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Arunachal Pradesh Power House of India

Speak for yourself, people there aren't as political as Indians, they are indifferent.

I haven't met anyone from AP who wants to be a Chinese. The People of AP have the least anti India feelings among the NE states. I know the ground realities, you don't.
I haven't met anyone from AP who wants to be a Chinese. The People of AP have the least anti India feelings among the NE states. I know the ground realities, you don't.

Don't put words into mouth, I said they are indifferent.

The reality is you are pro-india, so speak for yourself :yes4:
Don't put words into mouth, I said they are indifferent.

Where did I put words in your mouth? Do you even understand what that means? You said they are indifferent, I said they are mostly pro India. There is no "putting words in one's mouth" here.

The reality is you are pro-india, so speak for yourself :yes4:

As I said before I know the ground realities better than you do.
LoL ..With wat right do you claim our land to be urs ?? I hv said that it will take some time for indians to learn dat we are not chinese cause we don't hve any similiarity with you people .
Really no similarity then why Indian will take time to learn that your people are not Chinese?You mean the people of Arunachal will lost some physical features just as some Indian friends said here in forum 'split eye' after generations?
Really no similarity then why Indian will take time to learn that your people are not Chinese?You mean the people of Arunachal will lost some physical features just as some Indian friends said here in forum 'split eye' after generations?

It's double standards, they call oriental features split eye, but when there's mongoloid tribes in the NE states of India they boast about the "diversity" of India.
For timebeing ! As u know theres massive buildup of military and thousands of youth from arunachal are being inducted into govt. services of india . when the people of arunachal itself wouldn't agree to be part of china how in hell will chinese make it happen now .The time has alredy passed by for chinese to make any impact on the society of arunachali's , indian culture is so strongly imbedded into our society that it is impossible for us to acept chinese style . china should have taken over us when our foregathers were illiterate .eg -tibet , now its not possible my friend . Regardless of china negotiation with india on aeunachal ,we can never be part of china . !


It's still possible, we will free that land and you will exile to dharamsala and live the Dalai Lama or with Indians if you're not happy to live with us:lol:
It's still possible, we will free that land and you will exile to dharamsala and live the Dalai Lama or with Indians if you're not happy to live with us:lol:

Moring bro. . wakeup from ur wet dream. Give us dat option wen u rely have d arunachal .
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