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Asim munier murda bad: skardu

I gave a solution. You have any practical solution or just defending PTI like another fanboy ?
Since when did calling for an end to the constitutional violations and treason by the Fauj in rigging elections and meddling in politics become equivalent to ‘defending PTI like a fanboy’?

Everyone here is calling for an end to the Fauj violating the constitution and allowing free and fair elections, but you continue to be disingenuous and refuse to address that and keep harping about the Fauj rigging the 2018 elections - yes, we all know the Fauj rigged those elections, hence the demand that it stop its fascist crackdown and STOP rigging elections.

Egos need to be buried. Even our friends have retry much written us off due to our antics. And our adversaries have a free pass right now to do what they want without being challenged.

IK publicly said that he was willing to move on and not exact revenge, he kept calling for negotiations with the Establishment - we all saw what the Fauj did instead.

The responsibility therefore lies with the Fauj to fix this and stop its fascist persecution of the PTI.
IK is reminding me of that imprisoned British Colonel in the movie "The Bridge on the River Kwai", who couldn't be robbed of his dignity, determination, diligence and character by his Japanese captors no matter how hard they tried with all sorts abuses and torture....

IK has learnt few good things from the British.....

Actually that comparison is more apt than you realise. The colonel ended up building a bridge for the Japanese that the allies were trying to destroy and unwittingly betrayed his own country. Only an accident that killed him and destroyed the bridge redeemed him somewhat.
I fail to understand the handpicked argument.

Whats the assumption here? Was IK so unpopular that he wouldn’t be able to rake in majority to form a government, hence there was massive rigging to make sure he wins?

His struggle of 22 years, his jalsas attracting thousands, gradually winning in KP. Or was that all part of a handpicked plan?

I am not denying IK or other parties were not helped. But the fundamental problem still exists. Why is the army involved in political engineering and treasonous activities?
Argument is this

South punjab vaderas, peers and shahs decide on what's going to happen in central punjab

And central punjab always vote for PMLN
So they were forced to join PTI via south punjab mahaz.

This is true

PTI delivered a surprise by winning 30% seats in central punjab

Whether RTS was used to sabotage PTI seats or not is not known ...it's possible

Blame on PTI for not following through with checking results there
Ok no bajwa No PDM no PPP, Pmln mafias & there corruption crimenals groups Murdabad But why only Asim Munir mudrabad...
Because he runs everything in Pakistan. Basically he is undisputed king in Pakistan untill new king took his post
Egos need to be buried. Even our friends have retry much written us off due to our antics. And our adversaries have a free pass right now to do what they want without being challenged.
Exactly what mattes first is the nation not personalities. We already lost half of nation just because of ego's everywhere around
IK publicly said that he was willing to move on and not exact revenge, he kept calling for negotiations with the Establishment - we all saw what the Fauj did instead.

The responsibility therefore lies with the Fauj to fix this and stop its fascist persecution of the PTI.
Yes indeed true, negotiations were held between them as well but its outcome was stalemate. I know about the minutes of meeting first hand. Thing is fauj said they won't interfere with elections, PTI can come with 2/3 majority no issues just IK can't be the PM, He can handpick the person of his choice & he himself can be president. Army needs face saving infront of people, Public support is critical for every army in world they want to have some back. They took one step back. IK should've taken it in my personal opinion but he didn't & nothing wrong with that, It's his choice. Thing we all need to understand there's no idealism, We know our history , our deep flaws, Change takes decades. There were several options to play his own gameplay even after accepting this option but that didn't happen.
Wondering Who made this patwari consultant here on PDF ?
I wouldn’t say he’s a patwari, just a blind follower of the Fauj, like many of us, unfortunately, used to be.

The difference being that most of the rest of us realized how wrong we were in blindly supporting the Fauj and that the Fauj was in fact the root cause behind the failure of civilian institutions in the country.

People like signalian are still stuck in their Fauji cult mode.

no issues just IK can't be the PM

Why did the Fauj even make that demand?

This only makes the Fauj look even worse.

The right to elect a Prime Minister can only reside with the people via free and fair elections, not the fucking fascist imbeciles in Khaki.
This current mess started in Oct 2021. IK was partial responsible to back on one guy too much & not letting go of his ego.
In my eyes Faiz Hameed is the guy to be hanged, that son of bun is ultimate piece.
That is what happens when non int guys parachute at 2 star slots with no exp of intel for a single day.
AM unlike QJB is smart. He has something concrete, 2024 is the year for that.
IK & PA should find a middle ground to get out of this mess, he has his fair share of mistakes but the good thing is he accepts unlike 2 other buffoons sitting in London

This is wrong. Bajwa was already planning for 2nd extension and removing IK was part of Bajwa's plan. Cipher did play a role but Cipher is not the main reason of removal of IK by Bajwa. This is another thing that NS didn't give extension to Bajwa.
Do you have trouble comprehending English?

Here, let me quote it again:

What part of the above do you take issue with?

Who forced the Army to bring IK into power (just going with your illogical claim for a bit)? Who forced the Army to, once again, violate the constitution and commit treason?

When will the Army stop violating the constitution, committing treason and persecuting the political leadership, workers and supporters of one of the largest political parties in Pakistan?

Why are YOU not calling for an end to the Fauj’s fascist crackdown on the PTI, media and other dissenters and critics?

That creatures sees every person as being pti. That's how he was made (and everyone) that whore khaki.

This current mess started in Oct 2021. IK was partial responsible to back on one guy too much & not letting go of his ego.
In my eyes Faiz Hameed is the guy to be hanged, that son of bun is ultimate piece.
That is what happens when non int guys parachute at 2 star slots with no exp of intel for a single day.
AM unlike QJB is smart. He has something concrete, 2024 is the year for that.
IK & PA should find a middle ground to get out of this mess, he has his fair share of mistakes but the good thing is he accepts unlike 2 other buffoons sitting in London

Lol! and what about creatures that are running the show since then. Was khaki that unpopular in 2021. I'm sure even the wildest of their fanboiz would not have thought that the thing they are proud of will become the ultimate disgrace.

Why should that demand have been accepted? Why was that demand even made.

This only makes the Fauj look even worse.

The right to elect a Prime Minister can only reside with the people via free and fair elections, not the fucking fascist imbeciles in Khaki.
You are right, I'm not contesting you. it's just that right now I'm thinking about every solution, not just me but many alike me. Fauj played & got played by politicians from every side. We got to divide power a lot, I even support let's make three more 4 stars out of which 2 are from army and on rotation
You are right, I'm not contesting you. it's just that right now I'm thinking about every solution, not just me but many alike me. Fauj played & got played by politicians from every side. We got to divide power a lot, I even support let's make three more 4 stars out of which 2 are from army and on rotation
The Fauj has almost hit rock bottom when it comes to public perception.

At this point the best thing it could do to ‘save face’ and regain public support and respect is to accept that it was wrong and fix its mistakes by ending this fascist crackdown and allowing institutions and courts to function without any pressure from politicians or the Establishment.

IK has repeatedly stated that he is willing to forgive and forget for the sake of the country (and that will be a bitter pill to swallow for many of IK’s supporters and others impacted by the crackdown) so perhaps it is time that the Fauj realizes that it has lost this war and that it needs to hand over control to elected civilian governments and start respecting the chain of command.

We are basically being run by a military Junta akin to Myanmar, and governance and the economy are in the toilet.

Is the Fauj’s ego bigger than Pakistan?

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