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Arrests as China web users call for revolution

shouting: "I want food to eat".

The protesters are really Chinese people? Chinese people lack food?
A big reason for the Middle protests is about their poor economy and rising food prices. I think he might have been trying to plant this idea into Chinese minds so they would rebel because their food is also getting more expensive. Problem is, food problems aren't nearly as bad as in that part of the world where their income distribution is such that large chunks of their societies need to spend over 60-75% of their income on food.

* Food Inflation and its Role in Egypt's Revolution *
Falun Gong does not have paper circulation in Mainland China, they do in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan though. I think this is a huge mistake by the CCP. I've argued before that the more blatant anti-China demonization is, the more support is generated against the demonizers. Of course this can work if the demonization is done intelligently like by the United States Fox News, but not if its done stupidly like it is with Falun Gong's Epoch Times & NTDTV.

Epoch Times is such a joke. It comes out every Thursday in Washington, D.C. I read it for fun and I always feel bad for the little old Chinese lady distributing it because Westerners refuse to take it. Every week there is a least 2 China bashing stories on the front page. They need to learn to be more subtle. The China bashing stories really stand out against the fashion and car review fillers they buy from freelance journalists.
I've argued before that the more blatant anti-China demonization is, the more support is generated against the demonizers. Of course this can work if the demonization is done intelligently like by the United States Fox News, but not if its done stupidly like it is with Falun Gong's Epoch Times & NTDTV.

Very true. :tup:

Anti-China propaganda often backfires, and causes even the non-political Chinese people, to defend their country/government.
Epoch Times is such a joke. It comes out every Thursday in Washington, D.C. I read it for fun and I always feel bad for the little old Chinese lady distributing it because Westerners refuse to take it. Every week there is a least 2 China bashing stories on the front page. They need to learn to be more subtle. The China bashing stories really stand out against the fashion and car review fillers they buy from freelance journalists.

You mean articles like how all the people who "supported" the CCP (like Yao Ming) are getting bad luck?
the chinese government should learn from fox news. instead of blocking webpages and arresting people, they should just discredit and destroy their agenda though the media.
I sort of agree and disagree here. Fox News has large captive audience but is also well known as a propaganda organ for the American Republican Party. Fox News is known to attract the most biased, least critically thinking Americans. The point is, it is irrelevant that Fox News is demonstrably a ridiculous "news" organization. What is relevant is that it is the #1 watched news network in the United States DESPITE its reputation.

I'm not saying everybody watching Fox News is stupid, many watch it because it is more entertaining and provides self-reinforcement to their own beliefs. However, bottom line is Fox News can say almost anything and there will still be millions who will believe it. If a Fox News existed in China to spread anti-China propaganda, it would definitely create an organized group of anti-China protesters because their propaganda is much more sophisticated than Epoch Times.
Anyone think majority of Chinese will support those types of "revolutions" in those mid-east countries much be nuts.

if the chinese economy blows up, the government will blow up with it.
if the chinese economy blows up, the government will blow up with it.

What better motivation is there than self-preservation. They know they can't stay in power without keeping the economy running well.
The responses here are more than defensive and actually shows that Chinese here are actually jittery. People only get defensive and jittery when something wrong is afoot. I am beginning to think that all is not well within Communist China. But, I also want to wait to see if the movement is a true movement or some overeager students rebelling for the sake of "Well, I have the time to rebel. So, I will". Time will tell. No point arguing.
You mean articles like how all the people who "supported" the CCP (like Yao Ming) are getting bad luck?

Exactly, or the story about how Li Ning's business empire is failing not because of Nike and Addidas, but because he held the torch in the Olympics. I believe that Failure and CPC was a five part series.
Revolution from what??? Sometimes people are so damn stupid. Are they blind to see that China has improved 100 fold? and is continuing to do so? Nothing happens over night; you must work very very hard and the Chinese Government is doing just that for the country. These people asking for revolution should be deported.

They should be thrown into the street and embarrassed for their intentions to topple the government, everyone looking would spit and throw rocks at them for even having that kind of thought.

Personally, I would have these people executed. Luckily the CCP is much more lenient than I am and will probably give them some jail time.
The responses here are more than defensive and actually shows that Chinese here are actually jittery. People only get defensive and jittery when something wrong is afoot. I am beginning to think that all is not well within Communist China. But, I also want to wait to see if the movement is a true movement or some overeager students rebelling for the sake of "Well, I have the time to rebel. So, I will". Time will tell. No point arguing.

I don't see how any Chinese is 'jittery' here. Remember this very thread was started by a Chinese (namely, me). We're mostly just amused, as a lot of Chinese found democracy activists to be the perfect comic relief after a busy day.

Their latest plan of getting people to gather in front of McDonald's and Starbucks to chant 'I want food' as a way to protest against Chinese government is pure comic gold.
BEIJING—Chinese authorities detained dozens of political activists after an anonymous online call for people to start a "Jasmine Revolution" in China by protesting in 13 cities—just a day after President Hu Jintao called for tighter Internet controls to help prevent social unrest.

Only a handful of people appeared to have responded to the call to protest in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other cities at 2 p.m. Sunday, a call first posted on the U.S.-based Chinese-language news website Boxun.com and circulated mainly on Twitter, which is blocked in China.

But Chinese authorities seemed to take it seriously, deploying extra police to the planned protest sites, deleting almost all online discussion of the appeal, blocking searches for the word "Jasmine" on micro-blogging and other sites and temporarily disabling mass text-messaging services.

Ahead of the planned protests, more than 100 activists across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or went missing, according to the Hong Kong-based group Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy.

The online protest appeal is likely to compound the apparent concern among Communist Party leaders that the recent uprisings against authoritarian governments in the Middle East and North Africa could inspire similar unrest in China. The lackluster popular response, however, demonstrates how much harder it would be to organize a sustained protest movement in a country with a well-funded and organized police force, and with the world's most sophisticated Internet censorship system.

At one of the designated protest sites — a McDonald's outlet in Beijing's central Wangfujing shopping district — The Wall Street Journal saw a crowd of several hundred people gather, along with hundreds of uniformed and plainclothes police, shortly before 2 p.m.

The crowd, however, consisted almost entirely of foreign journalists and curious shoppers—many of whom thought there was a celebrity in the area—along with a handful of young people who said they had heard about the protest appeal and come to watch.

The only sign of protest came from a young Chinese man who was detained by police after laying some jasmine flowers outside the McDonald's and trying to take a photograph of them on his mobile phone, witnesses said. At least two other people were detained after altercations with police, but it was not clear whether they were protesting, the witnesses said.

Jon Huntsman, the U.S. ambassador to China—who has been critical of the country's Internet controls—was also in the crowd but quickly left after he was identified by a Chinese crowd member with whom he was chatting.

In Shanghai, meanwhile, police led away three people outside a Starbucks outlet near the planned protest spot after they shouted complaints about the government and high food prices, according to the Associated Press. There were no reports of demonstrations in other cities where people were urged to protest, which included Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Chengdu.

The protest appeal had urged people to "take responsibility for the future" and to shout a slogan that encapsulated some of the most pressing social issues in China: "We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness!"

It came at a sensitive time, as China prepares for the March 5 start of the annual meeting of its parliament, the National People's Congress. China's leaders are also anxious to ensure social stability in the run-up to a once-in-a-decade Party leadership change next year, when Mr. Hu and six other top leaders are due to retire.

On Saturday, Mr. Hu summoned national and provincial leaders to a meeting in Beijing at which he called for them to "solve prominent problems which might harm the harmony and stability of the society." Some Chinese and Western analysts have argued that China faces many of the same social problems that have inspired the protests in the Middle East and North Africa, especially rising housing and food prices.

Others, however, say that China is unlikely to suffer similar unrest because living standards are generally rising faster, and social controls are much stronger—especially online. Although an increasing number of people are becoming aware of censorship and ways to circumvent it, Chinese authorities have also been largely successful in controlling the spread of information. Locally operated websites must delete any content the government deems "harmful," and companies that store user information in China must comply if the government requests access to that information.

This has often enabled authorities to quickly identify and stop organized political action before it reaches too many people, all while staying under the radar of most ordinary citizens, who aren't constantly searching for political content. It also makes heavy-handed crackdowns affecting large numbers of Internet users mostly unnecessary.

China blocks websites like Facebook and Twitter, which were used by activists in Egypt, and keeps out other undesirable foreign content, from criticism of China's leaders to information about sensitive historical events, using Web-filtering technology.

President Hu called for even stronger Internet restrictions in his speech on Saturday at the Central Party School in Beijing, which trains rising leaders.

"At present, our country has an important strategic window for development, but is also in a period of magnified social conflicts," he said. Among the steps Beijing had to take, Mr. Hu said, was "further strengthening and improving management of the Internet, improving the standard of management of virtual society, and establishing mechanisms to guide online public opinion."

Call for Protests Unnerves China - WSJ.com

Thumbs up to WSJ for at least having the honesty to tell the truth that most people gathered are shoppers curious about a large foreign press presence, unlike say the Telegraph which tried to be ambiguous as to imply those might be protesters.

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