This is precisely what I meant about writing one's own narrative. Hari Singh acceded to India while still in Kashmir. For your ready reference, he signed the document in Srinagar; he shifted from Srinagar to Jammu; one was the summer capital, the other was the winter capital. Both were essential parts of Jammu & Kashmir; that was the name of the princely state, too. It was not Kashmir.
As for Kashmir always being part of India, the princely state consisted of several components, conquered, acquired and bought by the Dogras at different times. Is it your contention that every single portion of the agglomeration was not Indian?
Think about it.
There is a maxim that lawyers and judges use, and that you might keep in mind: Only he should approach the courts for justice who comes with clean hands.
Where did you get this wholly mistaken impression? Who told you that there was a rule of partition that all Muslim majority areas were to come to Pakistan, and not to India? If your basic facts are incorrect, what can be done?
Are you even willing to correct your mistakes and the gaps in your knowledge?