Oi both of you - Bandaa banooo !
These are the same arguments and emotional blackmailing that has prevented us from galvanizing ourselves into a Nation !
@DRaisinHerald - Those that came from the minority provinces in India are our brothers....our own flesh and blood as are those who we threw to a cruel fate in Bangladesh. Pakistan is as much there as it is ours. Ideally there shouldn't be a difference between Us and Them but because of shameless politicking my the so-called standard bearers of both sides we've degenerated into this Muhajir vs Local bakwaaas !
Pakistan wasn't build around a single ethnicity, a single culture, a single historical narrative or a single religion - One of the things that it was built around was that beautiful concept that has lies at the very heart of Islam that Muslims would rise above these parochial differences and stop dividing brother from brother on these nonsensical things that reek of the same tribalism that Arabs were embroiled in when Islam first came to their lands.
Plus we must never forget that Quaid-e-Azam wasn't a native of these lands and yet he did more for us than anyone had the right to expect from him. Much more than anyone ever did for us and it precisely for that reason that he is loved, admired but above all missed in Pakistan.
@Oscar - Yaaar 70 years honeiii ko hain.....abbb tou 'mulk banayaa thaaa hum nei' keh taaneiii busss kar doo !
And stop calling yourselves as 'Muhajirs' !
And don't give me that 'but others started calling us that first' nonsense....'others' did the same to Eastern-Punjabis only to be told to shut-up or they'd stick a fist up where the sun don't shine. Now no one calls a Jalandhri as a Jalandhri even when initially people did....now no one gives a frig ! They did the same when Kashmiris first started pouring from the North (at the time of the partition) no one does that anymore - Tou miyaaan taaaliii 2 haath seh bajtiii haiii !
Tu taaliii na bajaaa....koi tujhee muhajir kahi tou aageiii se chapppair lagaa deiii - Kafii ho gaaa !
And remember I maybe a pure blooded Aryan* !
And you maybe a brown little Dravidian* !
But you are still family to me !
*Just kidding....serious nahin lenaa !