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Arafat poisoned with Polonium 210 - Lancet confirms

Not really. On one hand, if you care to see what's taking place in Greece, Bulgaria, and Southern Germany you will understand that some of them still cry a river of blood over it, while others on the other hand decent people fight against the modern wave of antisemitism.

Maybe it's a misunderstanding of the phrase used. When I said "cry blood", I meant cries of hatred, cry as in scream or shriek, not crying in sadness. You don't see jews across the globe (say in USA or France or Britain) being indoctrinated with hatred towards Christians or Germans for the holocaust. (Of course there may be extreme fundamentalist jews who hate people of other religions, just as there are muslims and hindus also.) But the holocaust itself is not used an excuse to hate Christians or white people or Germany, although Christianity and white supremacy and Germanic nationalism directly caused the holocaust. Hence your comparison to westerners crying about the holocaust is not valid. To reiterate - I meant cries of hatred, not cries of sympathy. (Which BTW, even non muslims do - the communist party of India vehemently supports and sympathizes with the Palestinians, although the party is not Islamic by a long stretch.)

We have seen western-based groups shouting death to the Jews and Muslims at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised someone said death to Germans :lol:

I never generalized a thing my dear, if you care to read my post carefully we will be seeing that I used " Many " on both sides. Let just stop groundless accusations for once.

You just said that Arabs don't care about the Palestinians, which is an utter generalization.

Well I did not generalize either, at least not intentionally, so the accusation against me was groundless too. Anyway, let me clarify, since my original statement at a glance may be seen as a generalization - I merely made a comment inn the context of this thread. I was not implying that not a single arab cares for the Palestinian cause. I was saying that on this thread, south Asians and other people were more interested than arabs or Israelis. I was speaking mostly about this thread and forum. But if you look at the arab world as such, Saudi Arabia and GCC and many other countries have accepted Israel as a fact, even though they do not officially acknowledge it. Besides, they have many similar interests. Like a poster above said, and you agreed, it is in their interest to keep the region stable and keep the oil money flowing in, rather than go to war for a tiny piece of land. Which is why you don't see Qatari mirages or Saudi F-15s being used against Israel to give Palestinians their land back. If all the arab countries were as interested in giving the place to Palestinians as the rest of the muslim world is, then Israel would not live so peacefully, to put it mildly.

:lol: You probably don't know what the significance of Palestine to Muslims is, I wouldn't blame you though, after all, you aren't one of them :D

How would you know that I'm not?:azn: I've never talked about my religion on this forum, and for good reason. I made a comment on one of the arab threads about Saudi sentencing a woman to be flogged (You might remember - you responded to me.), and other than your response, all the other arab posters mocked me for being hindu (again, I may or may not be), instead of addressing my points. And I preferred to desist from commenting further on that thread, because nothing good can come out of dialoging with people who concentrate on the poster and not the posts.

Long story short, whether I'm one of them or not is irrelevant to how much I would know about it. A well read non muslim can know the importance and history of a "holy" place as well as or better than an ignorant muslim, right? (Again, the "ignorant muslim" is not a generalization. A hypothetical ignorant muslim, if you will.)

Yes, I know the importance of Israel-Palestine to muslims. But if you take that line, surely you must be aware of the importance of that place to jews? That argument can go both ways, and it can actually work much better for the jews. The poem on which their national anthem is based still mourns about the destruction of their temple in that land long before Christ was born. Before the state of Israel was established, the jewish diaspora around the globe believed that as long as even one jewish soul mourns for (what is now) Palestine, their people still have hope. (Hence the title of their anthem.) The importance of muslims to that place pales in comparison. This is the land where jewish people have fought and died for since millennia before Christianity or islam began.

Anyway I don't want to take sides in the Israel-Palestine question, I am completely neutral in that. My point was about how the issue is used in the muslim world to recruit cannon fodder.

Since such issue happens to be within my field of expertise there is no way on earth that you would know better than I do when it comes to dealing with these savage baboons.

Al-Qaida, the Taliban, and Al-Nusrah ultimate goal is to liberate every single inch of Palestine either by the use of force or act of terror. But firstly all of them need to get rid of or weaken Israel's close allies, and all Muslims who oppose them - the list will include many such as people and their Government - thanks to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, it enabled these groups to wage a regional and global terror.

Precisely my point. Foot soldiers of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the globe, in Pakistan and afgh and Nigeria seem to care more about it than Arabs living close by.

Depending on how someone sees the conflict my dear. Groups like Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah pose threat to world peace, while the far wing nuts of the Israeli regime are in no better situation than the aforementioned groups.

Tell me that when far right jewish groups do terrorist activities across the world, in places far removed from the scene of the conflict (Israel-Palestine).

Muslims aren't stupid to the extent that someone could brainwash them to hate Israel or Saudi Arabia or England. The. Israeli regime actions speak to themselves, thanks to the MSM, and international amnesty.

Well muslims aren't, if you generalize. But a lot of muslims do hate "the west" and Israel and jews, without ever having been there.

Both Taliban groups accused Pakistan of working indirectly for " Zionist " interests in an indirect way by cooperating with the US Gov't, something these groups often use interchangeably :lol:

Many Pakistanis accused foreign bodies of assisting the Taliban to destabilize Pakistan, a claim that could be legit but not certainly true or false.

My responses in red.
You don't see jews across the globe (say in USA or France or Britain) being indoctrinated with hatred towards Christians or Germans for the holocaust.

Two videos below answer your questions.

Hence your comparison to westerners crying about the holocaust is not valid.

It doesn't have to be about the holocaust in first place.



These videos are being attached here to provide an example. There are millions of peace-loving Jews.
was saying that on this thread, south Asians and other people were more interested than arabs or Israelis. I was speaking mostly about this thread and forum.

I did not generalize either, at least not intentionally

This wasn't what your initial post suggested. Next time please try to be as much accurate as possible.

But if you look at the arab world as such, Saudi Arabia and GCC and many other countries have accepted Israel as a fact

Mind showing me a proof in which we recognized Israel, establish a diplomatic relations, or at least maintained a dialogue with them? Otherwise such argument could have been said while you were UI.

Which is why you don't see Qatari mirages or Saudi F-15s being used against Israel to give Palestinians their land back.

I don't know about Qatar but we share no boarders with Israel to launch an attack, and more importantly we don't live in a jungle to scramble our F-15s to launch an attack on an X or Y state.

How would you know that I'm not? I've never talked about my religion on this forum, and for good reason.

I'm indifferent to you, and your faith by large. In fact, I could care less about what you believe in. The whole point that I was trying to make in this was to shed a better light on how significant Palestine is to Muslims.

all the other arab posters mocked me for being hindu (again, I may or may not be), instead of addressing my points.

This isn't a matter of concern to me at all. I'm only responsible for my actions, I don't know why you are bringing that up here.

reason. I made a comment on one of the arab threads about Saudi sentencing a woman to be flogged (You might remember - you responded to me.), and other than your response.

Yes, and I did answer your questions in a professional manner, but the attitude you gave me was too emotional.

Long story short, whether I'm one of them or not is irrelevant to how much I would know about it. A well read non muslim can know the importance and history of a "holy" place as well as or better than an ignorant muslim, right? (Again, the "ignorant muslim" is not a generalization. A hypothetical ignorant muslim, if you will.)

There is a world of difference between someone who read history, and someone who considers that place to be one of the three holiest sites in their faith.

Yes, I know the importance of Israel-Palestine to muslims. But if you take that line, surely you must be aware of the importance of that place to jews? That argument can go both ways, and it can actually work much better for the jews. The poem on which their national anthem is based still mourns about the destruction of their temple in that land long before Christ was born. Before the state of Israel was established, the jewish diaspora around the globe believed that as long as even one jewish soul mourns for (what is now) Palestine, their people still have hope. (Hence the title of their anthem.) The importance of muslims to that place pales in comparison. This is the land where jewish people have fought and died for since millennia before Christianity or islam began.

My answer to the conflict is two-state solution - I don't see that happening though. Both deserve a country of their own, and both happen to have a historic right that no one can deny.

Anyway I don't want to take sides in the Israel-Palestine question, I am completely neutral in that. My point was about how the issue is used in the muslim world to recruit cannon fodder.

You are entitled to have your own opinion, wether you support this or that it won't make a difference.

Precisely my point. Foot soldiers of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups across the globe, in Pakistan and afgh and Nigeria seem to care more about it than Arabs living close by.

Are you suggesting that terror attacks could be justified? I don't think the Palestinians need full backing of 2000 km baboons when they've got a bunch of crazed terrorists just behind their doors to the West Bank. :lol:

Well muslims aren't, if you generalize. But a lot of muslims do hate "the west" and Israel and jews, without ever having been there.

How exactly sure are you? Do you happen to have any statistic that all Muslims hate the West? :/

Tell me that when far right jewish groups do terrorist activities across the world, in places far removed from the scene of the conflict (Israel-Palestine).

All faiths have their pros and cons.

Lavon Affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
US-born Jewish terrorist receives two life sentences | The Times of Israel
Jewish Terrorism in Israel

My responses in red.
They do nothing of the sort. They show some jews mocking jesus. As I said in my post, there will be people who may hate other faiths. But there is no large scale, concerted hate campaign around the world of jews against germans for the holocaust.

You asked for something which demonstrates hatred toward an X group toward a Y groups and I gave you the answer to it.

By the way it's not just jews who mock Jesus. Freedom to mock religions and prophets exists in the west. You will find far more non jews mocking jesus. Including fmous comedians and other celebrities. Monty python's 'Life of Brian' is considered one of the funniest films ever, and often tops the polls in best loved British films. It is entirely about mocking Jesus and Christianity. Check out comedic acts by George Carlin or david cross or ricky gervais too. People (including Christians) hear it, and laugh. It is very different from the muslim world, where such an act can get you killed, or cause riots in random countries. (As happened with the mohammed cartoons controversy.) Mocking religions or prophets is no big deal, and is NOT comparable to the very real acts of hatred perpetrated by muslims against Jews simply because of this particular issue.

I don't think the Catholic Church would agree with you in this assessment. I understand that people tend to make fun of religion not only in the West, but the list may include non-Western countries. However, I find making fun of religion isn't the nicest thing someone can do, it is extremely rude and disrespectful. My ENTIRE maternal family happens to be Roman Catholic while Dad's happens to be Sunni Muslim, yet I wasn't raised in a way in which one religion is superior to the other, and all religions are subject to constructive criticism but things should go as far as making fun of someone's holy figures, nor should things go violent whenever someone posted a low-budget video on YouTube.

Many would agree with me that mocking faiths disrespectfully is utterly disgusting. You are entitled to have your own opinion though, so let's agree to disagree on that.

Well, F-15s have tremendous range. Anyway the point was that all the neighbouring Arab countries are not waging war against Israel on behalf of Palestinians.

As I stated earlier, we don't share boarders with them, we aren't their neighbors, maybe such comments should have been addressed to Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.

The combined military and diplomatic clout of arab countries is tremendous. If arab countries really wanted to, they could have made life miserable for Israelis and forced a solution in Palestinians' favor by now. But the arab countries with sophisticated military-ware don't seem to be in any mood to use them against Israel for the sake of Palestinians. (I'm not saying they should, I'm simply observing the reality.)

To us Saudis - especially our political elites - don't share the same per logic. We only combine what we got in hand, not Sudan's or Tunisia's. The former two Saudi States taught us great lessons in this regard.

The Israelis probably live in a better position than the Palestinians, but they too have been bleeding for 60 years. Annually, many Israelis lose their lives over this issue, many companies refuse not to do business with them, and the intl. community puts a tremendous amount of pressure on them. Just look at how did they react over the EU decision to cut aids, and their economy is running on aid steroid.

And that is irrelevant to the issue, because the land is equally significant (if not more) to the jews. Religious significance for both sides nullifies each other.

I still believe that they are able to coexists in harmony.

But one can understand the importance of the place and the emotions they attach to it, even if it is not an emotional issue for him or her.

Impossible my dear. According to my own experience, I found extremists willing to do whatever it takes to get their to kill some Israelis for such reasons.

Why not a one state solution? A secular country where everybody is free to practice or not practice their own faith? (I don't see that happening either, but it sounds better than a two state solution, because they no longer have to fight over which part belongs to who.)

They can't, neither the Israelis or the Palestinians would accept such solution.

Well, who I support or don't is part of the opinion that I am entitled to, and expressing here, so it is important to mention.

It is extremely important to state which side you take otherwise staying ambiguous attitudes may cause schizophrenia.

No I wasn't justifying terror attacks, in fact I was mocking those terrorists. When I said that Pakistani or afgh terrorists seem to care more, it was sarcasm - mocking them for caring so much for a land they have never seen, hating a people they have never seen, and whom they can't influence anyway. Being 2000 kms away and all.

I don't think mocking them will contribute to any fruitful conclusion. After all people are dying on daily basis :agree:

Monday, October 14, 2013
Over the weekend, the Lancet published an article called "Improving forensic investigation for polonium poisoning" which is being misrepresented by the media, especially Arab media.


AFP reports:

Swiss radiation experts have confirmed they found traces of polonium on clothing used by Yasser Arafat which "support the possibility" the veteran Palestinian leader was poisoned.

In a report published by The Lancet at the weekend, the team provide scientific details to media statements made in 2012 that they had found polonium on Arafat's belongings.​

This is not the results of the tests done on exhumed samples from Arafat. This is simply a regurgitation of what the Swiss researchers said last year, just published in a new place.

The very end of the AFP report confirms this:

Beatrice Schaad, head of communications at the Vaudois University Hospital Center which is in charge of the institute, said the case report was the "scientific version" of what was given to the media.

"There is nothing new compared with what was said" in 2012, she told AFP. "There is still no conclusion that he was poisoned."

For those who cared, the specific results were published last year as well. And the numbers still don't add up.

The current Lancet article says:

According to biokinetic modelling (see appendix), the measured activities of ²¹⁰Po of several mBq per sample are compatible with a lethal ingestion of several GBq in 2004.

As I noted last year, Arafat's underwear urine stains were measured to have an astounding 180 mBq, over one hundred times the expected amount one would have expected to see in 2012, based on radioactive decay, of a dosage of polonium that would kill a man in a month.

Again, not that I am a fan of conspiracy theories, but these results would make sense only if the polonium was planted afterwards.

And, as I have noted, there were major irregularities when Arafat's body was exhumed, in that the PLO insisted that Russians be involved in the exhumation, and that only a Palestinian Arab pathologist was allowed to physically take the samples, with no one else observing him. If someone wanted to get advice on how to plant polonium on the samples - as well as polonium itself - Russia would the first choice.

Maybe this is why the investigation has been taking so long. If the polonium was planted, the researchers would probably be seeing results that are inconsistent or that otherwise don't make sense.

Solomon2 note: these Arabs made fools of you Pakistanis but rather than swallow your pride the anger at Jews remains, doesn't it? You'll even forget what caused you to be angry in the first place. That is the whole purpose of the exercise here: to keep topping up that pool of blind unjustifiable hatred - at Jews, non-Muslims, your distant cousin, whoever is convenient - so you will never find your way out of your angry morass.

You worry about a handful of Zionists like me? Who controls your hatreds - you, me, or them?
Russians forensic doctors didn't find in their test that poisoning was the cause of the death, although they didn't name the cause of Arafat demise.
Arafat was known to delight in homosexualite like most of his middle eastern pairs. `.
Poison is a Russian thing.


The top one died, the bottom one is scarred for life.
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