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Are all Sayyid (Syed in South Asia) Shia's or former Shia's?

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I don't know how the situation is in South Asia but in the Arab world we call it Sadah (plural of Sayyid) families or more precisely as we Sunni Arabs (80% of all Arabs) call it ASHRAF families for the descendants of Hasan ibn Ali (RA). They were usually Sunni from the very beginning while from my research, personal experience etc. most people in the Arab world that trace their ancestry from Hussein ibn Ali (RA) are Shia's although that is not entirely true either because many of his prodigy were Sunni from the beginning when they moved to Yemen, Syria, Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world.

As MuslimConscript said then most of the SADAH in Indonesia are nearly 99,9% Sunni of the Shafi'i figh because they are either descendants of Hijazi or Yemeni (Hadrami) Arab Sadah families. After all between 5-10 million Indonesians of Arab ancestry live in Indonesia. A significant portion belong to those Sadah families from Yemen and Hijaz.

When I look at the link from that Joshua project below:

Joshua Project - Sayyid Ethnic People in all Countries

Then I can't wonder how come there are supposedly as many as 14 million Sadah in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. I would just say that I do obviously believe that are genuine Sadah among them but I have my big doubts on whether even more than half of them are genuine as the user Sur explained. But again we can never know and I won't make any judgements. All I am saying is that 14 million is a huge number.

Personally I am a Makkawi (Meccan) Hashemite (Sharif of Makkah line) from my father's side and I never heard about us being Shia before but at the same time I have heard some Shias claim it. At the end it does not really matter. Likewise my Yemeni mother's Sadah family (hence my username) has ties to both Tarim and Sana'a - the former is famous for having many genuine Sadah families and apparently a great concentration. All are Sunnis and have strong Sufi connections.

Anyway the Quraish tribe and Banu Hashim are very big clans/tribes/families in their native Hijaz region let alone the Arab world or the Muslim world. I know several people from my childhood in Makkah that are both Sadah, descendants of various Caliphs, Sahabah etc.

Besides being a Ashraf (Sayyid) or not is not important among us Sunnis. Respect is given, people are aware of it due to our Arab culture of tracing our ancestry, people usually had high positions, served as clerics, rulers etc. and were not allowed to receive Zakat. Ironically many were also persecuted at some point in Islamic history and far from all were all wealthy contrary to popular belief. I do however believe that Sadah enjoy "bigger benefits" in Shia communities for obvious reasons.
Being a Sayid does not make a person better than anyone else. A sayid is with his actions, not his ancestors.

Either way the start of such thread is uneccesary and is just a waste of time to read and reply.

Grsat post and could not agree more. your hasab and nasab are of no value in the eyes of your creator. He is only going to look at your taqwa and Aamal. I strongly believe that the so called schisms are figments of a conspiracy to divide the ummah.I dont want to discuss the shia sunni divide and will only saythat Imam Abu Haneefa aas a student of Imam Musa Kazim and a few yrs junior to Imam Jafer Sadiq.These were stalwarts and icons of ojr religion . Differences between them were on the basis of their understanding of the Quran,their environment and a feeling that the religion should be made easy for the people. Their students kept up with this tradition and at times have goven fatwas which were entirely co trary to the teachings of their teachers. However as we have gone away from our religiln dogma and rigidity has set in and what may once have been a literary debate has turned into matters of life and death. The solution is to turn back to the Quran andd the sunnah of ojr beloved Prophet(PBUH).
@al-Hasani Genetic study of proclaimed Syed in the Indian subcontinent.


Classical multidimensional scaling based on RST genetic distances showing the genetic affinities of the Syeds with their non IHL neighbours from India and Pakistan (both in bold characters) and with various other Arab populations

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I don't know how the situation is in South Asia but in the Arab world we call it Sadah (plural of Sayyid) families or more precisely as we Sunni Arabs (80% of all Arabs) call it ASHRAF families for the descendants of Hasan ibn Ali (RA). They were usually Sunni from the very beginning while from my research, personal experience etc. most people in the Arab world that trace their ancestry from Hussein ibn Ali (RA) are Shia's although that is not entirely true either because many of his prodigy were Sunni from the beginning when they moved to Yemen, Syria, Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world.

As MuslimConscript said then most of the SADAH in Indonesia are nearly 99,9% Sunni of the Shafi'i figh because they are either descendants of Hijazi or Yemeni (Hadrami) Arab Sadah families. After all between 5-10 million Indonesians of Arab ancestry live in Indonesia. A significant portion belong to those Sadah families from Yemen and Hijaz.

When I look at the link from that Joshua project below:

Joshua Project - Sayyid Ethnic People in all Countries

Then I can't wonder how come there are supposedly as many as 14 million Sadah in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. I would just say that I do obviously believe that are genuine Sadah among them but I have my big doubts on whether even more than half of them are genuine as the user Sur explained. But again we can never know and I won't make any judgements. All I am saying is that 14 million is a huge number.

Personally I am a Makkawi (Meccan) Hashemite (Sharif of Makkah line) from my father's side and I never heard about us being Shia before but at the same time I have heard some Shias claim it. At the end it does not really matter. Likewise my Yemeni mother's Sadah family (hence my username) has ties to both Tarim and Sana'a - the former is famous for having many genuine Sadah families and apparently a great concentration. All are Sunnis and have strong Sufi connections.

Anyway the Quraish tribe and Banu Hashim are very big clans/tribes/families in their native Hijaz region let alone the Arab world or the Muslim world. I know several people from my childhood in Makkah that are both Sadah, descendants of various Caliphs, Sahabah etc.

Besides being a Ashraf (Sayyid) or not is not important among us Sunnis. Respect is given, people are aware of it due to our Arab culture of tracing our ancestry, people usually had high positions, served as clerics, rulers etc. and were not allowed to receive Zakat. Ironically many were also persecuted at some point in Islamic history and far from all were all wealthy contrary to popular belief. I do however believe that Sadah enjoy "bigger benefits" in Shia communities for obvious reasons.

In Pakistan anyone who claims to be a Syed can automatically gain maximum benefits if enough people believe it and then such people abuse the name which is why many Pakistanis think all Syeds are fake today. Also many Pakistanis added the Syed surname in order to severe any historical ties to their hindu roots (or attempted too anyway) also the students of some syed sufi shiekhs added the surname so over time the numbers inflated.
We have traced our geniology all the way beack to Imam Ali Reza and none of our anceaters were shias. So the answer has to be No.

Who is Imam Ali Reza ? :unsure:

In Pakistan anyone who claims to be a Syed can automatically gain maximum benefits if enough people believe it and then such people abuse the name which is why many Pakistanis think all Syeds are fake today. Also many Pakistanis added the Syed surname in order to severe any historical ties to their hindu roots (or attempted too anyway) also the students of some syed sufi shiekhs added the surname so over time the numbers inflated.

Oh please you're not a Syed either ! :P

I went to your ancestral village & on the graves of your Great-Great-Great-Grandfather it was written 'Faking it since 1683...ja kar lei jo karna haii' ! :smokin:
Who is Imam Ali Reza ? :unsure:

Oh please you're not a Syed either ! :P

I went to your ancestral village & on the graves of your Great-Great-Great-Grandfather it was written 'Faking it since 1683...ja kar lei jo karna haii' ! :smokin:

:rofl: :rofl:

Oh **** I have been caught. :laughcry:
What is my ancestral village though if you don't mind me asking? :P
Who is Imam Ali Reza ? :unsure:


He probably means al-Ridha, LOL. Reza is the Iranian word of the Arabic name Ridha. Just like Mehmet is the Turkish version of the Arabic name Muhammad.

@al-Hasani Genetic study of proclaimed Syed in the Indian subcontinent.


Classical multidimensional scaling based on RST genetic distances showing the genetic affinities of the Syeds with their non IHL neighbours from India and Pakistan (both in bold characters) and with various other Arab populations


Interesting link. However it says this in the beginning.
Y chromosomes of self-identified Syeds from the Indian subcontinent show evidence of elevated Arab ancestry but not of a recent common patrilineal origin.

This means that there is Arab/Middle Eastern/Western Asian admixture but that does not necessarily indicate Sadah ancestry. Also I belief that less than 0,05% of the supposed 14 million Sadah have been tested.

It is however proven by genetics that Pakistan and Northern India has large non-South Asian admixture some of it being from the Arab world/Western Asia while others are from Central Asia.

But as I said I have no doubt that many are genuine Sadah families I just have certain doubts about whether all 14 million are Sadah families. That's a very big number. In my humble estimation and given the history of people elevating their lineage in newly conquered/converted areas (wherever that may be) to the "foreign culture, religion etc." in this case Islam/Arabic ancestry then a large portion if not the biggest are not genuine and genetics at least partially confirm it. But we will never know.

What you wrote below is true though and also what I have heard from Pakistanis and other South Asians living in KSA.

In Pakistan anyone who claims to be a Syed can automatically gain maximum benefits if enough people believe it and then such people abuse the name which is why many Pakistanis think all Syeds are fake today. Also many Pakistanis added the Syed surname in order to severe any historical ties to their hindu roots (or attempted too anyway) also the students of some syed sufi shiekhs added the surname so over time the numbers inflated.
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@al-Hasani Yes there are shia syeds.. as for fake syeds not really as high as kingmamba quoted... most of the hindu converts of "low caste" first try to be rajputs or jatts... and at last syeds... but they can be easily identified if u can some god damn sense...
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Stay out of my ancestral village. It will be polluted by you disco maulvi. :pissed:

My Mom's Ancestral Village is Awan Shareef (near Gujrat) ! :)

@al-Hasani Yes there are shia syeds.. as for fake syeds not really as high as kingmamba quoted... most of the hindu converts of "low caste" first try to be rajputs or jatts... and at last syeds... but they can be easily identified if u can some god damn sense...

Bhai tu na keh deeein ka abbb tu bhi Syed haiii ! :blink:

Eik tiii Pakistan vichh eittt puttiyeiii Syed nikal aaandaa ehhh ! :lol:
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@al-Hasani Yes there are shia syeds.. as for fake syeds not really as high as kingmamba quoted... most of the hindu converts of "low caste" first try to be rajputs or jatts... and at last syeds... but they can be easily identified if u can some god damn sense...

Well I didn't give a number I just acknowledged that yes what sur says is true. Why would they try to be rajputs or jatts though??
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My Mom's Ancestral Village is Awan Shareef (near Gujrat) ! :)

Bhai tu na keh deeein ka abbb tu bhi Syed haiii ! :blink:

Eik tiii Pakistan vichh eittt puttiyeiii Syed nikal aaandaa ehhh ! :lol:

Screw you man... im proud of my ethnicity.. damn fookin proud!
My Mom's Ancestral Village is Awan Shareef (near Gujrat) ! :)

Bhai tu na keh deeein ka abbb tu bhi Syed haiii ! :blink:

Eik tiii Pakistan vichh eittt puttiyeiii Syed nikal aaandaa ehhh ! :lol:

Bhai amreeki noun kii pata yeh awan shareef kii hunda ve? :P
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