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Arab Spring Indian Style

hahaha what a confused soul,million's are only protesting against the govt peacefully only because this is a democracy,atleast Anna did not try to overthrow the Indian govt like a dictator or nor the Govt send him to 13 yr rigorous prison imposing subversion of law,what else u need to prove this is a democracy.

India will become a democracy when a fauji general takes over in a coup and hangs Anna Hazare.

...just like they did in a 'democratic' country to our west.

Ha! fizzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Don't worry, very soon the corrupt Indian Government will be overthrown by Super Anna !!!

Anna is not any army chief that he will over throw the govt and have dictatorship running. This is India and democracy. People protesting for a law not over throwing govt. If they want to overthrow the only mean is vote, election. Again it is democracy. People decide the govt. Not any army chief's decision.
Don't worry, very soon the corrupt Indian Government will be overthrown by Super Anna !!!

nd then what do you frankly expect,Anna to be crowned as the new President of India,I have a suggestion,atleast collect some info about that man,and by the way

The way nation has stood up with Anna will see a drastic change if nothing in next 15 days or a month...But one message that is going out clear from people that, Time is gone by where people used to vote for money. Focus on developement else you are out.

The next election is something to watch out for, of course after the outcome of Anna's fast.

You are our great "Anna" (also brother in literal sense).
The way nation has stood up with Anna will see a drastic change if nothing in next 15 days or a month...But one message that is going out clear from people that, Time is gone by where people used to vote for money. Focus on developement else you are out.

The next election is something to watch out for, of course after the outcome of Anna's fast.

You are our great "Anna" (also brother in literal sense).

I do not know whether Anna's Jan Lokpal is fully rite but this movement against corruption, people standing up is good. It will be good for our future. the greatest menace to India challenged.
Wow what a "busty chick". LOL

Have you got a taste of democracy? See how people protesting against a govt peacefully. Democracy is there because we have a responsible and profesion military which does not take over dictating the country. It is the rule of all democracies in the world.
Have you got a taste of democracy? See how people protesting against a govt peacefully. Democracy is there because we have a responsible and profesion military which does not take over dictating the country. It is the rule of all democracies in the world.

Democracy ? Where ? There is no democracy in India but corruption all over India !

There is no democracy in India

No democracy, only double standards in India'

ARUNDHATI ROY: India is not a democracy
I do not know whether Anna's Jan Lokpal is fully rite but this movement against corruption, people standing up is good. It will be good for our future. the greatest menace to India challenged.

Kinetic, this law is absolutely valid. Watch this Video. Arvind Kejriwal's lecture in IIT Chennai. An absolute must watch.

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Democracy ? Where ? There is no democracy in India but corruption all over India !

There is no democracy in India
There is no democracy in India

No democracy, only double standards in India'
'No democracy, only double standards in India' - Indian Express

ARUNDHATI ROY: India is not a democracy
ARUNDHATI ROY: India is not a democracy « churumuri

Arundhoti Roy and some news go back to 2007? Cannot you see the pics in the previous page? Democracy = India. We have it since independence. No army chief ever thought of throwing out a govt elected by people. Military is to guard country's border not dictating the country.

If it is corruption only than what you will talk about other countries? They are not even countries! Are they?

Get a taste of democracy, see and learn how people protest for a law against govt. Have a taste..... :lol:
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