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Archbishop's Sharia comment sparks row

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Their per capita income is higher than ours. Their growth rate is higher than ours. They are a democracy since 1947. I could go on...but it would send me into depression.

what does that prove? india has a higher growth rate than canada. but where would you rather live?

and pakistani stats have matched india's in terms of growth rate and are better in many areas, including ease of doing business. eg. Pakistan is ranked 76th, India is ranked 120th. Which looks like a better shaped economy from this perspective? Pakistan of course.

Rankings - Doing Business - The World Bank Group

though, you are trying desperately hard to prove Indians are better than Pakistanis, for which I commend you on your patriotism, you are the one coming out with the racially superior/inferior theories, not me. I just put forward what scientists have discovered.
On lighter note Yes they had beaten us in everything even in Hunger ;)

This Dravidian theory has got many controversial twists, even if we consider that south Indian’s are closer to this race then you are gone. There is no comparison with South India to Pakistan in any term, take it religious harmony, education, science and technology, hard working, per capita income, take what ever you want. So do not use unnecessary / un-thoughtful statements which make you unhappy later.

Be cool.... and enjoy discussion.....
I didn't ignore any question. You didn't ask anything - at least anything resembling a question that made any sense.

I asked you a simple question. What is this row over? What marriage laws do Muslims want to see implemented into British law?

Questions are easily formulated to cause a specific result to occur. Depending on how words are put together..you probably won't understand what I mean, so keep on being ignorant. Others, I'm hoping will.

I don't see how the question I'm asking is formulated to cause a particular answer. This is what the thread is about and none has mentioned any specifics on what Muslims want in the UK. Now since you're refusing to tell me, I think it must be something any reasonable person would instantaneously dismiss.

This surely is an assumpion on your part. I don't believe I mentioned in any post anywhere that Dravidians were categorically inferior. I am free to give my opinion that others are weaker, just as Stealth Assassin and you are free to give your opinions that Islam is a monolithic religion that can only consist of extremist ideology that slaughtered Hinduism and other such falsitudes. As an extremist, you yourself, fit the radical fascist billing perfectly.

:lol: Keep doing what you're doing man, it's very easy being macho on the internet. Your obsession with skin color and physical traits and repeated ridiculing of a different race are enough reason to assume you are racist.

Asians (Chinese, Koreans etc) and Hispanics (Mexicans) are usually smaller than other races here. No one cares, except the racists.

But I await these juicy quotes made where I said that Dravidians WERE inferior to myself/Aryans. Else, it's just another presumptuous ignorant statement of hundreds you have made on here.

I reported a post by you earlier. Ask a mod which one it was, because I think they deleted it.

Not in boxing or warfare my Dravidian friend.

Sie sind ein Nazi mein Freund! Gerecht nehmen Sie ihn an und begrüssen Sie Ihr Portrait des fuhrer!

The jobs bit I had gathered, the 20 year old bit I had not. You sounded tops 14.

What job did you have at the age of 20? Concentration camp manager?

I know for a fact you haven't by the fact you think you know it all, when your opinions are so bloody backward and ignorant like your beliefs that sharia law are some monolithic set of rules. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Einstein, and you just about proved the second one!

Tut tut, Einstein was a great enemy of your beloved Hitler, you shouldn't be glorifying him :disagree:

Nice and original too. It has nothing to do with Dravid this or Dravid that. In the threads I post, they are simply factual content. You find me one thing I have not said that is fact based. One will do. I can prove all I say, everything comes from sources. Even the skin coloration maps I produced were given by the best scientists in the world, which you in your denial, tried to ridicule on the basis you knew more than the top scientists! Reasoning such as America should not be coloured darker than Turkey are sheer ignorance when the map is based on INDIGENOUS populations! You are most definitely mentally 14!

Yeah yeah! factual content! Chinese people and Mexican people are smaller than you too. Never heard you gloating about that. You never waste an opportunity to tout your racial superiority over the neighbors.

As for your stupid maps, what year were they made in? Surely after the European colonists arrived in America hundreds of years ago? One would think that over 400 years of staying at some place makes you indigenous.

And just FYI, according to your moronic standard of indigenousness, Muslims are not indigenous to south asia, since they came from Arabian lands.
This Dravidian theory has got many controversial twists, even if we consider that south Indian’s are closer to this race then you are gone. There is no comparison with South India to Pakistan in any term, take it religious harmony, education, science and technology, hard working, per capita income, take what ever you want. So do not use unnecessary / un-thoughtful statements which make you unhappy later.

Be cool.... and enjoy discussion.....

Jana didn't say much about it, I did you little faked secondary id. South India versus Pakistan is more "harmonius" with better per capita incomes! :lol:. Of course.

Dalit Situation In Tamil Nadu By K. Nagaraj
When an interim award regarding Cauvery water-sharing was announced in 1991, large-scale violence targeting Tamils broke out in Bangalore. Since then, every turn in the tortuous process of settling the Cauvery dispute has been met with violent protests, especially in years when the monsoon has brought less rain.

The issue has cast a long shadow over relations between not only Karnataka and Tamil Nadu but also Kannadigas and Tamils in Bangalore. Tamils are attacked even on issues not concerning water-sharing. In 2000, when Kannada film star Rajkumar was kidnapped by bandit-smuggler Veerappan, a Tamil, Bangalore erupted in anti-Tamil violence again.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - More mob violence threatens Bangalore

Per capita GDP of India = 640 $, Pakistan = $590. $50 isn't much

South India probably has the same per capita income as North India, since some of the major cities are located in the North.

One could go on about how much better South India is than Pakistan. Perhaps the area where South India is ahead of Pakistan is in IT, but Pakistan will close this gap soon. As for women, and history, Pakistan must be way ahead, on average!
what does that prove? india has a higher growth rate than canada. but where would you rather live?

and pakistani stats have matched india's in terms of growth rate and are better in many areas, including ease of doing business. eg. Pakistan is ranked 76th, India is ranked 120th. Which looks like a better shaped economy from this perspective? Pakistan of course.

Rankings - Doing Business - The World Bank Group

though, you are trying desperately hard to prove Indians are better than Pakistanis, for which I commend you on your patriotism, you are the one coming out with the racially superior/inferior theories, not me. I just put forward what scientists have discovered.

Your intelliegence is going through the roof, really. You're picking out one statistic and presenting it as if that's the only thing that matters. Indias OVERALL economy is growing at over 9 percent, with inflation lower than ours. Now they don't face the same problems we do, thats because they are a secular democracy with many proud Muslim citizens. While we Pakistanis do not allow our Christian, Hindu and Sikh brothers the right to become PM/President. That's Islams greatness for you.

And btw, the single most important statistic is per capita income, which India's is higher.

And patriotism is not blindly tooting one's country's horn. Here I am praising India because there are mature people here, I do not encounter nationalistic twerps (for the most part), and this is a Pakistani website so I feel free to criticize my own country here. Patriotism is asking yourself what is wrong with your country and what is it that your rivals are doing better than you and try to change yourself so that you eventually overtake them.

I would never go on Bharat Rakshak or any American forum and criticize my country so much, but here I am provking people to think by my outspoken posts.

Oh and German scientists from the Third Reich agreed with your theor of Aryan superiority.
Jana didn't say much about it, I did you little faked secondary id. South India versus Pakistan is more "harmonius" with better per capita incomes! :lol:. Of course.

Dalit Situation In Tamil Nadu By K. Nagaraj
When an interim award regarding Cauvery water-sharing was announced in 1991, large-scale violence targeting Tamils broke out in Bangalore. Since then, every turn in the tortuous process of settling the Cauvery dispute has been met with violent protests, especially in years when the monsoon has brought less rain.

The issue has cast a long shadow over relations between not only Karnataka and Tamil Nadu but also Kannadigas and Tamils in Bangalore. Tamils are attacked even on issues not concerning water-sharing. In 2000, when Kannada film star Rajkumar was kidnapped by bandit-smuggler Veerappan, a Tamil, Bangalore erupted in anti-Tamil violence again.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - More mob violence threatens Bangalore

Per capita GDP of India = 640 $, Pakistan = $590. $50 isn't much

South India probably has the same per capita income as North India, since some of the major cities are located in the North.

One could go on about how much better South India is than Pakistan. Perhaps the area where South India is ahead of Pakistan is in IT, but Pakistan will close this gap soon. As for women, and history, Pakistan must be way ahead, on average!

The four southern states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh beat Pakistan with ease, in pretty much all indicators.

I know that you are a strong believer in Aryan superiority, but sorry dude. Your theories don't hold water.

Okay, I'd like all of you to take a step back and relax, rather than contiuously accuse each other of racism. If you do have concerns, report the post, and the moderators will decide. I would not consider a simple reference to "Dravidians" as racism, unless the context implied racial superirority or inferiority, or was derogatory in nature.

From what I can tell, RR's references to Dravidian vs Aryan are simply a means by which he chooses to distinguish and identify the populations of India and Pakistan, there is nothing "racist" in making that distinction (whether you consider his theory flawed or not is a different matter).

I think the post of RR's you replied to was making the argument that inter-State relations in South India are not any more harmonius than inter provincial relations in Pakistan, and reaction to the Cauvery dispute is an indication of that.


Muslims are not a "race" - Islam is a faith, and its adherants, who can be of any race, are Muslims.

While I understand that you may disagree with RR's assertion about "physically larger/stronger and fairer Aryans", how exactly is describing such differences different from suggesting that Europeans tend to be larger and fairer than other races?

There is a difference between suggesting that Europeans tend to be "larger and fairer" and arguing that they are "a superior race". Physical differences can be acknowledged don't you think? It is the context in which they are expressed that can cause offense. I don't want to come across as being supportive of one side over the other, but I think offense is being taken where none should. Differences between races exist - superiority of one race over another does not.

Muslims are not a "race" - Islam is a faith, and its adherants, who can be of any race, are Muslims.

While I understand that you may disagree with RR's assertion about "physically larger/stronger and fairer Aryans", how exactly is describing such differences different from suggesting that Europeans tend to be larger and fairer than other races?

There is a difference between suggesting that Europeaens tend to be "larger and fairer" and arguing that they are "a superior race". Physical differences can be acknowledged don't you think? It is the context in which they are expressed that can cause offence. I don't want to come across as being supportive of one side over the other, but I think offence is being taken where none should. Differences between races exist - superirority of one race over another does not.

I never said Muslims are a race. Muslims, for the most part, see themselves as a nation. When a Muslim from Egypt meets a Muslim from Pakistan, they both are aware of each others religious status and they consider each other more reliable/worthy of friendship than someone who is of another religion.

This thing doesn't exist in Christianity, although it may in Jews due to their low numbers and in Hindus around the world because they are all from India in the first place.

An RR can believe whatever he wishes in terms of race, but he brings up the racial status of South Indians repeatedly and in reply to posts which have absolutely nothing to do with race. Physical differences can be acknowledged but only when one is talking about race, not when there is absolutely no remote connection of it to the topic.

My Arab friend who looks just like me in terms of size and skin color is classified as "white" by the US census beareau, while I'm classified as Asian. Seems pretty dodgy to me. But I guess some people like RR enjoy psuedo-science.
Your intelliegence is going through the roof, really. You're picking out one statistic and presenting it as if that's the only thing that matters. Indias OVERALL economy is growing at over 9 percent, with inflation lower than ours. Now they don't face the same problems we do, thats because they are a secular democracy with many proud Muslim citizens. While we Pakistanis do not allow our Christian, Hindu and Sikh brothers the right to become PM/President. That's Islams greatness for you.

And btw, the single most important statistic is per capita income, which India's is higher.

India's per capita income is $50 higher than Pakistan. This is not a lot.

India's economy and Pakistan's economy are growing at the same rates. If you consider all the political turmoil and earthquakes Pakistan has had occuring within its region over the last 2-4 years, one can only wonder how much quicker the economy would be growing. Even so, a 7% (9% growth sometimes) is very rapid growth. India's economy is not growing much faster than this, if it really is growing faster at all. According to Standard's & Poor's credit rating is at B+ though the outlook has been changed due to politics, this is still a huge increase from a triple C credit rating just 4 or 5 years ago when India already had a B credit rating. During the times of democracy, Pakistan's credit rating sunk, during Musharraf's dictatorship time credit ratings have increased 5-6 notches. In other words it has nothing to do with democracy being the difference between Pakistan and India, it has everything to do with sound policies being put into force by rulers, which for Pakistan has come about through a dictator. Pakistan has made more significant strides than India in this department.

India can have a Muslim President, but they would never allow a Muslim head of state as Prime Minister, or if they did, it would be one subservient to the Hindu cause. You are a trifle delerious to believe that India would grant any power to an independent minded Muslim. Pakistan had a Hindu CJ, who holds more power than just a ceremonial Muslim Indian president.

And patriotism is not blindly tooting one's country's horn. Here I am praising India because there are mature people here, I do not encounter nationalistic twerps (for the most part), and this is a Pakistani website so I feel free to criticize my own country here. Patriotism is asking yourself what is wrong with your country and what is it that your rivals are doing better than you and try to change yourself so that you eventually overtake them.

I would never go on Bharat Rakshak or any American forum and criticize my country so much, but here I am provking people to think by my outspoken posts.

You are free to search for introspection. But make it rationale and creditable. For this you need to read up on statistics and understand the context of figures, not just to state "India's economy is better than Pakistan's, because India has $610 per capita, and Pakistan has $590. This is a NEGLIGIBLE difference. Both per capita incomes are similar. One could argue developmental indicators of Pakistan are better than India, such as lifespan, poverty, starving people, but even though Pakistan is better off in these departments, it's not much better than India. When searching for the reasons for this, burping out democracy like you're some kind of expert, and not the snot dribbling little deflatulating little kid that you are, gives the WRONG IMPRESSION about the causes of why certain economic factors favour India. The basis for differences are almost in all cases start points. Nothing else. Pakistan and India are growing at similar rates. For inflation, if you had the slightest knowledge of ANY economics, and not your pus-ridden exam papers that you squeezed the contents of your last zit onto, you would know why hot economies cause these phenomena. It's actually a sign that Pakistan's economy is being driven by a huge consumer force, stronger than India's, which would make it healthier in many respects. And Karachi Stock Exchange is still outperforming the Indian ones.

"It has out performed other emerging equity markets during the last four years in particular, including Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Turkey."

Oh and German scientists from the Third Reich agreed with your theor of Aryan superiority.

As has been pointed out, it's not a superior/inferior discussion, it's factual, not something a Bart Simpson watching ignorant would understand.
An RR can believe whatever he wishes in terms of race, but he brings up the racial status of South Indians repeatedly and in reply to posts which have absolutely nothing to do with race. Physical differences can be acknowledged but only when one is talking about race, not when there is absolutely no remote connection of it to the topic.

Whenever I post about race/ethnic group, it is because there is a connection to it. You can lie like a kid with such accusations, but don't expect anyone to take your pre-pubescent comments seriously. If you have any proof, post it, you will not find any though. Spend your student time endlessly searching.

My Arab friend who looks just like me in terms of size and skin color is classified as "white" by the US census beareau, while I'm classified as Asian. Seems pretty dodgy to me. But I guess some people like RR enjoy psuedo-science.

Ignorance. Sheer ignorance as usual is being spilt here. An ASIAN CAN BE WHITE! Many Pakistanis are white you ignorant little kid. They are not recorded as white, they are recorded as Pakistani, Asian in censuses, just as Arabs will be recorded as Middle Eastern or Arab. "White" is not an national/continental/ethnic grouping. "White American" refers to those with European ancestries, Middle Eastern Americans to those with Middle Eastern ancestry (which in America includes Pakistan) etc.

If it is pseudo science what I talk about, discuss what part of it is pseudoscience, instead of making baseless allegations. Involve the brain cell in this, even though it might be overworked.
roadrunner is not racist! I too mention race a lot. I have a family tree that races me bani tamim from quraish. I, like my ancestor Abu Bakr Siddiq(RA), take special interest in lineage. there's nothing wrong with that, for roadrunner studying races and identifying their origin, is a hobby just like me going through lineage!
roadrunner is not racist! I too mention race a lot. I have a family tree that races me bani tamim from quraish. I, like my ancestor Abu Bakr Siddiq(RA), take special interest in lineage. there's nothing wrong with that, for roadrunner studying races and identifying their origin, is a hobby just like me going through lineage!

Sorry mate, but studying the characteristics of races is one thing, and passing snide comments is another.
India's per capita income is $50 higher than Pakistan. This is not a lot.

Indias per capita income at PPP is $3,802. Pakistans is $2,744.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India's economy and Pakistan's economy are growing at the same rates. If you consider all the political turmoil and earthquakes Pakistan has had occuring within its region over the last 2-4 years, one can only wonder how much quicker the economy would be growing. Even so, a 7% (9% growth sometimes) is very rapid growth. India's economy is not growing much faster than this, if it really is growing faster at all. According to Standard's & Poor's credit rating is at B+ though the outlook has been changed due to politics, this is still a huge increase from a triple C credit rating just 4 or 5 years ago when India already had a B credit rating. During the times of democracy, Pakistan's credit rating sunk, during Musharraf's dictatorship time credit ratings have increased 5-6 notches. In other words it has nothing to do with democracy being the difference between Pakistan and India, it has everything to do with sound policies being put into force by rulers, which for Pakistan has come about through a dictator. Pakistan has made more significant strides than India in this department.

Same rates? First of all Indias economy is much larger than Pakistans in terms of dollar value. That means a 2% growth rate difference is huge, and the two countries cannot be said to be growing at the same rates. Secondly, Pakistan's economy is in trouble now and we are barely going to make 6.5% this year, while India is mainting it's impressive growth easily. India's growth is fueled entirely of it's own strength, while we've been recieveing billions of dollars of aid and borrowing from western donors.

7% growth is indeed impressive, but it was unsustainable and specialists had been warning for a long time about what is happening now but the government failed to heed their warnings.

Western companies are moving their R&D wings to India, and more and more investment is coming in to that country. Corporations worldwide are vying for a share of the Indian market, while they're too afraid to step foot inside Pakistan. Even a middle eastern company cancelled it's plan to build a hotel in Pakistan.

As for growth rates in military v civilian eras, it is not because of any special ability of generals, it's because every military era has corresponded to America needing Pakistan and thus bestowing massive aid on the country. If they had supported civilian governments, by now we would have learnt to operate civilian governments effectively.

India can have a Muslim President, but they would never allow a Muslim head of state as Prime Minister, or if they did, it would be one subservient to the Hindu cause. You are a trifle delerious to believe that India would grant any power to an independent minded Muslim. Pakistan had a Hindu CJ, who holds more power than just a ceremonial Muslim Indian president.

This is completely unfounded Indophobia. Pakistan had a temporary Hindu CJ, we still haven't appointed one officially. Also, Pakistan discriminates against it's minorities through it's constitution, barring them from taking the PM/President office, which is a sad violation of Jinnahs vision for Pakistan.

You are free to search for introspection. But make it rationale and creditable. For this you need to read up on statistics and understand the context of figures, not just to state "India's economy is better than Pakistan's, because India has $610 per capita, and Pakistan has $590. This is a NEGLIGIBLE difference. Both per capita incomes are similar. One could argue developmental indicators of Pakistan are better than India, such as lifespan, poverty, starving people, but even though Pakistan is better off in these departments, it's not much better than India. When searching for the reasons for this, burping out democracy like you're some kind of expert, and not the snot dribbling little deflatulating little kid that you are, gives the WRONG IMPRESSION about the causes of why certain economic factors favour India. The basis for differences are almost in all cases start points. Nothing else. Pakistan and India are growing at similar rates. For inflation, if you had the slightest knowledge of ANY economics, and not your pus-ridden exam papers that you squeezed the contents of your last zit onto, you would know why hot economies cause these phenomena. It's actually a sign that Pakistan's economy is being driven by a huge consumer force, stronger than India's, which would make it healthier in many respects. And Karachi Stock Exchange is still outperforming the Indian ones.

My criticism is rational and credible. Ask any economist in the world to make a comparison between the Indian and Pakistani economies, and you will hear the bitter truth. Western economists are starting to mention India along with China every time, while I've never heard of the Pakistani economy being mentioned anywhere when South Asia's rising affluence is being discussed.

And if you're going to make the claim that developmental indicators of Pakistan are better than it's neighbors, then I would like to see some links from sources such as world bank or IMF or Asian Development bank. I'd be delighted to see them.

India does better because international investors see it as a stable country where laws are upheald and there is no turmoil, with the army controlling every government agency. Every few weeks in Pakistan there is a new factor causing unrest, whether it's an assassination or a fired judge or a bombing in a mosque.

And it's funny that you're claiming that Pakistans higher inflation points to a stronger consumer base. I guess that makes Pakistan even stronger than China, since China's growth is in double digits yet it's inflation is lower than ours. Inflation is caused by fast growing economies, but it is the job of governments to CONTROL it and not let their economy overheat, which is clearly happening with ours, and China and India have avoided it marvellously while keeping their higher growth rates.

"It has out performed other emerging equity markets during the last four years in particular, including Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Turkey."

As has been pointed out, it's not a superior/inferior discussion, it's factual, not something a Bart Simpson watching ignorant would understand.

The quotes praising the economy are from the past, when growth was strong. Each and every one of these reports also warned about overheating, inflation etc and the need for further structural reforms to keep the strong growth. The government has failed to do so and now we're paying the price. Indias rupee has appreciated to something like 39 rupees against the dollar, while ours has slipped to 64 rupees.

Go into the economy thread and see almost every news item showing negative news. "Export target missed", "Inflation up", "Loadshedding to happen", "Foreign Reserves down", "Debt hits $40 billion".
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