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Aryan Phenotype

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Bro .. I'm a Pakitani Baluch n Muslim .. I think tht is enough for me ..:lol:

Let the Bengalis,Biharis or Nepalis etc claim they are Aryan's ..:lol:

Same here just Pakistani just khilji, but I thought as a Baluch and iranic blooded you would have claimed to be an aryan, I fully understand you may not want to claim the aryan heritage as you are not a complete aryan like the Tamils and Biharis.
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Same here just Pakistani just khilji, but I thought as a Baluch and iranic blooded you would have claimed to be an aryan, I fully understand you may not want to claim the aryan heritage as you are not a complete aryan like the Tamils and Biharis.
Bro .. I'm a Pakitani Baluch n Muslim .. I think tht is enough for me ..:lol:

Let the Bengalis,Biharis or Nepalis etc claim they are Aryan's ..:lol:

In your country every Tom, dick and harry has a Persian, Arab and Turkish ancestry. :lol::lol::lol: The word Arya is the part of our scriptures which means 'noble' a term to feel proudness in the Vedic culture, why do you have a delusion that brown skinned Indians will stop using it because some random tom dick and harry in Europe thinks he is Aryan. ;)
Same here just Pakistani just khilji, but I thought as a Baluch and iranic blooded you would have claimed to be an aryan, I fully understand you may not want to claim the aryan heritage as you are not a complete aryan like the Tamils and Biharis.

I have very low knowledge about beluchi but what I saw in Dubai they look like Romani or Mexican people. I think Afghan look more close to Irani than beluchi.
'Aryan' is not and was never a racial term until European nordicism, occultism, and nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries, which sought to fictionalize and mythologize history for colonial purposes. Please don't stoop to adopting such petty, ugly theories, created by lesser cultures.

In the Indian context, 'Aryan' only refers to noble Indians - nothing more, nothing less. It has 0 racial or ethnic connotations.

Reification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It should really piss you off that Europeans tried to claim your and our heritage and then have us internalize that false history.
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I have very low knowledge about beluchi but what I saw in Dubai they look like Romani or Mexican people. I think Afghan look more close to Irani than beluchi.

You don't say, but afghans don't look the same, you got from blonde to chink eyed so which afghan are you referring too?.

Only afghan Aryan's are Tajiks and some pukhtoon tribes and that's about it.
'Aryan' is not and was never a racial term until European nordicism, occultism, and nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries, which sought to fictionalize and mythologize history for colonial purposes. Please don't stoop to adopting such petty, ugly theories, created by lesser cultures.

In the Indian context, 'Aryan' only refers to noble Indians - nothing more, nothing less. It has 0 racial or ethnic connotations.

Reification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term Aryans are millennium old. Aryan is more of a culture than the race. English only documented it.
In your country every Tom, dick and harry has a Persian, Arab and Turkish ancestry. :lol::lol::lol: The word Arya is the part of our scriptures which means 'noble' a term to feel proudness in the Vedic culture, why do you have a delusion that brown skinned Indians will stop using it because some random tom dick and harry in Europe thinks he is Aryan. ;)

Yes a Bihari (which technically isn't even part of North India) knows more abt our country n our ppl .. I'm a Baluch n proud to be one .. Ghilzai is a Pakhtun of Turkic stock unless a Bihari babu can prove otherwise .. RazPak is a Punjabi Arian... And all of us are proud of our identities n cultures .. Unlike a Bihari punching bag like yourself.
You don't say, but afghans don't look the same, you got from blonde to chink eyed so which afghan are you referring too?.

Only afghan Aryan's are Tajiks and some pukhtoon tribes and that's about it.
You are right. Iranians also comes in different color and sizes.
Yes a Bihari (which technically isn't even part of North India) knows more abt our country n our ppl .. I'm a Baluch n proud to be one .. Ghilzai is a Pakhtun of Turkic stock unless a Bihari babu can prove otherwise .. RazPak is a Punjabi Arian... And all of us are proud of our identities n cultures .. Unlike a Bihari punching bag like yourself.

Ali Khan Marri, who are you comment on people and culture of Bharat, both of you are people from west of Indus always alien to our culture, how will you even know about us. :girl_wacko:
'Aryan' is not and was never a racial term until European nordicism, occultism, and nationalism of the 19th and 20th centuries, which sought to fictionalize and mythologize history for colonial purposes. Please don't stoop to adopting such petty, ugly theories, created by lesser cultures.

In the Indian context, 'Aryan' only refers to noble Indians - nothing more, nothing less. It has 0 racial or ethnic connotations.

Reification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It should really piss you off that Europeans tried to claim your and our heritage and then have us internalize that false history.

In Indian context Aryans only refers to noble Indians, such is the nobility that created caste system and segregated peoples of other races such as Dalits to this day this racism is rife, but yup nothing to do with race hay.
I have very low knowledge about beluchi but what I saw in Dubai they look like Romani or Mexican people. I think Afghan look more close to Irani than beluchi.
Those baluch ppl have lived in Middle East since centuries ..somewhat assimilated with the local .. But haven't lost their culture or language .. A big portion of Omani,Bahraini etc populations are Baluch .. N serve mostly in the armed forces of those countries .. The Bahraini or Omani COAS is also a Baluch.. So yes we don't look loke foreigner in Middle East .. We can fit easily there unlike Bengalis etc.
Ali Khan Marri, who are you comment on people and culture of Bharat, both of you are people from west of Indus always alien to our culture, how will you even know about us. :girl_wacko:

Alien to you but reg Veda came from us ha ha ha ha
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