone though,I think it was a misunderstanding.

QFT. The mods here are prominently anti-Iranian. I yesterday received an infraction because I quoted Robert Baer, an ex-CIA agent, about the difference between Arabs and Iranians. He simply said that Arabs lack the intellectual and spiritual depth of Iranians. There is nothing wrong with this quote, but still Mosamania, who's an Arab himself, gave my an infraction. Talking about double standards by the mods. They have chased a lot of Iranians away by this policy and if this continue I promise most Iranians will eventually leave this forum.
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