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Are You a Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge?

PS, the ending you're talking about; the guy died like a soldier for his country.

I prefer Patton's saying for that too. Let the other die:enjoy:


Terror has no religion. The problem today is the Takfiri ideology being professed and a perfectly fine religion being maligned in the process.

When illiterate fools 'teach' thier version of religion and profess hatred in the process, you get more than any religion's share of idiots.

Am surprised that you consider them Muslims at all.

Also, one can read it in the same manner as Christianity evolved a couple of centuries back - they were terrorists in those days. So I am sure we can agree in saying that one can simply say it is an evolutionary phase as Islam matures and people realise the importance of identifying the takfir and bigots from a true mussalman?
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And yes Patton was well ahead of his time (concerning the soviets and many other things)....a little crazy but in a good way.
They didn't call him old blood n' guts for nothing :lol:. But on a serious note it was injustice what was done to him after the war. The guy knew what he was talking about with regards to the soviet menace. He was definitely silenced for his outspoken views.

I prefer Patton's saying for that too. Let the other die:enjoy:
Wow, good catch lol. I actually didn't write it that way intentionally. But yeah, the guy died for his country. The "SoB" would be Patton's way of saying it lol.
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And you think that's CIA?

Boy...you've been living under a rock haven't u?

I live in a flat but if you have been living with rats in sewerage all your life than its not your fault welcome to 2016
throw out rothschild bank, dump the dollar / other paper money /digital transaction, switch to gold and silver yes it very very very hard but the cia, mi6, mossad etc false flag games will be reduced aloooott.

no more finacing isis types, useless paper.
throw out rothschild bank, dump the dollar / other paper money /digital transaction, switch to gold and silver yes it very very very hard but the cia, mi6, mossad etc false flag games will be reduced aloooott.

no more finacing isis types, useless paper.

I read a bit about Rothschild and Rockefeller especially Rothschild they are one of the powerful families
That helmet of yours should all the protection you need from the all the rays emitted from HAARP....did you know they developed this technology from the crashed UFO at Roswell where they were using fluoride in the water system to have a second gunman shoot JFK because he found out about 9/11 and did not want to fly drones into the Pentagon because they knew that Stanley Kubrick shot the moon-landing at Area 51 where the Illuminati met to design the Colorado Airport which would later be used as a FEMA concentration camp...Al Baghdadi is the rabbi at the very synagogue where Hilary Clinton practiced Kabbalah while her husband Bill was sacrificing humans at the Bohemian grove at an annual Bilderberg meeting.

It looks like a helmet, but in reality it is a "tin foil hat"
Luckily it does not protect the wearer from banning.
I read a bit about Rothschild and Rockefeller especially Rothschild they are one of the powerful families

yeah if you read enuff and analyse you will able to connect them with other groups, idealogies, haglien dialectics, royal insitite of affairs, they fund philantherapies but its bussiness and to monopolise the market etc.
the are the real demons of this earth.

british empire = rothschild empire = give birth to isreal, american empire (rothschild empire federel reserve bank) = fed isreal made it strong and to stand on its own legs, you see back then they create enemy like nazis, communist, now
its muslim terroist = greater isreal expansion to rule the world.

by the way once isreal rules its bye to usa time to dump becuse this nation is quite capable of taking revenge and has the skills , know how, and experinced not only that even criticall thinking.
other side is russia its nuclear powered thanks to zionist usa government if you read the book by professor antony sutton it shows that usa transfered all military technology full blue prints of factories to allow bolshaveik russia become super power full assistance in food aid, prop up commnist government, technicians sent over to train russians in know how in military technology, they even helped russians how to manufacter pencils lolz.

so once they dump usa and probaly move to isreal they going to pit it against nuclear russia.

welcome flashpoint.

most countrues needs to watch out for:
gearge soros = colour revolution
rockfeller = depopulation program via vaccines and gmo > take alook india
rothscild bank system = most dangerous one no country ever got away once rothschild got thier grip usa did once under andrew jackson where he started to print his own currency debt free.
and tipu sultan was close but too bad lost.IMF LOANS/ECONOMIC HITMAN JOHN PERKINS
take alook at libya it has now a rothschild bank.

it is said that it was indian gold from the temples from tipu time that made the rocthshcild extremely rich and powerful and the east india company and opium was his enterprise it was run by the sassoon family that were married into rothchilds..

yes us pakistanis/indians got colonise by rothchild.

by the way chinese revolution was rothschild funded and his agents israel epstein and sidney shapiro were guiding chairman mao.

these jews bankrs funded all wars, revolution, sexual revoltion, commuist, nazism, terrist, etc they behind it.

you see jews crash the economy and buy it back on the pennies with help of uncle rothshcild that why they own everything. so if you got invention keep it to your self.

imran khan was married to that jemima khan she is gold smith a rothshcild family member.

they fund human rights organsation behind the scenes and use it to push in democracy like hudson institue that talks about boloach liberation. they soften the target country up and send so call first aid people /missionaries to collect data and spy and to convert groups so they can be used as canon fodder in future.

sorry bout grammar and spelling, my specs are broken. i stop here.
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yeah if you read enuff and analyse you will able to connect them with other groups, idealogies, haglien dialectics, royal insitite of affairs, they fund philantherapies but its bussiness and to monopolise the market etc.
the are the real demons of this earth.

british empire = rothschild empire = give birth to isreal, american empire (rothschild empire federel reserve bank) = fed isreal made it strong and to stand on its own legs, you see back then they create enemy like nazis, communist, now
its muslim terroist = greater isreal expansion to rule the world.

by the way once isreal rules its bye to usa time to dump becuse this nation is quite capable of taking revenge and has the skills , know how, and experinced not only that even criticall thinking.
other side is russia its nuclear powered thanks to zionist usa government if you read the book by professor antony sutton it shows that usa transfered all military technology full blue prints of factories to allow bolshaveik russia become super power full assistance in food aid, prop up commnist government, technicians sent over to train russians in know how in military technology, they even helped russians how to manufacter pencils lolz.

so once they dump usa and probaly move to isreal they going to pit it against nuclear russia.

welcome flashpoint.

most countrues needs to watch out for:
gearge soros = colour revolution
rockfeller = depopulation program via vaccines and gmo > take alook india
rothscild bank system = most dangerous one no country ever got away once rothschild got thier grip usa did once under andrew jackson where he started to print his own currency debt free.
and tipu sultan was close but too bad lost.IMF LOANS/ECONOMIC HITMAN JOHN PERKINS
take alook at libya it has now a rothschild bank.

it is said that it was indian gold from the temples from tipu time that made the rocthshcild extremely rich and powerful and the east india company and opium was his enterprise it was run by the sassoon family that were married into rothchilds..

yes us pakistanis/indians got colonise by rothchild.

by the way chinese revolution was rothschild funded and his agents israel epstein and sidney shapiro were guiding chairman mao.

these jews bankrs funded all wars, revolution, sexual revoltion, commuist, nazism, terrist, etc they behind it.

you see jews crash the economy and buy it back on the pennies with help of uncle rothshcild that why they own everything. so if you got invention keep it to your self.

imran khan was married to that jemima khan she is gold smith a rothshcild family member.

they fund human rights organsation behind the scenes and use it to push in democracy like hudson institue that talks about boloach liberation. they soften the target country up and send so call first aid people /missionaries to collect data and spy and to convert groups so they can be used as canon fodder in future.

sorry bout grammar and spelling, my specs are broken. i stop here.

Before i watched a documentary the series was I think till 60 some in it says these guys do black magic and how they did 9/11
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