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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

I never said that......im talking abt the bolded part.

about yr next few lines well i have already said that we mostly dont know that our religion actually says!!
Now u saying there is no mention about Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), that is telling me the story that u also dont know abt yr religion.

Now let me tell u this too that His(Prophet PBUH) prediction is also mentioned in Bible as well!!!.

Like i said watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik who actually happens to be a indian himself in utube namely similarities b/w Islam n hindusim and also let me suggest u another one ''Islam/Quran in the light of Modern Science and Technology''.

Dr Zakir Naik is a Gujrati and lives in Mumbai and is a student of Islam and comparative religions, he is now a days WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs specially Islam.

So certainly he knows better then us atleast...The best thing about him is that he quotes the religious scriptures as well as verses in them too n if u have problems u can always cross check them.

Dear friend, i have enough studied my religion(in which i was born) your religion and others as well as. Its you who are not taking pain to study your self. please go through it on your own at least once in your life time, dont believe jakir nike or any body alse. find your self. this is the mantra. regarding jakir nike what I said previously is absolutely correct. and if you insist then I can prove his claim wrong about your religion also, if mods can allow me.actually he is full of BS and is God of fools.he has followers in muslim world only, because he continuously gives them sweet bees of truthfulness of their religion above all other religion
I never said that......im talking abt the bolded part.

about yr next few lines well i have already said that we mostly dont know that our religion actually says!!
Now u saying there is no mention about Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), that is telling me the story that u also dont know abt yr religion.

Now let me tell u this too that His(Prophet PBUH) prediction is also mentioned in Bible as well!!!.

Like i said watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik who actually happens to be a indian himself in utube namely similarities b/w Islam n hindusim and also let me suggest u another one ''Islam/Quran in the light of Modern Science and Technology''.

Dr Zakir Naik is a Gujrati and lives in Mumbai and is a student of Islam and comparative religions, he is now a days WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs specially Islam.

So certainly he knows better then us atleast...The best thing about him is that he quotes the religious scriptures as well as verses in them too n if u have problems u can always cross check them.

Zakir Naik is a fraud,A modern day version of snake oil salesmen.

You are more likely to get raped in India than in Pakistan.

LOL seriously? you are comparing your country where you need 4 eye witnesses to report rape with India? and you really believe there are 0.0 rapes in Pakistan? the number itself shows how Pakistanis deal with that problem, by lying.

Oh and please don't ban me for a month for saying this. please... :D
LOL seriously? you are comparing your country where you need 4 eye witnesses to report rape with India? and you really believe there are 0.0 rapes in Pakistan? the number itself shows how Pakistanis deal with that problem, by lying.

Oh and please don't ban me for a month for saying this. please... :D

Just Ignore him... One should keep the same yardstick before comparing.
I never said that......im talking abt the bolded part.

about yr next few lines well i have already said that we mostly dont know that our religion actually says!!
Now u saying there is no mention about Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), that is telling me the story that u also dont know abt yr religion.

Now let me tell u this too that His(Prophet PBUH) prediction is also mentioned in Bible as well!!!.

Like i said watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik who actually happens to be a indian himself in utube namely similarities b/w Islam n hindusim and also let me suggest u another one ''Islam/Quran in the light of Modern Science and Technology''.

Dr Zakir Naik is a Gujrati and lives in Mumbai and is a student of Islam and comparative religions, he is now a days WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs specially Islam.

So certainly he knows better then us atleast...The best thing about him is that he quotes the religious scriptures as well as verses in them too n if u have problems u can always cross check them.

For your correction --

Zakir naik is not a Gujrathi but he is From the konkan coast of Maharashtra (KONKAN COAST)
Like i said watch the videos of Dr Zakir Naik who actually happens to be a indian himself in utube namely similarities b/w Islam n hindusim and also let me suggest u another one ''Islam/Quran in the light of Modern Science and Technology''.

Dr Zakir Naik is a Gujrati and lives in Mumbai and is a student of Islam and comparative religions, he is now a days WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs specially Islam.

Zakir Naik is a bull **** charlatan whose Peace TV has just been banned in India. He just mugs up certain specific shlokas in the Vedas, takes them out of context, gives his own half baked interpretations and arrives at his own conclusions. And why not, when sheep like you are eager to gobble up all he spews and praise him as the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs (sic).
Zakir Naik is a bull **** charlatan whose Peace TV has just been banned in India. He just mugs up certain specific shlokas in the Vedas, takes them out of context, gives his own half baked interpretations and arrives at his own conclusions. And why not, when sheep like you are eager to gobble up all he spews and praise him as the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS VOICE in Religious affairs (sic).
Yes and still no body has dared challenge him that he is wrong on vedas most of you guys haven't even read your own books and follow the pundits Sir if you have problem with him than challenge him prove him wrong or keep quiet and banning peace TV is enough to expose so called secular India and he is famous that is why Indians are afraid and jealous of him
Yes and still no body has dared challenge him that he is wrong on vedas most of you guys haven't even read your own books and follow the pundits Sir if you have problem with him than challenge him prove him wrong or keep quiet and banning peace TV is enough to expose so called secular India and he is famous that is why Indians are afraid and jealous of him

If we keep responding to every dog barking on the street, then there is no difference between the dog and us.

BTW do read this Zakir Naik refuses to debate Arya Samaj and this Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much?
If we keep responding to every dog barking on the street, then there is no difference between the dog and us.

BTW do read this Zakir Naik refuses to debate Arya Samaj
Who is the dog we have seen enough of dogs killing Muslims in Kashmir and Gujrat he is a Muslim and spreading massage of Islam and that is why so called secular Indians hate him but he is winning and those cowards are losing and they are bound to loose
Who is the dog we have seen enough of dogs killing Muslims in Kashmir and Gujrat he is a Muslim and spreading massage of Islam and that is why so called secular Indians hate him but he is winning and those cowards are losing and they are bound to loose

Mullah saab...you asked if anybody is ready to debate with him..apparently the charlatan is not ready to debate with Arya Samaj..why ? because he knows his lies will be exposed and he will be made nanga in front of true scholars of Vedas..Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much?

and you know what mullah..? He actually supports Qadiyani beliefs when he says Muhammed was prophecized in Vedas..lol

Dr Zakir Naik’s fraud exposed
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Mullah saab...you asked if anybody is ready to debate with him..apparently the charlatan is not ready to debate with Arya Samaj..why ? because he knows his lies will be exposed and he will be made nanga in front of true scholars of Vedas..Why Muslims hate Zakir Naik so much?
He has debated and defeated many and his open to debates Sir ask them to challenge him openly not secretly Vedas you are exposed by the fact most of the Hindus can't are not allowed to read vedas and many are stopped from reading books
He has debated and defeated many and his open to debates Sir ask them to challenge him openly not secretly Vedas you are exposed by the fact most of the Hindus can't are not allowed to read vedas and many are stopped from reading books

haha you just went full retard there..or full mullah.. What part of "he refused to debate with Arya Samaj when challenged" you did not understand ? or should I say that in Arabic for a true momin like you to understand ?

You do understand that by supporting Zakir Naik you are supporting Qadiyani beliefs ? do you ?
haha you just went full retard there..or full mullah.. What part of "he refused to debate with Arya Samaj when challenged" you did not understand ? or should I say that in Arabic for a true momin like you to understand ?

You do understand that by supporting Zakir Naik you are supporting Qadiyani beliefs ? do you ?
This shows your ignorance and how short you know about Zakir Naik is hated by Qadyanis the most because he exposes them and their false believes Muslims are better in India Islamic Channels are not banned in Pakistan unlike so called secular India
to all this thread says: Re: Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

well the answer is still a big no

No matter pakistanies try to ignoar the facts but the bottom line is what jinnah wanted was a nation for muslims where they can be better than India and well in deu course be as good as some western nations had what he wanted was taken serousli and Fedulas were kicked owt in the beging and Pakisttani army was not baised towards india that would have been attained to some extend.

but the real situation is totalli reversed curruption is supreme here ,Feduals kill and rape innocent awaam at will , justice system has collapsed minorities and relegeous sects are prosecuted ARMY abuses its power and privilages and largeli has a parellel govt & economy of its own Foriegn nations abuse there privilages in pakistan .

so the bottom line is pakistan is just a tad better than chad and sudan and soem other countries well its bitter but is true isnt it
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