ME people are backwards retards that are too tribal and sectarian. Don't expect to be impressed by them militarily. No matter how many nice toys they buy. Their intelligence is purely for targeting political activists. Some small Arab nations have good intelligence. Military wise we are not strong. Any somewhat strong militaries can only serve their state. But at same time we have regional proxy war. And ME idiots need world war to happen before they realize they were underachieving the whole time.
ME needs Western Arabs/Muslims in their economy, politics and military affairs to help at least alevate the situation there. When I see military related news to Arab world I don't pay attention and don't care. Because people are too close minded and back wards. Look at Syria , they believed in military option there. Yet it's been 5 years they can't achieve shit because they're morons. And so instead of improving their ability to influence affairs they ask the West to do the work for them. Which is pure failure and also testament that they have no intention to successful nations.