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Armenia 'genocide' row: Turkey recalls envoy to Germany after vote

Around 600 Turkish words are still used by local Arabs in Syria, in Egypt, furthermore Dr. Hussain al-Masri has recorded over 10.000's of Turkish words used by local people in 1976. Many other's have also been recorded by Dr. Hussain Ali Mahfuz in Iraq. In Algeria and Tunusia, Prof. Muhammed Shanab recorded over 400 words. Libyan author Ali al-Misrati also recorded a lot of Turkish words used by local Libyan Arabs in his article called "Libya-Turkey historical relations". Around 850 Turkish words are used by local people in Libya.

A very few for example:

English: Rice, Turkish: Pilav, Libyan: Blaw
English: Money, Turkish: Para, Libyan: Bara
English: Sergeant, Turkish: Çavuş, Libyan: Shavish

Osman is indeed a Turkified version of Arabic Uthman as like Mehmet but the name "Ottoman" is definitely not a western version of Arabic Uthman. Osman I, as like his father "Ertuğrul" Ertoghril Ghazi, had his Turkic name "Ataman".

I don't think I know more than Aziz Sancar himself.

I don't know your discussion with UKBengali and definitely don't care what Kuwaiti terrorist says but I felt I had to intervene those sentences of yours.

Where are the sources for those numbers? Also there is a huge difference between a few hundred words and an absurd number such as 30.000 which certainly never was the case. Nor do I know of any policy to remove any words of Turkic or any other origin. On the other hand the founder of Turkey removed the alphabet of the Turks of Anatolia (Ottoman Turkish alphabet) and changed 90% of the official vocabulary of Ottoman Turkish which was almost entirely of Arabic origin.

Modern Standard Arabic has likely only a few hundred (at most) words of Turkish origin. I am forced to repeat myself here again but Standard Arabic derives from Classical Arabic/Quranic Arabic which is one of the most conservative languages in the world. I do not know a single language, as widespread as Arabic (in the top 6 of most spoken languages in the world), who has changed as little for the past 1400 years as Standard Arabic has. Also Classical/Quranic Arabic has zero Turkish words as it predates Turkish language and Turkish presence in modern-day Turkey/Anatolia by centuries upon centuries.

Also as I wrote initially, there is no denying that Standard Arabic has absorbed a few hundred Turkish words (many who are originally of Arabic origin) and a few Arabic dialects but there is really no comparison when it comes to influence. Case in point being my previous post.

That's not what most sources say. Most sources, as I showed, agree that Ottomans are named after Osman I. Osman is a Turkic version of the Arabic Uthman. I don't see any connection with Ataman.

What people say in public is not necessarily the true. Media can twist things, politics are involved etc. Anyway I can only repeat myself. Why would a person with no ties to Arabs (apparently) speak Arabic with his parents as a child? Does this makes any sense in a country like Turkey where only Turkish Arabs speak Arabic as their native tongue? Even the younger generation only speaks Turkish, mostly, as their native language.
Moreover the region he is from is home to a sizable Arab community. Anyway I don't care what he is, just reporting what you can find on the internet and in the media. The point here was that there is a sizable NATIVE Arab Turkish community in Turkey. That community even predates Turkic migrations to modern-day Turkey.

Well, you are welcome to intervene. After all this is a forum. However my bed is calling so I will end it here.
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Aziz Sancar is a Turk. Deal with it.

To be honest, in my opinion the whole Arabic world is underdeveloped, uncivilized and disgusting in large parts. And if you ask me, there is no such thing like "Islamic terrorism". In fact, it is a kind of Arabic terrorism. To this day, I cannot understand why Arabians are proud to call themselves Arabians.

That's what I like about Pakistan so much. It's your total opposite. A poor but strong-willed and proud nation that has never given up. Pakistan is unique.

Turkish ID more impotant than Nobel, Karman says
Aziz Sancar is a Turk. Deal with it.

To be honest, in my opinion the whole Arabic world is underdeveloped, uncivilized and disgusting in large parts. And if you ask me, there is no such thing like "Islamic terrorism". In fact, it is a kind of Arabic terrorism. To this day, I cannot understand why Arabians are proud to call themselves Arabians.
That's what I like about Pakistan so much. It's your total opposite. A poor but strong-willed and proud nation that has never given up. Pakistan is unique.

Turkish ID more impotant than Nobel, Karman says


Do you think that any Arab cares about what some Zaza (most people in the world have no idea what the hell that is in the first place) peasant has to say of nonsense about Arabs? Page 8 of this thread and all the listed historical facts and current ones speak for themselves. You are deemed to lose any dick comparison contest as shown already so I suggest to skip that part.

Also you should either stop lying or make up your mind. Either that or schizophrenia.

@Bubblegum Crisis
I am neither a racist nor a nationalist. I love and respect the Saudi people for theire culture, literature and art. Nevertheless, I have great ideological and religious problems with Wahhabism. Are you a Wahhabi?
edit: We should continue the discussion in Cay Bahcesi.

Anyway it seems that a few truths hurt your feelings deeply although I see no reason for that as facts are just facts. Your childish nonsense reaction speaks for itself. Nobody here, certainly not me, has attacked anything related to Turkey or Turks.

I know sufficient Turkish people in person and those on PDF to know that bad apples like you do not speak for all Zazas let alone all citizens of Turkey. Whatever your problem, deal with your complexes, stop lying and contradicting yourself or deal with your apparent schizophrenia. Save your arsenal for those who are actually against or insulting your people.

@Bubblegum Crisis do you see this? :cheesy::rofl:

EDIT: Rest assured that none of the 450 million Arabs give a shiit about a lying Zaza either.
Also I suggest that you take a look at the HDI index, living standards, crime levels, GDP (nominal) per capita etc. before you bark, kawli.
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I was lying. I don't give a shit about backward Saudia and other GCC member states. Trade? Yes. Alliance? Never.
LOL - Turkish economy is powering ahead at over 4% GDP growth a year.

Unless something goes horribly wrong, within one generation, it will become the first developed 100 million+ population country that has land on the European continent.

It is up to Germany, but breaking with Turks who have been historical friends is a bad idea.

Think of the world in 2030 and not as it is now. Germany needs a rich and technological powerful ally and Turkey is the perfect country.

no its not. its Actually at 0.8. How should it power? Its tourism sector collapsed and now german business withdraws as well.

beside that turkey cant be an ally. Turkey is a dictatorship with civil war in its east and a mad dictator at the top who phantazises about muslim natuve americans and sueimg children who insulted him. And rich? In its east its as rich as tajikistan.

We won't need Germany, they surrendered everything after WWII and are today tamed by the US. We'll form an alliance with the Turkic nations (and perhaps Japan, as we share common ancestry with our Altaic Japanese brothers), that will suffice to counterbalance Russia, China and possibly USA in the future. As Shinzo Abe once said, the two feet of Asia is Japan and Turkey at the far Eastern and Western ends, this unity goes back to Imperial Japan and the Ottoman Empire, when we had reciprocal relations.

with all due respect. I know one japanese guy who was exchange studend here and he saw turks as arabs, did not shake their hands and acted like he has the flu when one wanted to greet him to avoid shaking hands. They think very low of you. Evrything else is folklore

Do you call the Gallipoli victory a lost front :D We practically beat the entire fleet of the allies. Then we proceeded at beating the entire armed forces of the Allied forces.
Ottoman won many fronts, but Gallipoli was one of the biggest fronts and we practically obliterated the advancing forces on our own hands, when the Empire was deemed "the sick man of Europe". If that's our sick stage, and if our economy is marching ahead unseen in the history, that would practically make us the greatest force in Europe second to Russia. And that's where we are headed, in 10-15 years time, that will be the reality Europe will have to deal with. And buddy, it doesn't matter if you like us or not, that's just pure cold reality.

The 21st Century is a Turkish century, upon establishing our strenght, unity with our Turkic brothers is within reach and that force will be a force to be reckoned with. With regards old Roman Empire, when we conquered Istanbul, we practically ended the Romans, and for centuries Europe bowed to our dominance. 2-3 centuries we paused, that's more than enough ;)

For us, it makes no difference. In this screwed political climate and uncertainty our economic growth hit about 5 percent in first quarter. In 3-4 years our military industry will reach new heights unseen in Turkey, we are experiencing a revolution in arms industry as we speak. They'll talk we'll produce, they'll try to destabilize Turkey, support PKK terrorist, we'll stand steadfast and grow. In time they'll come to their senses. They'll screw Middle East destabilize, create influx of refugees, we'll recieve all their refugees, house them, feed them, school them. The hypocrits will continue on crying for us sending a few thousands to their borders.

Europe is no longer a civilization we regard with respect, you guys ruined your image. We Turks are a great civilization. The only that comes to mind of similar steadfastness, civilizational development, respect, honor, size, strenght is Japan.
History will repeat

on a sidenote, italy and the other european nations never bowed toward turks. If i take my country for example it showed little respect towards the turks. When the sultan became too annoying we ordered his assasination. The small City of venice pushed more ottomans through the meat grinder than the turks themself.

when the turks encountered the first time germans, they were obliterated at vienna from german and polish troops.

Vlad Tepesch showed little respect as well. xD

and today they are a small country in civil war with stagnant economy and diplomatic isolation. Their president is that retarded that he even ruined an almost secure deal with. free visa for europe. you wont find many other leaders with such incompetence. He broke with egypt, israel, russia and now their biggest trade partner germany. he pushed the turkish economy under the train and even USA seeks distance. He acts like a moron in diplomacy. Tourism is on the ground and not even discount prize brings people back.

The only ally who remains for turkey seems to be ISIS and they azerbaijan muppet.
again your analogy is quite flawed...i'm sure you are aware there are court rulings in case of bosnia and lack of any court rulings for armenian sufferings
since when are parliaments authorized to rule if certain event is genocide or not...why do we have international courts for that

I could not understand the point of that court ruling reference.
  1. Which court gave the ruling for Bosnia-Herzegovina? Did that court even exist at the time of the Armenian case?
  2. Was the Armenian issue ever taken to court?
Making that comparison is simply meaningless.

the actual genocide was by the tsarist russia and the armenian terrorists in the period 1870s-1919.....the russians deliberately supported terror operations to change the demographics in the area ......this was very clear as far back as the 1877 war....all muslim males were conscripted so their villages were denuded of able bodied males and thus vulnerable to the armenian terror operations ......the mass slaughter went undocumented because the imperial powers did not care....

Without any documentation and without any information, how is it that you knew about it and could comment about it?

"Frankly dear, I don't give a damn" - a line from the movie, Gone with the Wind

It wasn't even the Ottoman Empire in its real sense since the last true sovereign was Sultan Abdul Hamid Han (RA), who fell a victim to a coup by the Free Masons. That coup government, supposed to be secular & liberal, in alliance with Germany took part in WW1. Hold that coup government responsible. As for these Armenian fiascos, they all started recently. Anyway, Turkish folks have been on the razor's edge since the time immemorial - an opportunity cost for building 16 empires all across the then known world. What'd have been the alternatives - let 17 horsemen come and get your land (Bengal)? Compared to what they'd been through, they must be quite enjoying these moments....

"Turkey is surrounded by sea in 3 sides, and by enemies in 4 sides" - A Turkish proverb

I take it that you are not Turkish, since you refer to them in the words,"....they must be quite enjoying these moments."

Steve we don't deny but refuse these baseless claims.

Have you ever put anyone into jail because they refused the so-called genocide ?....I don't think so... :D

Pigs would fly when Italians have balls to jail Turks. :D

There are no government orders....they can't prove in anyway that it was a genocide...that's why they forbid talking about it. Not doing researches etc...

Because all of them know it was no genocide.

Really? Even Turks who are criminals? Assassins, for instance?

I like the smileys you use. :D

not entirely true, I hate Erdogan not Turkey.

Same here. Utterly detest him, in fact.

LMAO it's like the whole world have some butthurt from erdogan :lol:

I love itt Erdoğan is the mannn :enjoy::enjoy:

Butt hurt? Wrong end. Think 'stink in the nostrils'.

We won't need Germany, they surrendered everything after WWII and are today tamed by the US. We'll form an alliance with the Turkic nations (and perhaps Japan, as we share common ancestry with our Altaic Japanese brothers), that will suffice to counterbalance Russia, China and possibly USA in the future. As Shinzo Abe once said, the two feet of Asia is Japan and Turkey at the far Eastern and Western ends, this unity goes back to Imperial Japan and the Ottoman Empire, when we had reciprocal relations.

You forgot to insult us. Just sayin'. But then we haven't grown to their levels yet. There's still time.
no its not. its Actually at 0.8. How should it power? Its tourism sector collapsed and now german business withdraws as well.

beside that turkey cant be an ally. Turkey is a dictatorship with civil war in its east and a mad dictator at the top who phantazises about muslim natuve americans and sueimg children who insulted him. And rich? In its east its as rich as tajikistan.

with all due respect. I know one japanese guy who was exchange studend here and he saw turks as arabs, did not shake their hands and acted like he has the flu when one wanted to greet him to avoid shaking hands. They think very low of you. Evrything else is folklore

on a sidenote, italy and the other european nations never bowed toward turks. If i take my country for example it showed little respect towards the turks. When the sultan became too annoying we ordered his assasination. The small City of venice pushed more ottomans through the meat grinder than the turks themself.

when the turks encountered the first time germans, they were obliterated at vienna from german and polish troops.

Vlad Tepesch showed little respect as well. xD

and today they are a small country in civil war with stagnant economy and diplomatic isolation. Their president is that retarded that he even ruined an almost secure deal with. free visa for europe. you wont find many other leaders with such incompetence. He broke with egypt, israel, russia and now their biggest trade partner germany. he pushed the turkish economy under the train and even USA seeks distance. He acts like a moron in diplomacy. Tourism is on the ground and not even discount prize brings people back.

The only ally who remains for turkey seems to be ISIS and they azerbaijan muppet.
One guy represents all japanese nowadays. If we are going by personal anecdotes i had 2 japanese friends at university and both liked Turkey. In fact i was a close friend of one of the girls and we went out
no its not. its Actually at 0.8. How should it power? Its tourism sector collapsed and now german business withdraws as well.

Numbers are decreased but tourism is not collapsed :) Russians are expectedly decreased, and ofcourse EURO 2016 of this summer made Europeans head to Paris. Next year will back to normal.

Turkey is a dictatorship with civil war in its east and a mad dictator

Which civil war? Do you even know the meaning of the term?

with all due respect. I know one japanese guy who was exchange studend here and he saw turks as arabs, did not shake their hands and acted like he has the flu when one wanted to greet him to avoid shaking hands. They think very low of you.

One guy, fascist and racist like you. And generalize all :D Japanese - Turkish friendship is legendary.
One guy represents all japanese nowadays. If we are going by personal anecdotes i had 2 japanese friends at university and both liked Turkey. In fact i was a close friend of one of the girls and we went out

This Markus guy is neither intelligent and a
troll at the same time.

Funny thing is he claims to be an Airbus engineero_O
This Markus guy is neither intelligent and a
troll at the same time.

Funny thing is he claims to be an Airbus engineero_O

Education can make you an engineer but doesnt make you a human being :)
Btw, @waz bro does PDF have some rules against highly trolling and racist arguments ?
Germany is connected to it. It was allied with the ottoman empire, knew about the genocide and did nothing against it. The german parliament condemned the role germany played and has evry right to do so.

Such strong sentiment against 'genocide' coming from the land of fascism, now that's interesting.
This Markus guy is neither intelligent and a
troll at the same time.

Funny thing is he claims to be an Airbus engineero_O

i was a trainee at airbus. but thanks for the insult. reported

Numbers are decreased but tourism is not collapsed :) Russians are expectedly decreased, and ofcourse EURO 2016 of this summer made Europeans head to Paris. Next year will back to normal.

Which civil war? Do you even know the meaning of the term?

One guy, fascist and racist like you. And generalize all :D Japanese - Turkish friendship is legendary.

Europeans avoid turkey because its hostile towards europeans, unsafe because ISIS supported there and the PKK conflict. Tourism numbers dropped to 70% and hotels are getting closed down en mass. Meanwhile booking numbers in spain, portugal, italy and greece explode. This is good for greece because it needs the money.
(and perhaps Japan, as we share common ancestry with our Altaic Japanese brothers)


Japanese matsuri (festivals) resemble so much Balinese ones that one could wonder if one was not copied from the other. During cremations in Bali, the dead body is carried on a portable shrine, very much in the way that the Japanese carry their mikoshi. Balinese funerals are joyful and people swinging the portable shrine in the streets and making loud noise to scare the evil spirits. Basically, Balinese religion is a form of Hinduism that has incorporated the aborigenal animist religion. Japanese Shintoism is also a variety of animism, and is practised side-by-side with Buddhism, a religion derived from Hinduism (Buddha himslef was born a Hindu). There are lots of other cultural similarities between ancient cultures of Indonesia and Japan. For example, both Balinese temples and Japanese shrines, as well as traditional Japanese and Balinese houses have a wall surrounding them, originally meant tp prevent evil spririts from penetrating the property. Despite the radical changes that Indonesian culture underwent after the introduction of Islam and Christianity, and the changes that Buddhism brought to Japan, it is still possible to observe clear similarities between the supposed original prehistoric cultures of the two archipelagoes.

From a linguistic point of view, Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia and Japanese language share only a few similarities, but nonetheless striking ones. Apart from the very similar pronunciation in both languages, there is the same hierarchical differences in personal pronouns. For example "you" is either anda or kamu with the same meaning and usage as anata and kimi in Japanese. Likewise, the Japanese verb suki ("to like") translates suka in Bahasa. Such similarities are probably more than mere coincidences, and may reveal a common origin. Furthermore, in both languages the plural can be formed by simply doubling the word. For instance, in Japanese hito means "person", while hitobito means "people". Likewise ware means "I" or "you", whereas wareware means "we". Doubling of words in Japanese is so common that there is a special character used only to mean the word is doubled (々) in written Japanese. In Bahasa, this way of forming the plural is almost systematical (person is orang, while people is orang-orang). Expressions like ittekimasu, itteirashai,tadaima and okaeri, used to greet someone who leaves or enter a place, and which have no equivalent in Indo-European languages, have exact equivalents in Indonesian (selamat jalan,selamat tinggal...).
Europeans avoid turkey because its hostile towards europeans, unsafe because ISIS supported there and the PKK conflict. Tourism numbers dropped to 70% and hotels are getting closed down en mass. Meanwhile booking numbers in spain, portugal, italy and greece explode. This is good for greece because it needs the money.

You love to paint it black when it comes to Turkey and exaggerate things, don't you :D Oh, you made whole Japanese nation enemy of us according to a fascist guy like you, your baseless arguments are a fun-stock between us, you are very popular as an official EU buffoon here in PDF.

Sadly ( for you ) figures are not as bad as some google search results show ( probably Sputnik, RT etc based) despite all stormy weather about tourism around us;

- Terror attacks
- Crisis with Russia
- Problematic terror nest neighbors
- Fight against the terrorist PKK...
- EURO 2016... etc...

Be an ear now, I will give you one of the sharpest tourism analyses about 2016's tourism.

As expected Putin banned Russians to visit Turkey, it's a loss ofcourse about tourism. But if you look at the greater picture you will see nothing is " doomed " or " collapsed ". Tourism's share in Turkey's economy is around % 5 ( ±1 ). Tourism loss in 2016 ( Jan - May ) is % 16,5. ( Not % 30 as you claimed ). This % 16,5 means tourist numbers dropped from 7 million to 6 million visitors for the first 5 month of the years 2015-16. Did you understand? :)
There is no chaos or collapsed things. Actually despite all numbers are good.

We actually are getting benefits from this crisis.
Tourism investors learnt not to depend to one nationality and keep their visitor range even wider.
Domestic tourism is getting alive.
Hotel prices are back to normal for our citizens.
Alternatives are coming.
You love to paint it black when it comes to Turkey and exaggerate things, don't you :D Oh, you made whole Japanese nation enemy of us according to a fascist guy like you, your baseless arguments are a fun-stock between us, you are very popular as an official EU buffoon here in PDF.

Sadly ( for you ) figures are not as bad as some google search results show ( probably Sputnik, RT etc based) despite all stormy weather about tourism around us;

- Terror attacks
- Crisis with Russia
- Problematic terror nest neighbors
- Fight against the terrorist PKK...
- EURO 2016... etc...

Be an ear now, I will give you one of the sharpest tourism analyses about 2016's tourism.

As expected Putin banned Russians to visit Turkey, it's a loss ofcourse about tourism. But if you look at the greater picture you will see nothing is " doomed " or " collapsed ". Tourism's share in Turkey's economy is around % 5 ( ±1 ). Tourism loss in 2016 ( Jan - May ) is % 16,5. ( Not % 30 as you claimed ). This % 16,5 means tourist numbers dropped from 7 million to 6 million visitors for the first 5 month of the years 2015-16. Did you understand? :)
There is no chaos or collapsed things. Actually despite all numbers are good.

We actually are getting benefits from this crisis.
Tourism investors learnt not to depend to one nationality and keep their visitor range even wider.
Domestic tourism is getting alive.
Hotel prices are back to normal for our citizens.
Alternatives are coming.

Don't worry. It's on the rise. News from last month.

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