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Armenia calls for boosting all-out relations with Iran

akinci , cabatli , kulliminati ,mrtopal27 , tesla , leggionaire , drink milk and few more i forgot

What about you? if i go through the posts you sent and thanked what will people think , such as long live armenia?
because i lived in a district in Tehran which host armenians alot and my best friend is an armenian.
so why cant i say such a thing
also represent the Iranian people in this case.because most of Iranian have a good feeling with armenians.
Childs are not representing that country.


With a quick research about inventories you can easily find out there was not a significiant difference between Azeris and Armenians in terms of numbers and equipment.
well i had this discusion witn some onein iran defense foroum and i researched those numbers well and i'm sure , right now i'm at work and tonight i cant post those numbers but tomorrow i post them ,in that war armenia didn't had any fixed wing airforce and had far less helicopter , they had less tank and..
Latter azazerbaijan lost many helicopter and several aircraft the number in those areas become a little more even.
And when they attaked to open a route to nakhjavan ,they wefe clearly several time more tanks ,and also russain started to help armenia after azerbaijan airdefence shutdown a rusian airplan that evacuting russian nationals fom the region
Ottoman-Turk and Killuminati, i recommened you to take the criticisms seriously and check yourselves. No offense but there is something not going right about you guys.

i got angry over these turkish trolls.but you make me calm down.

I'm sorry but you're the last one who should blame someone as being a troll.

Just look at your humiliation and confusion in this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/157113-made-turkey-19.html You got owned, out of arguements but accused the people who owned you as being a troll. (Hopefully this won't awake the monster inside you. Just take it as a friendly advise)
Ottoman-Turk and Killuminati, i recommened you to take the criticisms seriously and check yourselves. No offense but there is something not going right about you guys.

I'm sorry but you're the last one who should blame someone as being a troll.

Just look at your humiliation and confusion in this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/157113-made-turkey-19.html You got owned, out of arguements but accused the people who owned you as being a troll. (Hopefully this won't awake the monster inside you. Just take it as a friendly advise)
i didnt write sth nonsense there.did i
you guys always use to quize Irans capabilities.always.while us Iranian proved that Iran's economy (unlike PGCC countries)is not depended on oil(even we proved we have the capabiliy to match turkey over non oil industries).
i didnt write sth nonsense there.did i
you guys always use to quize Irans capabilities.always.while us Iranian proved that Iran's economy (unlike PGCC countries)is not depended on oil(even we proved we have the capabiliy to match turkey over non oil industries).

Since we're going off-topic, this will be my last response. The content of the argument was not important. The important thing was your rival came with proofs, numbers, statics while you did nothing other than accusing him as being a troll.

Edit: And the guy who just thanked you is another troll who got banned 2 times in a week. Just think about it.
Azerbaijan just had slightly more equipment then Armenia, both sides acquired Russian weapons, for example both sides unofficially acquired small numbers of Su 25s, Russians played two sided in that war.
That's bs.keep your lies for your Turkish bros.No one else believes them.So Iran is hosting PKK?how come that we are also fighting a branch of PKK?Why Turkish government never protested Iran for 'hosting PKK'?
I don't know what Armenians did in the past.But you guys also killed lots of them in after WWI.
I'm not saying Armenians are better than other people,but there is not any reasons for cutting our ties with it.Can we ask Turkey to cut its relations with US?
Iran never sent any weapons to any sides in the war.It was Russia who supplied weapons for Armenians.If we hadn't give Azeris a rout to Nakhchavan,lots of the people there would be killed of hunger and war.We invited both leaders of those countries during the war to Iran and they actually reached a deal,but they broke it afterwards.
We currently have relations with both countries,Azerbaijan recently is playing a double game,it is acting more than its size.Don't expect us to greet them for it.

btw,Armenians are not kafirs,they are christians.

Your fight agains PKK propaganda is nothing else but manipulation. Many operations agains PKK, the Turkish millitary found also Iran made weapons. Close friendship with Syria tells enough that you both guys want a devided Turkey and stabilish a kurdish state. Iran never wants stronger muslim neighbours then it self. Ofcourse you dont know what armenians did, thats why you making such idiotic statements and supporting things blindly. And saying that we killed armenians is nothing else but supporting western propaganda. Sure Iran never did send weapons to armenians.. i would say that to. Letting armenia destroyed means a great danger for Iran because the fact that Turkey and Azerbaycan will have borders.

Do you even know what the word kafeer means in islamic term?

Targon who the heck are you to say that we are not representing Turks? Everbody talks here with the knowledge he has. I am not a person with the luxury to talk for others you retard noob. Calling me a troll look at yourself.
if pakistan ever allies with armenia i will question real pakistani's view , you will ally an enemy of us , a enemy of our brothers also.
however i believe majority are against sparkling cresents view and base that on their own views

Just look at the armenian guys face , that says it all

Don't worry, it is never going to happen. Majority of Pakistan is 100% pro Turkey. Armenia .... most even don't know what that is let alone supporting it. Like Hyperion said we can be stupid sometimes but we are not complete and utter retards. We are not going to lose a major Muslim country, Turkey [ regional power ] over a country that is insignificant little speck.
have you ever thought what other people will think about your country while reading your comments?
racism,rudeness...these are all a member can remind..

Other people think the same things for you guys.

Turkish bros. I suggest you leave these people alone...

Armania is a looser country so do not waste your time. Who wants to improve relation with armenia, it doesn't concern us. Even if Pakistan picks (Pakistanis are not fool)her over us, doesn't matter...
Other people think the same things for you guys.

Turkish bros. I suggest you leave these people alone...

Armania is a looser country so do not waste your time. Who wants to improve relation with armenia, it doesn't concern us. Even if Pakistan picks (Pakistanis are not fool)her over us, doesn't matter...
to be honest, many Pakistanis dont know what Armenia is so chances of Pakistan choosing Armenia over Turkey are none as Turkey is one of the most loved nation by Pakistanis
If Armenia wants to be a friend and ally of Iran, then they are an enemy of America. I hope the USA severs all positive relationships with Armenia. The USA should side strongly with Turkey in any disputes with Armenia.
If Armenia wants to be a friend and ally of Iran, then they are an enemy of America. I hope the USA severs all positive relationships with Armenia. The USA should side strongly with Turkey in any disputes with Armenia.

Aha, how could I forget those narrow-minded Americans who think that they should stick their noses in every affair in the world. The so-called 'if you're not with us, you're against us' doctrine. A superficial black and white image of the world. Not knowing what the geo-political situation is and how the relationships are. You should know you're place Yankee. Armenia is being backed by Russia and Iran and there is not you can do about that. Just like you couldn't do nothing when Russia almost flattened your ally Georgia.
If Armenia wants to be a friend and ally of Iran, then they are an enemy of America. I hope the USA severs all positive relationships with Armenia. The USA should side strongly with Turkey in any disputes with Armenia.
still alive and kicking I see.

Grandpa, what use is your friendship with Armenia? Are you the ones that are going to trade with them, give them electricity in winters, give them fuel or are you the ones that share a 3000 year old history with them? Oh wait, your 200 year old country's history amounts to a civil war and an ethnic cleansing and genocidal war with American natives. Grandpa, get out of your house before you kick the bucket. I've said this before and I will say it till your skull absorbs it. You're almost 70 years old. Playing general and talking shitt is for teen agers and young adults with more testosterone than sense, not some old man who still hasn't experienced the world outside his front door.
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