If you understood what you're posting, you'd realize how foolish that statement is.
Since you don't it's difficult to help you.
Your evidence doesn't mean what you think it means.
If it doesn't think what I mean, write the exact reasons why and take apart the study since your an expert geneticist. Prove to me why what those people say on genetic forums is utterly wrong. You claimed the study was agenda driven and demanded I find the exact source of it. After that was done, you deny the study and say it doesn't mean what it clearly says it means.
And the idea that Indian Punjabis are so pure they didnt mix with Uttar Pradesh Dalits, or the swarms of Indians from elsewhere in India that can freely travel into Delhi is not only racist but wishfully racist.
Your talking to me about racism? I've seen your posts before. It doesn't take that much effort to see you look down upon Indians. Unfortunately, people associated with one another in the past based on caste and continue to do until this day. Jatts, Khatris, Gujjars, etc. rarely marry one another so why would they marry non Punjabis and Uttar Pradesh Dalits? Even when Indian Punjabis immigrate out of Punjab, they are still likely to marrying within sub-ethnic groups of Punjabis.
Indian Punjab was comprised of Himachal Pradesh and Haryana which borders Uttar Pradesh. Those are the facts. The same ethnic group of people do not border Pakistani Punjab. So they are culturally similar (though religion is a big difference), but do not hold quite the same characteristics as each other.
I love your ignorance. Himachal Pradesh is mostly populated by non Punjabi ethnic groups and Haryana is only partly Punjabi and mostly in the northwest areas near the Punjab border. Also, large parts of Rajasthan border Pakistani Punjab. Doesn't mean Pakistani Punjabis are heavily mixed with Rajasthanis.
Your clearly showing your agenda. Trying to separate Pakistan from India as much as possible. You do this to the point where your essentially trying to separate Indian Punjabis from Pakistani Punjabis as much as you possibly can. I wonder if you would do the same for Afghan Pashtuns and Pakistanis Pashtuns or Iranian Baloch and Pakistani Baloch.
I think there's slight differences definitely. However, not as much as the Indian Punjab, Pakistani Punjab difference. This is due to religion probably. While Koreans and Baloch/Pashtuns share similar religions across their borders, Indian and Pakistani Punjabis do not.
Religion doesn't cause huge ethnic differences between an ethnicity. Pakistani Punjabis still marry mostly Pakistani Punjabis and the same with Indian Punjabis. They are still the same ethnicity unles they intermarry with other ethnic groups. Also, North Korea is communist and mostly Buddhist influenced while South Korean is mostly atheist and Christian. There are huge cultural differences that continue to grow between North and South Korea because of the communist vs. democratic governments. North and South Koreans rarely meet one another yet alone intermarry. You would know this if you weren't so ignorant.
If you think ethnicity trumps religion in the majority of cases of intermarriage in Indian Punjab, I'd like to hear it.
It does. Ask any Indian Punjabis. There should be a few on this forum. Caste and ethnicity continue to play huge roles in Indian Punjab until this day. Jatts, Khatris, Gujjars, Sainis, Aroras, Ramgharia, etc. Sikhs rarely marrying one another. If they rarely marry amongst one another, why would they marrying non Punjabis?
If you understood what the chart meant, you'd realize what you're saying is incorrect.
If you understood that Aryan and Dravidian aren't scientific words, your comments wouldn't sound entirely baseless and agenda driven.
The similarity does increase the further northwest you go though.
However, your claim that Indian Punjabis are genetically similar to Pakistani Punjabis based on Rosenberg's clustering is dumb. It doesn't imply that at all.
It's dumb? Is it as dumb as your comments about people being more or less Aryan and Dravidian?
I'm not saying Indian Punjabis are genetically similar to Pakistani Punjabis based on Rosenberg's research. I never stated that and you'll never find a quote to prove it. I'm saying they are genetically similar because they are the same ethnic group that have similar sub-ethnic groups/castes that make up the majority of their populations. In this case, Jatts, Khatris, Rajputs, Gujjars etc.