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AQ Khan: North Korea paid bribes to Generals for nuclear know-how

I used to admire this guy, giving Pak nuclear weapons and all..but now he has become a big attention seeker. He talks in a way that He and only He worked in the nuclear project and others are all useless. Now he is Supposedly 'Spilling' the beans.

Thumbs Down..Mr Khan
Hi, let's not dictate morality here. Let's first look at history and then try to make a judgement. Who gave Britain nukes? The USA. Who gave Israel nukes? France. Who supplied Israel with uranium yellow cake? South Africa while under aparteid sanctions. I guess one should get the picture.

Every country does what it does for its own benefit. Had it not been for this deal, Pakistan would not have been so far advanced in its missile technology. There are numerous articles and books that point out, that this was simple marriage of mutual needs. Pakistan needed advanced missile technology, and North Korea needed uranium enrichment technology. Just a mutual beneficial deal, that helped Pakistan a lot.

That is all govt. to govt. contacts....Here in this case a bunch of Generals with Nuke scientist 'selling the countries secrets' there by loosing pride in front of the world community.
That is all govt. to govt. contacts....Here in this case a bunch of Generals with Nuke scientist 'selling the countries secrets' there by loosing pride in front of the world community.

i fail to see how this is different from what russia & india did or what france & israel did? at the end of the day men sold weapons to other men...that could end civilization!
Hi, let's not dictate morality here. Let's first look at history and then try to make a judgement. Who gave Britain nukes? The USA. Who gave Israel nukes? France. Who supplied Israel with uranium yellow cake? South Africa while under aparteid sanctions. I guess one should get the picture.

Every country does what it does for its own benefit. Had it not been for this deal, Pakistan would not have been so far advanced in its missile technology. There are numerous articles and books that point out, that this was simple marriage of mutual needs. Pakistan needed advanced missile technology, and North Korea needed uranium enrichment technology. Just a mutual beneficial deal, that helped Pakistan a lot.

Before we try to trivialize the matter, let us just think that benefit as a matter of perspective. Why don't you ask South Korea and Japan, how much they have benefitted from this situation? Those are non-nuclear countries and even then they have a mad regime sitting right next door where they cannot make out which way the father or the son are going to be pointing the nukes. I am sure that you will feel not at all an iota for the nice benefit that Paksitani army generals created for Japan when Pakistan is asking for loans and aid from Japan and Korea as the cliqued "Friends of Democratic Pakistan".

Anyway, that situation I am sure will be contained sooner than later in a way that is more leading to peace rather than some funny benefits that others might look at.

And even when looking at it as if Pakistan benefited, I am sure that the few generals pocketing millions was not part of the benefit plan of Pakistan. Or was the bribe taken by the Pakistani army generals also a part of the total benefit story?

As it is this will reflect poorly on the demand of the nuclear waiver!
I used to admire this guy, giving Pak nuclear weapons and all..but now he has become a big attention seeker. He talks in a way that He and only He worked in the nuclear project and others are all useless. Now he is Supposedly 'Spilling' the beans.

Thumbs Down..Mr Khan

Exactly...I used to admire him too....but hes just ignoring efforts of other scientists...
No wonder that the world is scared of the Pakistani nukes falling in terrorist hands. Afterall everything is about a education fee and the right price for the pakistani army generals!

The fear is proven real time and again!!

Did Nuclear Weapons fallen in to terrorists hand? Are Nuclear weapons some sort of child toy that terrorists can get their hands on? Why Indians lost their senses when they say Nukes can fall into Terrorist Hands? Soviet Union were in more difficult situation then Pakistan when they broke down, but neither of their single nuclear weapon fallen in to wrong Hands

It's just You and Some Other Western commentators who seems to be the fan of Tom Clancy, that's why every now and then you imagine Pakistani Nukes falling into Terrorists hand
Reports were the other way round...It was said that Pakistan Bought Nuclear tech from North Korea...
so are my indian colleagues telling me that india re invented the wheel??? DID INDIA NOT OBTAIN IT VIA A SOURCE??? or are INDIANS AN ALIEN FROM CYBERTRON??? because clearluy india got the nukes from russia FOR A PRICE who had gotten it off NAZI SCIENTISTS!

so bottom line is indians are allowed to buy the nuke technology?
so are my indian colleagues telling me that india re invented the wheel??? DID INDIA NOT OBTAIN IT VIA A SOURCE??? or are INDIANS AN ALIEN FROM CYBERTRON??? because clearluy india got the nukes from russia FOR A PRICE who had gotten it off NAZI SCIENTISTS!

so bottom line is indians are allowed to buy the nuke technology?

Money speaks?

That technology will be under IAEA scrutiny 24 x7.
Oh! US bribes scientists to develop weapons of mass destruction....:coffee:
if we and North Korea share the knowledge so why the West is so jealous about it....????.....:what:
We pay money to the University to get Nuclear knowledge/degreez in the West......:azn:
Another jealosy propoganda against Pakistan.........:angry:
and this is news why? AQ Khan was a scapegoat, there were pakistani c130s delivering centrifuges around the world. but just one man got house arrest. pathetic.

Until the letter is verified, which the WaPO admits it was not able to, no need to jump all over Pakistan.

From everything that is known about Gen. Karamat, he was/is an upstanding individual who resigned as COAS over his conflict with Nawaz Sharif. These allegations therefore make little sense in the context of Karamat takin $3million for personal gain.

The fact that the letter is provided by a man who has been found guilty, and is looking to ressurect his image, casts significant doubt on its credibility, and given the source, it certainly cannot be taken as credible without independent confirmation of all the claims it makes.
Why is he maligning his own nation?

He is maligning the Army, which knocked him off his pedestal and tried him in court for his crimes.

The guy is an ego-maniac who strutted around claiming he 'gave Pakistan the bomb', when his area of expertise was mettalurgy. He assisted in Pakistan's drive to enrich Uranium, but he was far from the most important cog in the system.
Pakistan denies bribe from N.Korea for nuclear technology

(2 hours ago) Today

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani general strongly denied on Thursday a report that he took $3 million in cash in exchange for helping smuggle nuclear technology to North Korea in the late 1990s, while the nation’s foreign office called the story “preposterous.”

The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb, had released a copy of a letter from a North Korean official dated 1998 detailing a $3 million payment to Pakistan’s then-chief of army staff, General Jehangir Karamat.

“I was not in the loop for any kind of influence and I would have to be mad to sanction transfer of technology and for Dr Khan to listen to me,” Karamat told Reuters in an email. The story, he said, is “totally false.”

In addition to the payment to Karamat, the letter says former lieutenant general, Zulfiqar Khan, was given a half-million dollars and some jewellery. He also denied the accusation.

“I have not read the story,” Khan told Reuters, “but of course it is wrong.”

The Pakistan Army declined to comment. But Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tehmina Janjua told reporters at a weekly press briefing that “such stories have a habit of recurring and my only comment is that this is totally baseless and preposterous.”

Despite Pakistani protests, Western intelligence officials said they believed the letter was authentic, the Post reported.

It appears to be signed by North Korean Workers Party Secretary Jon Byong, the newspaper said, and other details match classified information previously unrevealed to the public.

In exchange for the money, generals Karamat and Khan were to help Khan give documents on a nuclear program to North Korea, the Post said.

The newspaper said it was unable to independently verify the account.

Khan has admitted giving centrifuges and drawings that helped North Korea begin making a uranium-based bomb. It already has nuclear weapons made with plutonium.

Former military leader General Pervez Musharraf wrote in his memoir that Pakistan and North Korea were involved in government-to-government cash transfers for North Korean ballistic missile technology in the late 1990s, but he insisted there was no official policy of reverse transfer of nuclear technology to Pyongyang.

“I assured the world that the proliferation was a one-man act and that neither the government of Pakistan nor the army was involved,” Musharraf wrote. “This was the truth, and I could speak forcefully.”

Pakistan denies bribe from N.Korea for nuclear technology | World | DAWN.COM
The letter:

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Still not working.
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