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Army swoops on ‘CIA agents’

Killing the world's largest terrorist who was being hid, aided and abetted inside a Pakisstani sanctuary is a world rule of law correct action. It was criminal that the GOP and PA and ISI kept OBL in safety there for over 5 years. The ISI, PA, and GOP as well as the general population of Pakistan do not agree on this and those who harbored OBL are as much terrorists as he was.

Convoluted non-logic by anyone anywhere who does not praise the apprehension and death of a heretical religious nut case thug and mastermind of many, then on going mass murders, worldwide.

What benefit Pakistan has achieved so far for alleged hiding of your own creation OBL? If your govt. has any positive evidence, except of the verbal claims, then please share, otherwise all the statements are piece of crap, nothing else. As soon as the times passes, there will be someone from your nation will reveal the truth. Till that all are lies, Damn lies.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

I think Obama is going to get a second term. He is smart enough to pull out some rabbits from the hat when the time comes.

This OBL drama will be used in elections 'against him'. Mark my words.
Things are getting dirty ...
This time I will say USA interfere little too much inside Pakistan .. They knew weak points in PA and they no it in GOP.
Pakistan should withdraw from WOT ...
They can get rid of TTP (if they want) without any help ... (common man with half million well trained Army with good weapons easily)..
They need change of leadership ASAP ...or at least shutdown on all GOP programs which are no related to WOT for couple of months .. just concentrate on TTP ..push them more into mountains .. cut their supply routes ... get public into confidence .. clear mess in all security agencies .. There will be casualties for PA ( may be big in numbers) but it is war .. what you think is to protect your land from enemy .. right ?

Leave every think behind... if some one try to object actions put him behind bars until operation don't get finished...
Don't accept damm $ from any Arab countries or from USA ... stop all publications who are directly or indirectly supporting any anti Pakistani elements ...
Even finish all so called strategic assets (against India, you guys can create them again :toast_sign: )

Clean your country like how we clean our house after flood... just f**** s**** do it...

I appreciate your suggestions. But these are technically not possible. As we have the example of "Lal Mosque", when these people were holding weapons right in the capital, with some masks, bullet proof jackets on (which are not available in open market), everyone was shouting that what Govt. / PA is doing. PA gave enough time to the people inside Lal Mosque for surrender, but finally took the action. Now all those killed are 'shaheeds' and every party is cashing that politically.
Oooh what a logic, how intelligent you are kid.

The responsibility lies on the claimant. We have to believe of his presence bcaz US said so, no proof has been given so far.

So as per your logic, US has to show the proof because they claimed something. Your government is not gonna ask US for any proof, huh? They would agree to whatever US says, correct? So if US claims that you are mad, then your government would just agree with it, and never challenge that... They would wait for US to come up with proofs! If this is what you mean then you are stupid and you can't challenge that as per your policy!
Rawalpindi - June 15, 2011:
Spokesman of ISPR has strongly refuted a news item published in a section of press in which it is claimed that an Army officer (Major) is included in detained persons regarding Abbotabad incident. There is no army officer detained and the story is false and totally baseless, Spokesman concluded.

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

Great going PA :pakistan:
Rawalpindi - June 15, 2011:
Spokesman of ISPR has strongly refuted a news item published in a section of press in which it is claimed that an Army officer (Major) is included in detained persons regarding Abbotabad incident. There is no army officer detained and the story is false and totally baseless, Spokesman concluded.

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

Great going PA :pakistan:

ISPR strongly refuted means news was right .lolz
Killing of OBL is not the issue here.
The same people who presumable are Pakistanis could have informed the authorities and helped the armed forces to nab the guy. (and dont give me the age old bs that the PA has leaks)

Shouldnt the question be.....How is it that the Americans were able to develop these assests and not Pakistan whose home turf is where this happened?

If the aim of WOT is to nab/kill terrorists and both Pak and America agree on this, the informants were doing what was considered national interest dont you think?
And how can you be sure that these same informants would have held back info on OBL to the Pakistanis in lieu of monetary incentives from the Americans?
I think you're majorly speculating here..

Instead they chose to cooperate with a different spy agency of another country.

If ISI never got to them, its not their fault.....Its ISI's fault for being tardy with intelligence

I wonder what was their motive, not Patriotism ofcourse.

Define patriotism..and who is the moral authority to define a patriot vs. not?

Money yes. Then when they could do that for $ they can do harm to Pakistan when the amount is right. So a +ve move by the ISI, and PS they are not doing any thing out of the ordinary. Any country could have done that.

So...you agree with me that the OBL killing is in Pakistan's national interest correct?

But you also in the same sentence speculate that they could provide info to anti-national folks as well.....So in essence they have committed no crime but your agencies are arresting them for a future crime they could have committed?

And was it not Ravans own brother who back stabbed him.

Yes but that led to Ravan's demise....How has the OBL klilling and the informants led to Pakistan's demise or hurt Pak's efforts in fighting terror?

Thats the point Im trying to make is that OBL's death was a big win for both US-Pak in weakening Al-Qaeda....How is no one seeing this?
Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, said in an interview with the Times that the CIA and the Pakistani spy agency "are working out mutually agreeable terms for their cooperation in fighting the menace of terrorism. It is not appropriate for us to get into the details at this stage." link

What incentive does the U.S. have to cooperate if Pakistan's response to intelligence shared is to arrest American sources?

And why should the Pakistanis here seek the arrest of these people? Under the post-911 U.N. Security Council Resolution 1373 Pakistan is under a binding sovereign obligation to root out terrorists and their havens.
Why arrest these people? According to most posters in this forum, OBL wasn't even there, and the whole OP was Pakistani.
Why arrest these people? According to most posters in this forum, OBL wasn't even there, and the whole OP was Pakistani.

sop what we have to do with spies of a hostile nation? its allowed in USA to spy for Russia Pakistan china?
Books have been written OBL was sheltered funded and what not by certain element of certain organization(s) and all that BS and think tanks.

Those who Rant needs to get the facts straight they are the trouble makers in the first place. All this mess is created at the start of soviet afghan war. The holy jihad of united states; brainwashing teaching, funding, training, equipping for a decade was all by one and only US until objectives were achieved. Its all about Objectives. Pre soviet afghan war there was nothing inside afghanistan that can be attributed to them being jihadi minded population. I think I've quiet a few times posted evidence of US heinous crime of creating monsters.
Yes it has harmed the country big time and now we are seeing daily killings of hundreds of innocent Pakistanis as revenge for OBL saga.

The 30k odd people that died as a result of WOT in Pak happened before the OBL mission....

So not like this is action and reaction situation...

The reason you guys are in WOT is to fight terror....and your collaboration with the US helped kill the kingpin of terror....

I dont see how this harms Pakistan
a) because he is NOT Pakistani
b) Weakens Al Qaesa
c) Big breakthrough in WOT

these native informants should have informed our own law enforcement agencies as citizens its their responsibility to inform own govt of presence of any terrorist.

Even the Americans went into Abbotabad on a hunch.....so not like these informants knew of OBL residing there....

Secondly...assets never raise their hands...they have to be developed....
Your claim that these assets had info for sale is a bit presumtious....
They could have been used as local assets to spy on the compound....

Either way....if the Americans did the dirty work your agency should have been doing....what's the problem here? Arent you supposed to be co-operating on intelligence?
So the act of developing assests is not the problem....its the fact that the americans didnt inform you should be which you have to take up with the US...

But this definitely aint treason....
its a high treason and now our govt should charge them with same.

as far as allies are concerned CIA is a hostile agency which is bent upon harming Pakistan.

Please dont give your personal opinions.....
There have been strains since the RD affair and OBL raid.....but for most part CIA and ISI were aligned and has been acknowledged by your officials....
Where do you think the info for drone strikes comes from?(even thoough your officials would deny it)
I think Obama is going to get a second term. He is smart enough to pull out some rabbits from the hat when the time comes.

I doubt it....Though I maybe biased in favor of the republicans.....But on the flip side, the GOP has no candidate capable enough of being charismatic enough to win over America

I think Obama's true test is in his ability to pull the US out of its economic woes..
One day you all can explain the dichotomy to the world. In the same thread, Pakistanis claim Osoma was not in Abbotabad, while saying it was good to arrest the people who betrayed him in Abbotabad. Does the split-personality slowly drive you all mad?
Does the split-personality slowly drive you all mad?
They're already mad. The P.A. follows their British colonial heritage: divide and rule. While minds are split they can't coordinate action against their true oppressor.
Those who Rant needs to get the facts straight they are the trouble makers in the first place. All this mess is created at the start of soviet afghan war. The holy jihad of united states; brainwashing teaching, funding, training, equipping for a decade was all by one and only US until objectives were achieved. Its all about Objectives. Pre soviet afghan war there was nothing inside afghanistan that can be attributed to them being jihadi minded population. I think I've quiet a few times posted evidence of US heinous crime of creating monsters.

Are you seriously giving your country a clean chit?

Just as Pakistanis blame these informants in the OBL raid as traitors and that they has the option of working with local agencies....similarly, Pakistan during the Soviet era had the option of refusing help to Americans....
So the onus is upon you for driving an axe through your own foot..

The workhorse that commits the crime is as responsible for the crime as the mastermind that plans it....

Besides....Americans acted in their interest in the Cold War during the Soviet invasion....
Are you claiming that helping the Afghans was against Pakistani interest and the grand strategy of "depth and influence" conjured up by your leaders?

No one put a gun to your head.....You reap what you sow!
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