Arabs haven't given one bullet to Palestine. The Shia they want us to hate and oppose are the only ones who do so! Arabs work to prevent any arms(defensive or offensive) from entering Gaza or the West Bank. Even though the massively vast majority of the Arab world support arming Palestine. I'm tired of this!
You're no an Arab nationalist or a Muslim if you disagree with arming Palestine especially under the massacres taking place minute by minute in Gaza which are very obvious deliberate actions of mass murder.
You tell us to hate Hezbollah yet Hezbollah is working day and night to arm Palestine/Train for any Israeli attack on Lebanon!
I'm not Shia nor am I anti-Arab. It's the opposite, you sick people are anti-Arab. Why can't any Arabs explain why Palestine isn't given any help in the state of the ongoing war against the Palestinians? The colonization has been going on for ever, arming Palestine will only liberate the occupied territories.
Arabs who do arm Palestine(Bediouns in Egypt/Libyans/Sudanese) are persecuted by Egyptian armed forces. Now they can't do so at all.
This is so shameful for us Arabs, any one of us who are Arab should be so ashamed for refusing to arm any of our people but send tens of billions to protect our leaders!
It's a religious duty to arm Palestine.