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Arundhati Roy blasts anti-corruption 'saint' Anna Hazare

No i didnt know about lokpal i just came from mars today.Everybody want corruption to be eliminated I agree with anna on that.But the way he protests i dont agree with.We need a strong & balanced lokpal satisfying all not TEAM ANNA only.

You probably dont know the merits of Jan Lokpal bill, team Anna is demanding. Looks like you are indeed from Mars !
here, read up;
What is the Jan Lokpal Bill, why it's important
Actually, the Lokpal would oversee the PM, Judiciary, members of Parliament, everyone. Besides its own prisons, it would have the power of investigation, surveillance & prosecution. This is equal to a parallel (& a stronger one too) system to India's current system, not just a panel that oversees the current system. Such a model is not feasible for a country to govern.
I think what we need is this..

Draft a billl first which covers these babus, and then aim for covering politicians and then PM.
At least what we can achive is the babus who are the right hands of the politicians can not dare to do something and eventually paralizing any attempts made by the politicians to get corrupted.

I personally feel that Anna is asking too much in a very short time. The fight against freedom took 350 years and an anti-corruption bill which will give freedom from corruption will not come in 15 days or even a year.

I completely support Anna in his cause, but not very sure if this kind of bill will clear the parliament in recent future.
But one thing that is good that has happened and most politicians are aware of this is that..

The nation has woken up against corruption and its not going to last. Any attempt by Disvijay and kapil sibal is going to only postpone this movement, not put an end to it.

As far as Arundhati goes, even is she has some valid points, I will say she is mad.

She blamed govt for hunting Naxals, those naxals who have been the worst victim of corruption, if she really sympathizes them then she has to support Anna hazare, not blast him in public.....he upper peice is ******* with her age.
Actually, the Lokpal would oversee the PM, Judiciary, members of Parliament, everyone. Besides its own prisons, it would have the power of investigation, surveillance & prosecution. This is equal to a parallel (& a stronger one too) system to India's current system, not just a panel that oversees the current system. Such a model is not feasible for a country to govern.

Hundreds of thousand or even lakhs of public servants ( corrupt majority comman men) will come under the bill and thousands will be used to check these people.

But the question is apart from the higher hierarchy of the panel can we guarentee the rest of the men associated with it to be non corrupt?

Also a parallel system to the once respected judiciary is like playing with fire.

I wish Anna and the panel dig up a viable solution and sets something better than the bill in the present form that can be a model to follow in similar systems all around.
That's the suggestion of chief financial adviser of Prime Minister and endorsed by luminaries like of Narayanmurthy!

I wasn't being sarcastic. I actually think it would work!

Arundhati Roy is a great writer of prose(The God Of Small Things is one of the best books penned by an Indian writer),but is naive and misguided in her role as an "activist. I would go as far as label her childish and deluded from any semblance of reality.Some of her politically charged articles that appear in Outlook magazine make for a good laugh.Sample a few of them and you will know what I mean.

She is neither naive or misguided, she is from the loony left brigade who are worried silly that this middle class movement would only press for less governmental role in the lives of people and more liberalisation & reforms. The loony left (or the Jholawallah's of JNU & company) like to believe that only they can protest & that only their causes are just. they just can't stand the idea that so many people came out by themselves for a cause that they didn't think up first.
I am just returning from Ramlila Maidan and certainly felt a Revolution. But an "Intellectual Terrorist" like her does not have valid points but simply say opposite to what others say.
She does make some valid points, Anna's bill is too vague and gives too much power to one individual, who is to say that the individual will also not be corrupt, infact he will enjoy the greatest power off all. We need to work inside the system and not create another panel that counters our judiciary and weakens our democracy. Ann's intention might be good but his execution is very flawed.
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