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Army rubbishes claims of LEJ links.

Lej is a dead organization, this sectarian violence is work of foreign funded terrorists who get training in Afghanistan, they are proxies of our enemies who were unhappy over Gawadar and wanted to stir tensions in the region.

ROFL..they are allies of Taliban,JEM and HUM,which are Pakistani proxy terrorist organisations for decades..now,what are you saying again???
this is not a rent-a-Army, its Pakistan's army, well atleast it should be, when it does all else at their own play judge, jury,executioner, take decisions at their own in Balochistan, FATA, interfere in politics, foreign policy, then why not in taking out a sectarian militant group ??

oh wait its patronizing the militant group as strategic asset to be used against Arabian Sea, for the time being it practices its butchery on us, you are cool with that as you are safe in your foreign lands, and it really doesnot bother dual nationals like you whose life and generation is not at stake, pakistan is nothing more than a facebook game for you !!

Get your facts right...
In Balochistan PA was not deployed,it was FC .
In FATA its a combined opration between all forces,including Army.
And even there the likes of you have problen thst why PA does not let terrorists use their soldiers as clay pigeons for target practice and why PA returns fire with fire 'and kills terrorists'...
It will be even worse reaction from your kind if PA is running around in cities , chasing jhangvi lashkar and such..
Ever heard of an institution called 'police' ?
They too get paid and going after LEJ is their responsibility..
But wait...whats the point? Your beloved judiciary will set the terrorists free anyway.
Lej is a dead organization, this sectarian violence is work of foreign funded terrorists who get training in Afghanistan, they are proxies of our enemies who were unhappy over Gawadar and wanted to stir tensions in the region.

You caught us mate! It is India who is doing this! :tup:

May god make sure people like you are a majority in Pakistan :)
The problem is that any group which is not anti state is considered OK by the military and political establishment.

Thats the reason you see Islamic parties allying themselves with the establishment.

Jhangvis and others are not anti state and actually neutralize the strong baloch insurgency; therefore, they are being tolerated.

This shows how weak the state is.

Isn't it funny that wherever there are or were anti state elements, islamic extremism increases. KP, Sindh and balochistan and recently in GB.

Pakistan needs a leader who is agreed upon by everyone and he has to be a non-punjabi. Only then we will have a stronger state.

That's a great post -- see you can do all kinds of terror, Kill all kinds of Pakistanis and still be pro Pakistani state - That's why it's called Duffer army - We need a Professional Pakistan Army, pro Pakistan nation state and govt, not pro Arbi, not pro sectarian
we all know who is supporting these terrorist activity in pakistan :rolleyes: :rolleyes: we should build a 100 foot wall on indian border....

actually everybody knows which country is exporting terrorists all over world..and about the wall,please make them..it would reduce billions of dollars of equuipments that we have to install and maintain to keep any eye on proxy rats that come from our neighbour..
Masla khatam karnay ki koshish karo to missing person ka rolla tum log hi uthatay ho.

They are inter linked. You have never made up your ind. You just jump on the bandwagon with a bucketful of emotions...when Army/FC does something, you people make a hooha about missing persons and everything, and when somebody gets killed or arrested, you people start saying that 'kisi ayre gharay masoom ko utha liya hai, or awaeen naam laga kar pesh kar rahay hain'.

When army does not the the job and let's police and other civilian agencies do the job, you people then cry that the army is colluding with LeJ and helping them.

If the army does secretly take them out, it is the same people who write articles for Express Tribune and have emotional fits who make a noise about the extrajudicial killings and covert unethical ways of the ISI/Army/FC etc.

the issue is not that army shy away, because it fears that missing person type issue would be created, the army shy away because these snakes are their pupils.

secondly your hypothesis is shameful, back with some proof that when did army tried to take out LeJ/SSP and critics put the blame on Army for taking out innocents?
the issue is not that army shy away, because it fears that missing person type issue would be created, the army shy away because these snakes are their pupils.

secondly your hypothesis is shameful, back with some proof that when did army tried to take out LeJ/SSP and critics put the blame on Army for taking out innocents?

Any proof of your repetitive claims?
Atleast post a link?
the issue is not that army shy away, because it fears that missing person type issue would be created, the army shy away because these snakes are their pupils.

secondly your hypothesis is shameful, back with some proof that when did army tried to take out LeJ/SSP and critics put the blame on Army for taking out innocents?

Sorry, cannot get any material proof on the issue at the moment as nothing much is published on the net and I didn't get all this from the net.
The problem is that any group which is not anti state is considered OK by the military and political establishment.

Thats the reason you see Islamic parties allying themselves with the establishment.

Jhangvis and others are not anti state and actually neutralize the strong baloch insurgency; therefore, they are being tolerated.

This shows how weak the state is.

Isn't it funny that wherever there are or were anti state elements, islamic extremism increases. KP, Sindh and balochistan and recently in GB.

Pakistan needs a leader who is agreed upon by everyone and he has to be a non-punjabi. Only then we will have a stronger state.

that is exactly why Army turns a blind eye on other activities of Jhangvis which is "Sectarian Killing"..

well said, apart from the last racist mentality comment.. kindly dont drag the racist issue any further as its off topic.
Sorry, cannot get any material proof on the issue at the moment as nothing much is published on the net and I didn't get all this from the net.

So basically comparing the two separate issues, you were just ranting on me, fair enough, nothing personal but let it go, we dont need to divert from the real issue and that is to get rid of these extremist and militant groups...

look up here; whats cooking in Punjab:


believe me, our generations will hate us like their enemies, if we didnt control this...
Jhangvis and others are not anti state and actually neutralize the strong baloch insurgency.

Can you elaborate on this point kindly...

How are the Marris and Bugtis etc being affected by LeJ and their prosecution of Shias? Their plans are still being carried out and BLA is still doing it's work, regardless of what LeJ does IMO.
So basically comparing the two separate issues, you were just ranting on me, fair enough, nothing personal but let it go, we dont need to divert from the real issue and that is to get rid of these extremist and militant groups...

look up here; whats cooking in Punjab:


believe me, our generations will hate us like their enemies, if we didnt control this...

You are wrong.
The main issue for the likes of you isnt to take out terrorism any which way.
Its always your deep rooted hate against army that is Paramount.
To the extent that you have no appreciation for thousands of soldiers killed in WOT,but feel for the terrorists killed in Army operation.

Like i said..you resident Pakistanis are the most clueless lot on the planet.
...., we dont need to divert from the real issue and that is to get rid of these extremist and militant groups...

This was never the bone of contention...everybody agrees that this menace needs to be rooted out.

It's just that there is a blind hatred for the army by some folks, they make schools, make hospitals, do a host of other stuff but nobody gives a second to that. Just as the Metro bus by PML, folks are still trying to get out faults in that, there maybe faults, but atleast he hasn't taken the Metro system to his house!!!

So lesson is that blind hatred and blind love is never the way to go...you have to find the median.

I'll go through that link a bit later, but from the outlook, it seems that it focuses on the various organizations operating from Punjab. And we all know about their effect.
Pakistan announces operation after bombing, but is it just for show?

The Pakistani government announced a security operation against those responsible for the bombing that killed at least 89 people over the weekend and set off three days of protests.

In an apparent effort to end three days of country-wide protests, the Pakistani government ordered an operation today against the perpetrators of a bomb blast Saturday that killed at least 89 people in Quetta.

The bomb attack targeted Pakistan’s Shiite Muslim minority, bringing Hazaras and thousands of other Shiites across Pakistan out to protest the continued targeting of Shiites by Sunni militant groups. Many sat along main roads along side coffins, refusing to bury their dead until the government took action. The protests brought unusually sharp criticism against the military.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a Sunni militant group with ties to Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack. The group is responsible for killing more than 200 Shiite Muslims in the past two months alone.

Although reports suggest that a number of LeJ militants have been caught since the government made the announcement, security experts say the targeted operation is just for show, pointing out that the group's presence is not limited to Quetta and that the government response raises questions about military and political support for the group.

“This is an ad hoc decision and will not bring any results. The government has no strategy or capability to take on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,” says Najam Sethi, a columnist and political talk show host.

Read further:
Pakistan announces operation after bombing, but is it just for show? - CSMonitor.com

It would be better if we learn quickly that these militant groups are of no good, turning a blind eye on their activities will hurt us in the future.

It would be better if we learn quickly that these militant groups are of no good, turning a blind eye on their activities will hurt us in the future.
pointing out that the group's presence is not limited to Quetta and that the government response raises questions about military and political support for the group.

Raises questions...we could also be raising questions about ISI support to Imran Khan! Every two nut analyst can raise question on TV for five minutes of fame.

Maria Sultan...get a bit more info on her, these so called analysts can do anything for a free plane ride and a stay in luxury! Point is, you can get anyone to say anything...only a few resist the temptation.

“This is an ad hoc decision and will not bring any results. The government has no strategy or capability to take on Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,” says Najam Sethi, a columnist and political talk show host.

Read further:
Pakistan announces operation after bombing, but is it just for show? - CSMonitor.com

We don't have any sort of strategy for anything, everything done in this country is on ad-hoc basis. Let's not restrict that just to the Army, they aren't aliens who are immune to our collective national psyche.
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