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Arrests as China web users call for revolution

the chinese government should learn from fox news. instead of blocking webpages and arresting people, they should just discredit and destroy their agenda though the media.
can any Chinese friends explain in detail what are the logical reasons , for banning so many site and censorship... what is the real fear of GOV.?

For me it's like i have two eyes but i am forced to see through ONE EYE ONLY....

Their media is very powerful, and it like to lie. For example: Falun Gong newspaper even funded by the US Government.
Why do we let the malicious media into China?
Slaves to fashion.

If you are going to protest at least come with your own reasons for doing so. "I want food to eat"? What next? "I want Shia equality in China"?
China Moves To Stamp Out 'Jasmine Revolution'
by The Associated Press

Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a concerted show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East.

Authorities detained activists, increased the number of police on the streets, disconnected some mobile phone text messaging services and censored Internet postings about the call to stage protests at 2 p.m. in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other major cities.

The campaign did not gain much traction among ordinary citizens and the chances of overthrowing the Communist government are slim, considering Beijing's tight controls over the media and Internet. A student-led, pro-democracy movement in 1989 was crushed by the military and hundreds, perhaps thousands, were killed.

On Sunday, police took at least three people away in Beijing, one of whom tried to lay down white jasmine flowers while hundreds of people milled about the protest gathering spot, outside a McDonald's on the capital's busiest shopping street. In Shanghai, police led away three people near the planned protest spot after they scuffled in an apparent bid to grab the attention of passers-by.

Many activists said they didn't know who was behind the campaign and weren't sure what to make of the call to protest, which first circulated Saturday on the U.S.-based, Chinese-language news website Boxun.com.

The unsigned notice called for a "Jasmine revolution" — the name given to the Tunisian protest movement — and urged people "to take responsibility for the future." Participants were urged to shout, "We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness" — a slogan that highlights common complaints among Chinese.

The call is likely to fuel anxiety among China's authoritarian government, which is ever alert for domestic discontent and has appeared unnerved by recent protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and Libya. It has limited media reports about them, stressing the instability caused by the protests, and restricted Internet searches to keep Chinese uninformed about Middle Easterners' grievances against their autocratic rulers.

On Saturday in a speech to national and provincial officials, President Hu Jintao ordered them to "solve prominent problems which might harm the harmony and stability of the society."

China's extensive filtering and monitoring of the Internet meant that most Chinese were unlikely to know about Saturday's call to protest. Boxun.com, for example, is blocked as are Twitter and Facebook, which were instrumental in Egypt's protest movement. Still, young tech-smart Chinese are savvy about getting around controls.

One person sitting in the McDonald's after the brief protest in Beijing said he saw Sunday's gathering as a dry run.

"Lots of people in here are Twitter users and came to watch like me," said 42-year-old Hu Di. "Actually this didn't have much organization, but it's a chance to meet each other. It's like preparing for the future."

With foot traffic always heavy at the Wangfujing pedestrian mall, it was difficult to discern who showed up to protest, who came to watch and who was out shopping. Rubberneckers outnumbered any potential protesters. Many wondered if there was a celebrity in the area because of the heavy police presence and dozens of foreign reporters and news cameras.

As the crowd swelled back and forth and police urged people to move on, 25-year-old Liu Xiaobai placed a white jasmine flower on a planter in front of the McDonald's and took some photos with his cell phone.

"I'm quite scared because they took away my phone. I just put down some white flowers, what's wrong with that?" Liu said afterward. "I'm just a normal citizen and I just want peace."

Security agents tried to take away Liu, but he was swarmed by journalists and eventually was seen walking away with a friend.

Two other people were taken away by police, including a shabbily dressed old man who was cursing and shouting, though it wasn't clear if he was there because of the online call to protest.

In Shanghai, three young men were taken away from outside a Starbucks coffee shop in People's Square by police, who refused to answer reporters' questions about why they were detained. They trio had been shouting complaints about the government and that food prices are too high.

A couple dozen older people were drawn to the commotion and started voicing their own complaints and saying they wanted democracy and the right to vote. One woman jumped up on a roadside cement block to shout, "The government are all hooligans," then ran off, only to return a bit later and shout again at the police and others crowded in the area before once again scampering away.

Security officials were relaxed toward the retirees and the crowd eventually drifted away.

There were no reports of protests in other cities where people were urged to gather, such as Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Chengdu.

Ahead of the planned protests, human rights groups estimated that anywhere from several dozen to more than 100 activists in cities across China were detained by police, confined to their homes or were missing. Families and friends reported the detention or harassment of several dissidents, and some activists said they were warned not to participate.

On Sunday, searches for "jasmine" were blocked on China's largest Twitter-like microblog, and status updates with the word on popular Chinese social networking site Renren.com were met with an error message and a warning to refrain from postings with "political, sensitive ... or other inappropriate content."

A mass text messaging service from China Mobile was unavailable in Beijing on Sunday due to an upgrade, according to a customer service operator for the leading service provider, who did not know how long the suspension would last. In the past, Chinese authorities have suspended text messaging in politically tense areas to prevent organizing.

Boxun.com said its website was attacked by hackers Saturday after it posted the call to protest. A temporary site, on which users were reporting heavy police presence in several cities, was up and running Sunday. The site said in a statement it had no way of verifying the origins of the campaign.


Associated Press writers Cara Anna and Charles Hutzler in Beijing and Elaine Kurtenbach in Shanghai contributed to this report.
Anyone think majority of Chinese will support those types of "revolutions" in those mid-east countries much be nuts.
Participants were urged to shout, "We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness" — a slogan that highlights common complaints among Chinese.

Wow, the foreign intelligence agency that wrote the above slogan must know absolutely nothing about China. The people I see at Starbucks in Shanghai and Beijing (the most expensive Starbucks in the world) are hardly lacking in food, work, housing or fairness.

Why not have them chant "Stop Foot Binding and down with the Manchus!".
Their media is very powerful, and it like to lie. For example: Falun Gong newspaper even funded by the US Government.
Why do we let the malicious media into China?
Falun Gong does not have paper circulation in Mainland China, they do in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan though. I think this is a huge mistake by the CCP. I've argued before that the more blatant anti-China demonization is, the more support is generated against the demonizers. Of course this can work if the demonization is done intelligently like by the United States Fox News, but not if its done stupidly like it is with Falun Gong's Epoch Times & NTDTV.
Falun Gong does not have paper circulation in Mainland China, they do in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan though. I think this is a huge mistake by the CCP. I've argued before that the more blatant anti-China demonization is, the more support is generated against the demonizers. Of course this can work if the demonization is done intelligently like by the United States Fox News, but not if its done stupidly like it is with Falun Gong's Epoch Times & NTDTV.

Case in point, the 2008 Olympics. Even the largely apolitical Chinese community here got together and protested the unfair reporting leading up the Olympics. But we need realize that the government isn't fighting to for world opinion, it's fighting to keep things peaceful at home.
CPC is afraid of everything. They are control freak and created 50 cent army to promote their ideas.
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