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Are you Eligible for Marriage?

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What do you mean it's not true?
How many men have you met who say "My dream was to become a married slave and work until I die at a job I ate"
every married man has given up on his dreams to become a slave. And if he still tries to hold onto his dream his wife divorces him and takes his money.

Yes, I know how greedy/selfish Pakistani parents manipulate their kids to be their slaves. This is why I said Pakistan is a nation of emasculated balls less men. IF it's not the wife they are emasculated by, it's their parents (amee gee).
That is why Pakistan could not produce a single good leader in the last 65 years and why we don't have any good indigenous leaders in the last 1000.

You can't be a good leader when your wife/mom has your balls.

Oh so now don't listen to your parents or you're a ruined man that is your logic? sure don't listen if its not jayz demand but telling your parents no thanks I'm not going to listen to you is an insult. Remember you parents have seen the world you are juma juma 8 din. My friend You logic is extremely negative and poor don't force other you don't want to marry than don't seems you had a bad relationship. And why are do you remind us of western system don't marry a western woman and you'll be fine and if you want to divorce an asian girl whom you married in Asia then go with her to her country divorce her there and come back no legal case.
nonsense, the lot of it.
What dreams do women give up?
Their biggest dream on earth is to find a rich man and marry him.
So maybe if she finds a poor man, she has given up on her dream :rolleyes:

admittedly I skimmed the rest of your paragraph but from what I got.
[You are just looking at new couples who are in the honeymoon phase.
Those people will always be happy, just give them a few years and the real feelings come out.

Have you ever bought something you wanted sooooo much?
like a PlayStation or something?
the first 3 months after you buy you love it and play with it every day.
After that..... well it just collects dust and your feeling for it passes.

The same with marriage.

My eldest sister got married in 1999..so it makes14 yrs...my other sister got married in 2003...it makes 10 yrs...my cousin got married in 2007..it makes 6 yrs.. I think they have come out of their honey moon periods quite long ago..and its not only them.. there are others too..whom I have observed
Sadly yes bro. Its a mistake you make even though you know its a mistake. :(

Firstly grad school is not a mistake and secondly never live to regret.
Lot of women invest in the relationship and less on career after marriage. Some even give up their dreams and well paid jobs so that they can bring up child and husband can focus on his career.
Most married women paid less compared to their male counterpart and I dare say compared to unmarried women in private sector. The fact that a lot of their energy is invested in family is assumed. Should not they get anything in return if marriage breaks down?

Without alimony you may have less divorce, but more loveless marriage that just drags on and on. Not sure that is anyway better.

80% of divorce in the west is initiated by women.
What does that tell you?
Women are now filing for divorce willy nilly because they know that they will get the Husbands money.

While I agree that there should be some safeguards for both men and women, the system we have now is crap!.

My personal opinion is that a man and woman sign a contract before marriage that says "the woman would get XYZ if the marriage breaks down"
That way it's just and the man is not left destitute.
U know..its got much to.........be...and how much effort both partners put.. to make a good relationship...

Itnii lanmbiii post ! :blink :

Mereiii tou aging ho gaiii isee parhteii parhteiii ! :undecided:

Farah, I hear you...I understand ! And I don't prescribe to the notion of 'a women's servitude to her in-laws' or anything like it ! What I was talking about was the other side of the story - Humm mardoon pe kiyaa guzartiii haii woh tou kisssi koii ihsas hii nahin !

People continue talking about how some women are neglected, their dreams shattered & their independence diminished after marriage - I agree its a bad thing & it shouldn't happen ! But does anyone even bother to psych-analyze what we men go through & not just some but most men !

Taking sh*t from your boss, being confined to your cubicle the whole day, working your butttt off for a promotion that means more work but more salary & letting go of your own aspirations because you're obligations are too many isn't exactly my notion of 'independence & freedom' that we men are alleged to enjoy over our wives.

And whereas I agree that some women are not allowed by their in-laws or their husbands to work & their role is indeed diminished - I can't ignore the other very real example before me either of those women who sit in their homes every day doing nothing of worth, watching soap operas, arranging brunches & luncheons, going to yoga classes or the masseuse at some up & coming Community Club, buying Sana Safinaz & other expensive sh*t like that routinely ! And whats worse when you sit down & think of having a conversation with them most wouldn't even know who the PM of the country is let alone some other insightful things on some other issues.

Can you imagine how that feels to us ?

And then when you push them into getting a job just so that they are a bit more useful or a bit more productive to themselves - We're not asking them to pay the bills - they go & end up 9 to 5 jobs & cruelly lacking in any professional ambition ! If I'm required to put food on the table & have us covered financially than the least she could do is to go & get a passionate career that is a lot more than just time pass because of a misplaced sense of independence & progress.
My personal opinion is that a man and woman sign a contract before marriage that says "the woman would get XYZ if the marriage breaks down"
That way it's just and the man is not left destitute.

Did you know that can be done legally video recording and document signing attested by attorney. All you need to do is use brain.
He spoiled his wife. When you spoil your wife that is the turning point of a relationship. I still maintain both are responsible for whatever happened and now that women would be living downgraded life there would be some guilt in her as well, No women takes bold step of divorce in asian community unless her parents/sisters don't force too maybe greed of haq mehr was a factor as well.

She got nearly half a million $$$, American Citizenship & child support going in a few thousand $$$s every month for the next few years !
Oh so now don't listen to your parents or you're a ruined man that is your logic? sure don't listen if its not jayz demand but telling your parents no thanks I'm not going to listen to you is an insult. Remember you parents have seen the world you are juma juma 8 din. My friend You logic is extremely negative and poor don't force other you don't want to marry than don't seems you had a bad relationship. And why are do you remind us of western system don't marry a western woman and you'll be fine and if you want to divorce an asian girl whom you married in Asia then go with her to her country divorce her there and come back no legal case.

:blah: just more shaming from another emasculated man
If you had any real balls you would argue the points instead of making up straw men and shaming.

Just to make you realize how balls less you are actually are I will explain this slowly.

As a man your job is to take care of you parents, you need to live your life, earn money and make sure your parents are comfortable.

But who says that to do that job you must give up your balls?
How many Pakistani men have the courage to move out of their parents house?
How many have the courage to say "no mom, you are wrong"
If you ever did such a thing, you would be shamed and burned at the stake!

My logic is not negative and extreme. It is logical and based on reality.
Pakistan is in the condition it is in due to bad leadership, agree?
Why do we have bad leadership? because a man who has no balls cannot be a good leader. (ie Zardari, Nawaz)
Why don't they have balls? Because each and every one of them is pu$$y whipped by either their mother or wife.
She got nearly half a million $$$, American Citizenship & child support going in a few thousand $$$s every month for the next few years !

Your cousin was a little ***** bro he should have been in charge.
My eldest sister got married in 1999..so it makes14 yrs...my other sister got married in 2003...it makes 10 yrs...my cousin got married in 2007..it makes 6 yrs.. I think they have come out of their honey moon periods quite long ago..and its not only them.. there are others too..whom I have observed

Considering the "basti" aspect of Pakistani culture, do you honestly think that even a single family in Pakistan will let on that they are dysfunctional?

Every family is dysfunctional, just because you don't see it does not mean they are not.
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