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Arundhati Roy calls for end to Indian ‘occupation’ of Kashmir

When a people declare secession from a state and the state refuses to accept it and sends an army, then the territoty becomes an 'occupied territory'. The state's 'sovereignty' is only enforced at the point of a gun.

Both PR and Kashmir are officially classified as 'administered' by their respective powers. The situation is entirely analogous.

The residents of Kashmir wouldn't pick up guns either if their peaceful demands had been respected. They gave peace a chance for 40+ years.

it was not the people declaring secession.It was more like Pakistan trying an occupation before even it has learnt to stand on own feet.Till then Kashmir used to be a free territory.We all know how things turned out to be.

Pakistani leadership has historically shown their shortsightedness and incapability to take decisions using their mind over heart,and this incident is no exception.
Are you talking about Balochistan. ? .I see that Sovereignity there is maintained only at the gun point fby FC and Army..

Stop trolling about Balochistan. Balochistan is not disputed territory like Kashmir is.

Even ask Balochis on defence.pk and they say they are very patriotic Pakistanis.
Stop trolling about Balochistan. Balochistan is not disputed territory like Kashmir is.

Even ask Balochis on defence.pk and they say they are very patriotic Pakistanis.

kashmir issue is unbindable in UN and these issues are not solved mostly..:azn:
Stop trolling about Balochistan. Balochistan is not disputed territory like Kashmir is.

Even ask Balochis on defence.pk and they say they are very patriotic Pakistanis.

What about Azad Kashmir.
Stop trolling about Balochistan. Balochistan is not disputed territory like Kashmir is.

Even ask Balochis on defence.pk and they say they are very patriotic Pakistanis.

But I thought that if people declare secession from a country and Army is sent there to crush it..it automatically becomes 'occupied and disputed'.

Both has happened in Balochistan..and according to the same criteria laid down by a Pak member, B'stan is occupied.
But I thought that if people declare secession from a country and Army is sent there to crush it..it automatically becomes 'occupied and disputed'.

Both has happened in Balochistan..and according to the same criteria laid down by a Pak member, B'stan is occupied.

Almost all Balochis want to stay with Pakistan. Stop talking nonsense.

Roy slams world’s silence on Indian occupation of Kashmir


Renowned Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy.—File Photo

NEW YORK: Renowned Indian activist and novelist Arundhati Roy has decried the silence of the international community over the continued “brutal Indian occupation of Kashmir” and said Kashmiris should be given the right to self-determination.

“Kashmir is one of the most protracted and bloody occupations in the world — and one of the most ignored,” she told a large audience at the Asia Society during a discussion on “Kashmir — a case for freedom”.

Under the Indian military rule in Kashmir, Ms Roy said, freedom of speech was non-existent and human rights abuses were routine. Elections were rigged and the press controlled.

She said the lives of Kashmiris were made miserable by gun-totting security personnel who harassed and terrorised people with impunity, adding that disappearances were almost a daily occurrence as also kidnapping, arrests, fake encounters and torture. Mass graves have been discovered and the conscience of the world remains unstirred.

The outspoken activist, who surprised the audience with her candour, called for demilitarising Kashmir as a step towards peace in the region. “Why the international community doesn’t see that when you have two nuclear-armed states, like Pakistan and India, there couldn’t be a better thing than a buffer state like Kashmir between them, instead of it being a conflict that is going to spark a nuclear war.”

Ms Roy accused US President Barack Obama of stepping back from calling for a solution of the Kashmir issue after initially supporting it, but relenting after seeing `consternation’ in India over his remarks.

“He (Mr Obama) hasn’t said a word about Kashmir since,” she said, adding that the US president was more interested in selling military aircraft and Boeings to India.

The apathy towards Kashmir, especially in the western world, Ms Roy said, was because of their pursuit of commercial interests in India where they were more eager to “sell their goods than human rights”.

She said India had also successfully used the argument that if it gave up Kashmir another Islamic state would emerge — a prospect the West feared. “That’s why India had made no effort to bring back to the valley Kashmiri Pandits who fled to camps in New Delhi at the height of the 1998 uprising in the state. Aren’t 700,000 troops enough to protect the Pandits?”

She said so little was known about the atrocities being committed by more than half a million Indian troops, the continuing repression and indignities let loose on Kashmiri men, women and children.

More than 700,000 troops were concentrated in the tiny valley, with checkpoints at every nook and corner of Kashmiri towns and cities. The huge Indian presence, she added, was in sharp contrast with 160,000 US troops in Iraq.

Ms Roy alleged that Indian army or security personnel were killing young children, adding that Kashmiris were not radical Islamists or jihadists as India portrayed them. She deplored the Indian government’s attempts to demonise Kashmiris who were moderate Muslims.

Roy slams world
If we use the same yardstick, then Baluchistan and Fata also become occupied territory. Heck even Karachi becomes too! :lol:

Go, tell that to UN.
United Nations has a resolution on Kashmir.

Please understand what Toxic_Pus has said, the situation doesn't become analogous just because you say so.

We say so?
Guardian is not a Pakistan news agency, or is it?
WikiLeaks cables: India accused of systematic use of torture in Kashmir | World news | The Guardian

Arundhati Roy faces arrest over Kashmir remark | World news | The Guardian

Kashmir unmarked graves hold thousands of bodies | World news | The Guardian

Shame on India.
Almost all Balochis want to stay with Pakistan. Don't know what you are talking about.

'Almost' all Balochis....Not 'All' Balochis right ?

p.s: - Please dont post her picture even if you are posting her article..She is so fugly that it makes me puke...
LOL googled Puerto Rican insurgency and google did a blank.


Again I say refer American civil war.If you are not satisfied with it refer the ETA, refer the IRA, refer the LTTE.

Perhaps you can show me where Spain or England brutalised the Basque or Irish civilians, the way India is documented to have done in Kashmir.

Even little old Sudan allowed a referendum to allow the south to secede. Perhaps India can learn democracy from Sudan!

Oh BTW using your logic should not have Pakistan not supported the Lankans wo were brutally quashing an insurgency (in your parlance, people's movement for freedom) ?

The Kashmiris are explicitly asking our support; the Tamils were asking India.

But in Kashmir, external groups are involved.

Regardless of Pakistani involvement, indigenous Kashmiris are asking for independence. 66 percent of them.

Thats what I am saying. They still can achieve what the millions of Punjabis, Biharis, Hyderabadis achieved - migration to the land of the pure.

Again, that is not what democracies do. Either India is a democracy or it's not.

Is it 'ground reality' or your version of reality. I am inclined to believe it is the latter.

It's the reality that doesn't require us to place 500K boots on the ground.

Actual figure is important as we are the ones deploying them and we know the best. BTW the need for the numbers, Vinod clearly explained.

The actual figure is confidential. The best recourse is to accept the international figure of 500K which splits the Indian/Pakistani difference.
But I thought that if people declare secession from a country and Army is sent there to crush it..it automatically becomes 'occupied and disputed'.

Both has happened in Balochistan..and according to the same criteria laid down by a Pak member, B'stan is occupied.

Except that there isn't any Army sent to crush it. Just the Frontier Corps personnel. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions, not the Army. They are regular security personnel. In Kashmir though, there are 700,000 Indian troops and paramilitaries
Both has happened in Balochistan..and according to the same criteria laid down by a Pak member, B'stan is occupied.

It could be, according to you, but not according to world, as you are looking for a justification of mass killings in Kashmir and unjustifiable occupation of Kashmir.
Except that there isn't any Army sent to crush it. Just the Frontier Corps personnel. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions, not the Army. They are regular security personnel. In Kashmir though, there are 700,000 Indian troops and paramilitaries

there are no 700000 personnel ,upto maximum 300000
It could be, according to you, but not according to world, as you are looking for a justification of mass killings in Kashmir and unjustifiable occupation of Kashmir.

And let me guess, world == PDF! :lol:
If we use the same yardstick, then Baluchistan and Fata also become occupied territory. Heck even Karachi becomes too! :lol:

Please understand what Toxic_Pus has said, the situation doesn't become analogous just because you say so.

When did the people of Karachi/FATA declare secession from the state? When did Pakistan send the Army in Karachi?
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