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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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They are not but so-called "Armenian Pizza" is? :)

Seriously though, let me tell you the Armenia's major contribution to the world. It is the second best political tool for Turkey's enemies after PKK.

That "Armenian pizza" is called lahmaju. You are very ignorant, aren't you?

I have to agree with you there. Russia only cares about Armenia because of geo-politcal situation. Be that as it may, we still have their support.
That was interesting how Russia have sold weapons to both sides. :) I asked your opinion about Dashanks (if I am not wrong in writing). Who are they and their importance at Armenia policy?
That "Armenian pizza" is called lahmaju. You are very ignorant, aren't you?

I have to agree with you there. Russia only cares about Armenia because of geo-politcal situation. Be that as it may, we still have their support.

Of course i know what its called. I ate one yesterday. Didn't know that its called "Armenian Pizza" though? As far as i know lahmacun is Arab food.

Btw, i'm glad you are okay with being a tool.
Israel signs $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Besides Azerbaijan buying equipment from Turkey and some other countries too.

Oh really? Wow! I didn't know that! It was only on EVERY major news site in the entire world.

Of course i know what its called. I ate one yesterday. Didn't know that its called "Armenian Pizza" though? As far as i know lahmacun is Arab food.

Nah dude, Armenian with Persian influences:D
"Yes, Azeri's bought Israeli stuff, but that contract was signed ~10 years ago. It won't happen again."

Did you mean something else here ? was my English not enough ?

Lahmacun is an Arabic word, probably originated from Levantine.
"Yes, Azeri's bought Israeli stuff, but that contract was signed ~10 years ago. It won't happen again."

Did you mean something else here ? was my English not enough ?

The contract was signed ten years ago, delivery was recent.
Source ? there is no info about that in the link.
"Yes, Azeri's bought Israeli stuff, but that contract was signed ~10 years ago. It won't happen again."

Did you mean something else here ? was my English not enough ?

Lahmacun is an Arabic word, probably originated from Levantine.

You are thinking of sfiha, which is indeed Levantine Arabic.
Lahmacun is Levantine Arabic too.
1.6 billion dollars ? small deal ? even if they dealed few years ago its not mean they can't again, they're still buying equipment from other countries.
1: It is absolutely hilarious to claim that Armenia has super-duper weapons wich it keeps supposedly secret. The S-300 was not there for 7 years, ex-Russian S-300PT's btw, was given recently to Armenia. Armenia, a very poor country on-par with Moldova has no financial capabilities to buy any modern arms, and Russia will never give Armenia any new weapons. And about secrecy, Azerbaijan's MoD does never give any information on procurement of arms, the information you find about Azerbaijan's arms purchases are given from the other side, not Azerbaijan. Just because Armenia don't have any arms market to speak of, and you don't see such kind of news about Armenian arms contracts, does not mean that it keeps it secret. Armenia has no real activity in this field.

2: Azerbaijan has remaining oil-reserves of about 2 billion tonnes, confirmed by BP. Now, tell us how oil is goind to end with oil out-put at 40-50 thousand tonnes a year? The drop in oil production was related to some other issues, the oil-proudction will rise to 55 thousand in 2015, it is higher than previeus highest figure. And it is a well known fact that there are more oil in Caspian Sea, higher figures than Azerbaijan's current proven oil reserves.
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