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Asia ranks top in international education rankings, comparing standards in maths and science


Mar 6, 2015
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Asia tops biggest global school rankings

By Sean CoughlanEducation correspondent

The biggest ever global school rankings have been published, with Asian countries in the top five places and African countries at the bottom.

Singapore heads the table, followed by Hong Kong, with Ghana at the bottom.

The UK is in 20th place, among higher achieving European countries, with the US in 28th.

The OECD economic think tank says the comparisons - based on test scores in 76 countries - show the link between education and economic growth.

"This is the first time we have a truly global scale of the quality of education," said the OECD's education director, Andreas Schleicher.

"The idea is to give more countries, rich and poor, access to comparing themselves against the world's education leaders, to discover their relative strengths and weaknesses, and to see what the long-term economic gains from improved quality in schooling could be for them," he said.

The rankings are based on an amalgamation of international assessments, including the OECD's Pisa tests, the TIMSS tests run by US-based academics and TERCE tests in Latin America, putting developed and developing countries on a single scale.

Overall rankings

Rankings based on maths and science, at age 15

1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Japan 4. Taiwan (Joint)
6. Finland
7. Estonia
8. Switzerland
9. Netherlands
10. Canada
11. Poland
12. Vietnam
Asia tops biggest global school rankings - BBC News

I'm not surprised past results like PISA score is a good indication for future performance. Where is PRC china in the ranking? :oops:
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i'm sure china amongst top 5.. after all oriental countries doing great..

kudos to vietnam... in the next 5 or 10 years i believe you guys will amongst top 8..
i'm sure china amongst top 5.. after all oriental countries doing great..
kudos to vietnam... in the next 5 or 10 years i believe you guys will amongst top 8..

Keep up Indonesia
I am sure you can do it well too!

The report of the OP was based on test results of PISA 2012 (Jeez it takes such a while to generate another report) wherein only Shanghai. the successive Champions 2 times (2009 and 2012) in a row, officially represented China in the tests

Note in 2012, other Chinese provinces did participate and the tests were monitored by the organisers of OECD. We did it well too. Read this:

"Mr Schleicher says the unpublished results reveal that pupils in other parts of China are also performing strongly
China: The world's cleverest country? - BBC News"

I believe the organisers of PISA have not included China as a nation because only Shanghai represented the country officially

Wait until the end of this year before we have the results of PISA 2015 when the Organisers have selected broader samples of Chinese students for the tests

Full list of:
Rankings based on maths and science, at age 15

1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Japan (joint)
4. Taiwan (joint)
6. Finland
7. Estonia
8. Switzerland
9. Netherlands
10. Canada
11. Poland
12. Vietnam
13. Germany
14. Australia
15. Ireland
16. Belgium
17. New Zealand
18. Slovenia
19. Austria
20. United Kingdom
21. Czech Republic
22. Denmark
23. France
24. Latvia
25. Norway
26. Luxembourg
27. Spain
28. Italy (joint)
28. United States (joint)
30. Portugal
31. Lithuania
32. Hungary
33. Iceland
34. Russia
35. Sweden
36. Croatia
37. Slovak Republic
38. Ukraine
39. Israel
40. Greece
41. Turkey
42. Serbia
43. Bulgaria
44. Romania
45. UAE
46. Cyprus
47. Thailand
48. Chile
49. Kazakhstan
50. Armenia
51. Iran
52. Malaysia
53. Costa Rica
54. Mexico
55. Uruguay
56. Montenegro
57. Bahrain
58. Lebanon
59. Georgia
60. Brazil
61. Jordan
62. Argentina
63. Albania
64. Tunisia
65. Macedonia
66. Saudi Arabia
67. Colombia
68. Qatar
69. Indonesia
70. Botswana
71. Peru
72. Oman
73. Morocco
74. Honduras
75. South Africa
76. Ghana


Chinese fine ink and brush painting
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1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. South Korea
4. Japan (joint)
4. Taiwan (joint)

Why am I not surprised to see Sinic spheres dominating the top 5 (or 4 depending on how you look at it), and with 3 out of the 5 rankings belonging to Chinese states.

The answer is educational value. Chinese/East Asian cultural sphere is deeply rooted in Confucian values where intellectual accomplishment is crucial and paramount for success and social stability.
I think 科舉 played a role at instilling the tradition of academic excellence among East Asian yeomen. Whereas in the post-Classic West, power is off limit to most commoners.
I think 科舉 played a role at instilling the tradition of academic excellence among East Asian yeomen. Whereas in the post-Classic West, power is off limit to most commoners.

One of the reasons why Confucian societies , traditionally, became sidelined during the 16th till the early 19th centuries is because there was so much emphasis on the study of the classics, and unnatural obsession on abstract concepts debating the phenomenology of imperial doctrines, so much that there was so little importance and attention on the natural sciences, technology ---- that the West overtook East Asia by the 17th century.

In the end, Japanese, Chinese and Korean mastery of the study of the imperial classics, doctrines, did not prevent the coming of the Western Powers and their Spheres of Influence.

In the end, unnatural obsession of the study of the classics was the inhibitive factor for our Empires. Japan took advantage of this during the Meiji Restoration to restore a balance by implementing the study of the western version of the hard sciences, technology. The Chinese, too, and the Koreans, did the same.

One can argue that in ages past, our (East Asian) excellence in the study and understanding of the classics is similar in gravity to our current mastery of the modern maths and sciences.

In other words, when we put our mind to it...we can accomplish.

Just may it never be only on the classics. lol.
I think 科舉 played a role at instilling the tradition of academic excellence among East Asian yeomen. Whereas in the post-Classic West, power is off limit to most commoners.

The West promulgated itself to global dominance because early on the European explorative period leaders such as Henry of Portugal, Cristobal Colombus, Ferdinand Magellan (to name a few) focused on global trade, and this yearning to trade, this mercantilistic spirit in turn drove the advances in cartography, improvement of sailing ships, military gun powder based weapons that would in turn be used to dominate other cultures. This was exacerbated further when the West found the New World (North / Central/ South Americas) and colonized the new frontier.

The experience in subjegating the natives, ergo, the Nahuatl (Aztecs), the Incans, the Caribbean Mesoamericans as wella s the Mesoamericans of the Eastern Seaboard (Lene Lenape, Shawnee, Delaware, etc) would breed new strategies in combating other new civilizations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania etc.

So while the East Asian civilizations of Tokugawa Japan, Qing China, Jeoseon Korea were content with their closed door policy and introspective-focused societies, the West (Britain, Spain, Netherlands, France, Portugal) were busy expanding their empires throughout the known world. Science and new scientific discoveries was merely a product of such unprecedented global control.

A las, until the Great East Asian Societies were forced to open --- at point of gun.


Never again. Yes?

Let me reiterate an important theme that has plaqued East Asia's preponderance --- it is the unnatural obsession to yearn for an ancient era, an ancient glorious period. The Chinese , traditionally, yearned and glorified the Han Dynasty, tho it was over 2000 years ago. The Koreans yearn and glorify the Koguryo Dynasty, the Japanese Glorify the Yamato Period, respectively were also over 2000 years ago.

You see that was the etiology of our fixation for the past, for the study of the classics.

Why even in today's age there are even some of us who still are fixated on some period of the historical past , so much that it blinds many to the potential of the future. An innate East Asian aspect of the psyche, i assume.
The West promulgated itself to global dominance because early on the European explorative period leaders such as Henry of Portugal, Cristobal Colombus, Ferdinand Magellan (to name a few) focused on global trade, and this yearning to trade, this mercantilistic spirit in turn drove the advances in cartography, improvement of sailing ships, military gun powder based weapons that would in turn be used to dominate other cultures. This was exacerbated further when the West found the New World (North / Central/ South Americas) and colonized the new frontier.

The experience in subjegating the natives, ergo, the Nahuatl (Aztecs), the Incans, the Caribbean Mesoamericans as wella s the Mesoamericans of the Eastern Seaboard (Lene Lenape, Shawnee, Delaware, etc) would breed new strategies in combating other new civilizations in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Oceania etc.

So while the East Asian civilizations of Tokugawa Japan, Qing China, Jeoseon Korea were content with their closed door policy and introspective-focused societies, the West (Britain, Spain, Netherlands, France, Portugal) were busy expanding their empires throughout the known world. Science and new scientific discoveries was merely a product of such unprecedented global control.

A las, until the Great East Asian Societies were forced to open --- at point of gun.


Never again. Yes?
you japanese have lowest iq level among east asians, probably because you have more pacific islander genes.
also there is no japanese civlilization, in east aisa , there is only chinese civilization, japanese culture or korean culture are pretty much just copycat of Chinese cultutre
One of the reasons why Confucian societies , traditionally, became sidelined during the 16th till the early 19th centuries is because there was so much emphasis on the study of the classics, and unnatural obsession on abstract concepts debating the phenomenology of imperial doctrines, so much that there was so little importance and attention on the natural sciences, technology ---- that the West overtook East Asia by the 17th century.

Actually that's hardly the case, Chinese science, for much of world history had been at the front. During the warring states in Japan, Japan also had great scientific advancements.

Korea also claims much of what exists in the known East Asian world.

Ming China, especially Song dynasty, science was at the front and Song dynasty was not a militaristic one. Ming dynasty's ships, guns, and other inventions were at the fore front of the world.

Then Tokugawa Shogunate shut Japan's waters, and stopped all advancements, as did the Manchu Qing dynasty.

I can honestly say, having no Manchu and no Mongols are the only things that make me think there is a god and his name is Jesus.

There are other reasons too of course, a continuous warring state in Europe like the ones in China and Japan(which were also the highlight of our respective countries helped.)

The divide of Europe also made sure the collapse of currency(Spanish silver trade) just weakened Spain, rather than it weakened all of Ming China, and we were the one and only Han country around.

The Ming dynasty's 本草纲目 and other works also contributed greatly to medical field, at the same time in Europe, Europeans had no clue what was happening and was still using practices used for hundreds of years.

In the end, Japanese, Chinese and Korean mastery of the study of the imperial classics, doctrines, did not prevent the coming of the Western Powers and their Spheres of Influence.

In the end, unnatural obsession of the study of the classics was the inhibitive factor for our Empires. Japan took advantage of this during the Meiji Restoration to restore a balance by implementing the study of the western version of the hard sciences, technology. The Chinese, too, and the Koreans, did the same.

The Meiji restoration, just brought Japan back into the world once again and no longer secluded from the world. Portuguese reported that the Hideoshi could have taken on the entire European army and Nobunaga first used line firing with muskets in the world.

While China and Korea fought Japan to a stand still in Korea, and Korean and Chinese navies decimated the Japanese navy. This proves that Asia at the time was the most powerful sphere in the world, and the most advanced period. Much of East Asian influence was found even in the French court.

One can argue that in ages past, our (East Asian) excellence in the study and understanding of the classics is similar in gravity to our current mastery of the modern maths and sciences.

In other words, when we put our mind to it...we can accomplish.

Just may it never be only on the classics. lol.

The classics was only to determined how smart the person was, it is by no means the only thing these people knew. The ancient structure is very complicated and hard to describe without too much writing so I'll leave it at it's not just the classics.
i'm sure china amongst top 5.. after all oriental countries doing great..

kudos to vietnam... in the next 5 or 10 years i believe you guys will amongst top 8..
not top 5, china is always top1, chinese shanghai was top1 in all world in all subjects tested , overall, or single test score
you japanese have lowest iq level among east asians, probably because you have more pacific islander genes.
also there is no japanese civlilization, in east aisa , there is only chinese civilization, japanese culture or korean culture are pretty much just copycat of Chinese cultutre

ha ha ha he he he ho ho ho ha ha ha

ya ok.
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