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Arshad Sharif has left Pakistan!

Pakistanis are not patriots.
If these conditions happen any other nation, people will come to streets & burn everything.
Egypt was a good patriotic nation.
Every Pakistani is thinking about themselves NOT for Country.
Things like this don't just happen. In Russia Romanov family was burned TO DEATH for anti-patriots statement in 1921.
But thats the difference between Russia & Pakistan.
Lanaat on this situation of Pakistan.
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حمزہ ککڑی نے لندن فرار ہونے سے پہلے ایک اہم بیان دیا ہے, کہ ہم نیازی کو بھاگنے نہیں دیں گے
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Pakistanis are not patriots.
If these conditions happen any other nation, people will come to streets & burn everything.
Egypt was a good patriotic nation.
Every Pakistani is thinking about themselves NOT for Country.
Things like this don't just happen. In Russia Romanov family was burned for anti-patriots statement in 1921.
But thats the difference between Russia & Pakistan.
Lanaat on this situation of Pakistan.

Please volunteer to come back from Canada and do what you want others in Pakistan to do.
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Please volunteer to come back from Canada and do what you want others in Pakistan to do.
Alright agreed on that action going back to Pakistan.
What do you recommend guide what should be done in details in next steps?
If ex-PM IK cannot do what will I be able to accomplish?
Please explain in details?
Alright agreed on that action going back to Pakistan.
What do you recommend guide what should be done in details in next steps?
If ex-PM IK cannot do what will I be able to accomplish?
Please explain in details?

It is best to let the system work as it is designed to work. Let the date for the next general elections be announced, and then let each party work as best as they can to get the results they want to form the next government.

ALL Pakistanis should support this due process, and not advocate mayhem that the nation cannot afford.
It is best to let the system work as it is designed to work. Let the date for the next general elections be announced, and then let each party work as best as they can to get the results they want to form the next government.

ALL Pakistanis should support this due process, and not advocate mayhem that the nation cannot afford.
That is simple answer. I am owner of YT channel & I can spread the word to best of my knowledge via my channel.
But there are more serious technical issues like spreading the word locally in media blackout, than mobilizing manpower against mafia's by taking masses to those locations to protest & paying for their transport is something I am capable of.
Make sure you all face towards washington DC when offering namaz.

I must admit though if amreeka was offering me gashtis like this, I’d sell all of you out for night with her, a poppa jani franchise and a carton of Marlboro reds too!

Do it for her
. . .
That is simple answer. I am owner of YT channel & I can spread the word to best of my knowledge via my channel.
But there are more serious technical issues like spreading the word locally in media blackout, than mobilizing manpower against mafia's by taking masses to those locations to protest & paying for their transport is something I am capable of.

I can assure you that PTI is fully capable of using social media to motivate and inform its supporters for the elections quite effectively, blackout or no blackout. Look at how well they did in Punjab bye-elections recently despite all the fears. I would let them take the lead on it as they know best how to utilize their resources for maximum effectiveness.
Make sure you all face towards washington DC when offering namaz.

I must admit though if amreeka was offering me gashtis like this, I’d sell all of you out for night with her, a poppa jani franchise and a carton of Marlboro reds too!

Lol 🤣the funny part is Mossad and CIA does actually use the womens to trap the rich Arabs and blackmail them

Quran 3:14
"Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire - of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allāh has with Him the best return [i.e., Paradise]."

In this case gold and silver would be the $$$$ and Land in Belgium

In Russia Romanov family was burned TO DEATH for anti-patriots statement in 1921.

AFAIK, the Romanov family was executed by a firing squad in 1918. Maybe Dada (@Joe Shearer), who knows everything can shed some light on this.

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