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AQ Khan: North Korea paid bribes to Generals for nuclear know-how

You guys really think that a pak general and they are made on merit last time I looked would take a bribe and then leave letters and proof lying around. crappy propaganda america and the rest giving voice to anyone who has a gripe against isi/army
You guys really think that a pak general and they are made on merit last time I looked would take a bribe and then leave letters and proof lying around. crappy propaganda america and the rest giving voice to anyone who has a gripe against isi/army

Absolutely correct.

Only what the Pakistani elite and whatever their mouthpieces say is the truth, and everything else is a conspiracy.

Absolutely correct.

Only what the Pakistani elite and whatever their mouthpieces say is the truth, and everything else is a conspiracy.


You can convince us it is not part of a smear campaign when the contents of the letter are independently verified.

The letter was handed over by a man convicted of the very crimes he is now trying to blame others for - surely you realize why the contents need to be verified before casting blame.
so are my indian colleagues telling me that india re invented the wheel??? DID INDIA NOT OBTAIN IT VIA A SOURCE??? or are INDIANS AN ALIEN FROM CYBERTRON??? because clearluy india got the nukes from russia FOR A PRICE who had gotten it off NAZI SCIENTISTS!

so bottom line is indians are allowed to buy the nuke technology?

This will be like all other countries buying nuclear reactors. China bought Areva rectors from France . from same company India buying. all these will be under IAEA safeguard.
Letter to A.Q. Khan by Jon Byong Ho (secretary of the Workers Party of North Korea)

In his Der Spiegel interview, Khan denies profiting from any of these transactions — a very dubious claim, to be sure, for a man who kept numerous villas around the globe and was capable of making a one-time $30 million donation to a famous mosque — and instead points the finger at the Pakistani army and its Special Plans Division as the ones supervising this clandestine proliferation.

Read more: Rubies for Nukes: A.Q. Khan Says North Korea Bribed Pakistani Military for Weapons Secrets - Global Spin - TIME.com

The reference to the '$30 million donation' leads to this article in the Time:
Not long ago, Abdul Qadeer Khan used to walk into a wooded park across the street from his mansion in Pakistan's capital city and feed the monkeys who lived there. That was when he was a national hero and a multimillionaire, owner of a fleet of vintage cars and properties from Dubai to Timbuktu...

... But Khan had a secret life. In hindsight, there were some obvious tip-offs. Although still a civil servant in a poor country, he owned dozens of properties in Pakistan and Dubai and invested in a Timbuktu hotel, which he named after his wife. He donated $30 million to various Pakistani charities and had enough money left over to buy his staff members cars and pay for the university education of their children. He had an ego to match his newfound fortune: after paying to restore the tomb of Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri, an Afghan who conquered Delhi, Khan put up a portrait of himself next to the sultan's...

Read more: The Man Who Sold the Bomb - TIME

So, based on Khan's lifestyle and assets alone, I think it is pretty clear who was 'earning millions of dollars' in payouts.
You can convince us it is not part of a smear campaign when the contents of the letter are independently verified.

The letter was handed over by a man convicted of the very crimes he is now trying to blame others for - surely you realize why the contents need to be verified before casting blame.

Very correct and fair point Sir.

Surely you will also concede that AQK was not the only person involved in the whole scheme, and further, how could the top brass not have known, if not indeed participated, in the proceeds?

Again, only one of two possible conclusions is possible, just like the Abbottabad Raid, namely either they were involved and thus equally guilty, or they were too incompetent to prevent the leakage of such sensitive information.

The pattern of collusion (or incompetence) is pretty inescapable, don't you think?

Either way, there needs to be a reckoning.
Seems like A Q KHAN is committing treason of the worst kind----. I always said before---his ego is bigger than that of nation aka pakistan.
The letter, if anything reads like something out of a passage from the godfather..
As if Don hoolio is dressing vito corleoine...
literally..one can replace gen Karamat with don vito... one can imagine Jon byong talking about
" I thank you for the gifts that bond our families.... I have sent some of my own canoli to you for your pleasure..."

If anything..it makes it sound as if the whole Pakistan army is a cartel or mafia out of some novel.
okey so we have about 8 countries who are nuclear powers, and these 8 countries must have thousands of scientists with each one of them important in his/her own regard. but why we only find this A.Q the ego-freak to be giving interviews full of venom against other fellow Pakistani's and praise for self ?

this guy got more than what he deserved. like we say (auqat se barh ker milna/auqat se bahir ho jana). i actually admired him in my childhood but now i dont even hate this guy. he dont even deserve a negative feeling.

this guy has damaged Pakistan more than any enemy country could have ever imagined.

ever wondered why you never hear about guys like Dr. Mubarik, Dr. Munir and thousands of others ?

Mr. A.Q was PAID by Pakistan for his job. just like millions of other government servents are paid. he did what any other Pakistani would have done if given the choice. what was the big deal in it ?

Cant Pakistan just "get rid" of him ? ofcourse we would have RAW/CIA/MOSAD/MARITIANS etc to blame it on afterwards :)
Let there be an enquiry.

That will be the only fair method to find the truth rather than lambaste him.

Let us not forget that he did contribute to Pakistan being where it is.
He is maligning the Army, which knocked him off his pedestal and tried him in court for his crimes.

The guy is an ego-maniac who strutted around claiming he 'gave Pakistan the bomb', when his area of expertise was mettalurgy. He assisted in Pakistan's drive to enrich Uranium, but he was far from the most important cog in the system.

I wish death to AQ KHAN a moron who is so called hero but in reality he is a b-i-t-c-h who is acting like a wimped kid who wanna get attention and wanna have world to impose sanctions on Pakistan. seems like he is also on CIA payroll now on who is going against pak army, what Pakistan army should do is abandon Pakistan to her own situation just like it is doing right now and let it sink and this nation who worship traitor like AQ KHAN who has leaked a letter to world media which was a secret of Pakistani state but this moron, leaked it just like he did in 2005 the secrets of Pakistani nuclear back in 2005 and now before you members jump on me and pull your guns on me just go serch that when AQ sent secrets of Pakistan to NY reporter in case he was. killed WTF..... What army and ISI should do is let him free so mosad and CIA can cut him into pieces but army and isi won't do this because he still hold credible information of Pakistani nukes. I wish death up on him AMIN SUM AMIN. now ban me or curse me but i have said the truth. Who so ever speak against Pakistan and leak Pakistani secrets he should be dead... No wonder why he was restricted during last government and every single step is being proven right. he is a b-i-t-c-h
AQ Khan is crossing the threshold...by telling about a letter which had "SECRET" and "By Hand" written over it,he is disclosing the information which must not be leaked to any unauthorized and unconcerned person...

This allows NCA to take direct action against him...he must be silenced,before he speaks something else out...
No wonder why he was under house arrest! he is a traitor and a guy who actually claim all that but in reality the real heros even refused to take credit of Pakistani nukes.
AQ Khan is crossing the threshold...by telling about a letter which had "SECRET" and "By Hand" written over it,he is disclosing the information which must not be leaked to any unauthorized and unconcerned person...

This allows NCA to take direct action against him...he must be silenced,before he speaks something else out...
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