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Ask your question about Iran

Remember, unlike Iran, Pakistan was created 65 years ago and has no oil.
Israel was created back then as well, yet they are doing fine. Age of country is unimportant.

Oil has at the same time been a blessing and a curse for Iran. All powerful countries have been trying to meddle in our affairs for past century and one of the main reasons for that has been the oil.

1 if nato attack you from arab bases in the gulf but GCC army didnt attack you with them would you fire missiles at GCC or not ?
2 can iran survive more sanctions in the coming years ?
3 how could iranians be nationalists and islamic at the same time some people tell me islam says that all muslims are brothers and being a nationalst is not islamic because in islam there are no borders between muslim nations
4 how iranian people think about egypt ?

1. Don't know. That is up to our leadership and armed forces to decide. But if the attack comes from those countries, then that would be an act of war on their behalf.
2. Iran is very self sufficient now, anyway sanctions in the long run never work.
3. Many Iranians, especially the younger generations aren't that religious. Most of the Mosques that I have been to have for the most part been rather empty. However patriotism and nationalism is very high.
4. We like and respect Egypt as an ancient and noble country, like our own in many ways.
Salaam, chitori?

I have known many, many Iranians over more than fifteen years, so I have probably asked them all the usual questions about Iran, but I would still like to learn more about this fascinating country. I really admire Iran for holding firm to principles in the face of such strong pressure, and striding towards indigenous capabilities.

This is a great thread. Thanks!
ok i have more questions if you dont mind
do you think that there could be a revolution in iran in the future ?and if there was do you think the army can fire at protestors ?
your problem with the arabs are because their actions now or there are some historical issues ?
if nato and the arabs attack iran do you think that your army can defend your country ?
What do you think about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

What do you know about Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrians?

We are the descendants of Zoroastrians. Many of us today are Zoroastrians. We have nothing but love for Zoroastrianism.

Personally I know some stuff about Zoroastrianism, however it depends from person to person. But a lot of what is part of Zoroastrianism is also part of Persian and Iranian mythology as well. So on the overlapping areas most Iranians are generally well informed.

ok i have more questions if you dont mind
do you think that there could be a revolution in iran in the future ?and if there was do you think the army can fire at protestors ?
your problem with the arabs are because their actions now or there are some historical issues ?
if nato and the arabs attack iran do you think that your army can defend your country ?

I rather not get into aspects of revolution and civil war on an international forum. However I will say that I would prefer reform over an unpredictable revolution.

First I should make clear we don't have problem with all Arabs. Mainly Peninsular Arabs. However even within them we have good relations, such as with Oman. Now our problems with countries like Saudi are both historical and modern.

Yes I am positive we can defend ourselves. Look at Iraq war when almost all Arab and Western countries where helping Iraq. We are also very stronger since then. Also unlike the previous war which was mainly fought along the border, this time we can use the mountaineous terrain to our advantage.
^^ Correct me if i'm wrong. Zoroastrianism was the first monotheistic religion right?
you Iranians are often very racist, your quote about arabs is very degrading

My experience has been that Iranians hold a grudge against Saudi Arabia (for very good reasons) and Saudis are paranoid of Iran and work against them....it is not racism, and if it is then it is much less than say, Arabs vs Israelis or Turks vs Armenians.

Iranians do have some good Arab jokes which might be seen as such but they really are not.
1. What is the cooperation between Nagorno Karabakh republic and Iran. I see many Iranian trucks travelling to Armenia from NKR, so I figure that there has to be something.

With Artsakh Armenia has increased its border with Iran and cooperation between the two is very cordial....and to some degree hush hush.

3. There are monuments to the Genocide near Armenian churches in Iran. Are any of them sponsored by Iranian government? Is anything Armenian related sponsored by Iranian government?

They are all state sponsored including financial help in building Armenian churches. There are also other monuments with my favorite being the statue of Yepran Khan Davidian


Monument of Yeprem Khan in Tehran

In October 1908, during Tabriz resistance, Yeprem Khan formed a secret Sattar Committee (in honor of Sattar Khan [3]) in Rasht, and established contacts with Social Democrats, Social Revolutionaries, and Armenian Dashnaks in the Caucasus [4]. Reinforced by 35 Georgians and twenty Armenians from Baku, Yeprem captured Rasht and then implanted his red flag on the town hall of Anzali. Further reinforced by Mohammad Vali Sepahdar, the main landed magnate of the Caspian provinces and former Qajar commander [5], Yeprem Khan marched his forces of Caucasian guerillas and Mazandarani peasants towards Tehran [6], which he entered in July 1909[3].

In November 1909, the Second National Assembly (Parliament) of Iran, appointed Yeprem Khan as the police chief of Tehran [6]. He further split from revolutionaries, when in 1910, Sattar Khan, a hero of the civil war, refused to obey the government order to disarm. After a brief but violent confrontation at Atabek Park in Tehran, Yeprem Khan, using Shah's army and police forces, disarmed Sattar Khan.[7].
Yeprem Khan died on May 19, 1912.
Yeprem Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iranians ranks 4th in being friendly to visitors.you will be treated very kindly here.i swear!

If people know of all the bad things he has said about Iran, not to mention separatist propaganda he has tried to spread, then no. He will not be treated friendly, at all.
Good idea to start this thread.

1. I would like to ask this to the respected Iranian members, is it true there are no "Sunni mosques" in Tehran (this is a common accusation against the regime by many Arabs and Middle Easterners)?

2. Can you provide the names of some important ministers, generals, researchers, scholars and other important people in Iran who are Sunni Muslims? Is it possible for a Sunni Iranian to be the president of Iran, for example?

I hope my questions do not hurt anybody and I wish the best for all Muslim countries.
brother the fact is that a small population of sunnis live in Tehran anyway there are 8 sunni mosque in Tehran(if you doubt i can give you more information).and in cities in south,west and north east we can find many sunni mosque.like this in bandar-abbas.


2-unfortunately only persons who are loyal to the velayat faqih(being shia is not enough even!) can be president in Iran.but this is not necessary for Parliaments.
rather not get into aspects of revolution and civil war on an international forum
I understand and i hope you are not in trouble after saying this
ok i have more questions if you dont mind
do you think that there could be a revolution in iran in the future ?and if there was do you think the army can fire at protestors ?
your problem with the arabs are because their actions now or there are some historical issues ?
if nato and the arabs attack iran do you think that your army can defend your country ?
gov has to reform itself in many fields.its likely to have huge protests in Tehran but the majority of people are pro gov as well(especialy in villages and poor cities).so the revolution is unlikely.
the most problem with the PGCC is because of the name of gulf.nothing more.but the people have good image about non PGCC arabs as well(especialy for jordan and Egypt)
yes.for sure we are not alone.we have someone for help.whenever we have God's support we are victors.
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