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Anti-christian violence in a secualr India

Yes but the incident is 6 years old and the video has been opened with intention to flame which is against forum rules.

This is PDF - aka Pakistani defense forum - what else do you expect? :lol:

There's an ongoing thread about Kargil and point 5353 and the convenient lack of acceptance about the whoop *** they received from the Indian artillery barrages and the IAF bombing runs and the complete denial of their own troops dead bodies. Can't fault them for their desperate lameduck attempts - can we?
@Pakistanisage, don't get me wrong..

But Pakistani's have the least moral ground to question Indian's about moral minority treatment.

We, and the whole world knows how Pakistan and Pakistani's treat their minorities - there's not a single Pakistani minority person that feels safe in Pakistan - they don't receive any kind of support from any of Pakistani institutions or bodies - the few are just fake and lackluster and no minority takes it seriously, OTOH - (the shri ram sena has been reduced to a joke in India) - in fact most Pakistani's rejoice at the mistreatment of minorities of Pakistan. Don't take fake PDF posts as any consolations - because it amounts to jack in consoling the minority victims. You seriously don't have a ground to stand on when it comes to minority treatment and I am not joking.

The problem with India is that its a huge country and the coastal belt of Karnataka is a minuscule part of it - Most Indians don't even know about it. But in any kind of atrocities - its the collective Indian who stands up against it and opposes it without fear of anyone - may it be anyone.

The Shriram sena who were the reason behind this became pariahs within the month solely because of the widespread Indians who diligently condemned and black listed them and their minuscule movement. The local cops went over the top - but that was only for a couple of days before they were paraded and taken to task by the local administration. The christian missionaries aren't above blame either - they were wrongly luring the people to either convert or to attend their churches by bribing them or scaring them.
@Pakistanisage, don't get me wrong..

But Pakistani's have the least moral ground to question Indian's about moral minority treatment.

We, and the whole world knows how Pakistan and Pakistani's treat their minorities - there's not a single Pakistani minority person that feels safe in Pakistan - they don't receive any kind of support from any of Pakistani institutions or bodies - the few are just fake and lackluster and no minority takes it seriously, OTOH - (the shri ram sena has been reduced to a joke in India) - in fact most Pakistani's rejoice at the mistreatment of minorities of Pakistan. Don't take fake PDF posts as any consolations - because it amounts to jack in consoling the minority victims. You seriously don't have a ground to stand on when it comes to minority treatment and I am not joking.

The problem with India is that its a huge country and the coastal belt of Karnataka is a minuscule part of it - Most Indians don't even know about it. But in any kind of atrocities - its the collective Indian who stands up against it and opposes it without fear of anyone - may it be anyone.

The Shriram sena who were the reason behind this became pariahs within the month solely because of the widespread Indians who diligently condemned and black listed them and their minuscule movement. The local cops went over the top - but that was only for a couple of days before they were paraded and taken to task by the local administration. The christian missionaries aren't above blame either - they were wrongly luring the people to either convert or to attend their churches by bribing them or scaring them.

Thank you for proving my point.

You have Written an Essay again justifying the acts and telling me how Pakistan is even worst.

But you have not uttered a word of Condemnation against this Brutality shown in the Video.

How do guys live with yourselves and how do you look in the mirror in the morning.

Come on , drop this ugliness and for once in your life stand on the right side of an issue and condemn a blatant atrocity.

For your on soul, do it once in your life.
Thank you for proving my point.

You have Written an Essay again justifying the acts and telling me how Pakistan is even worst.

But you have not uttered a word of Condemnation against this Brutality shown in the Video.

How do guys live with yourselves and how do you look in the mirror in the morning.

Come on , drop this ugliness and for once in your life stand on the right side of an issue and condemn a blatant atrocity.

For your on soul, do it once in your life.

My dear - this is a six year old event, they were not only condemned but were severely ridiculed, when I kept saying the pink chaddi - did you bother googling it?( Indian women from all over couriered them millions of pink colored underwears) they were reduced to a joke within the month by none other than Indians.

Just because a Pakistani opens a thread based on a six year old event don't expect a round house condemnation from Indians when far worse has already been metted out to them.

Now what about your minorities and the millions that want to flee from Pakistan to this day?

do you want links to the atrocities or do you accept that neither your state nor Pakistani's are doing anything about it?
Thank you for proving my point.

You have Written an Essay again justifying the acts and telling me how Pakistan is even worst.

But you have not uttered a word of Condemnation against this Brutality shown in the Video.

How do guys live with yourselves and how do you look in the mirror in the morning.

Come on , drop this ugliness and for once in your life stand on the right side of an issue and condemn a blatant atrocity.

For your on soul, do it once in your life.
this video is not worth condemning again. This is total propaganda video. Such videos are deliberately made, whereas the actual circumstances of these footage are not known.

Now close the Thread!!
to all my pakistani friends who are laughing at a secular india. I am a minority in India, i find it funny when specially pakistani's blame Indians of not being secular enough, for obvious reasons about what has happened in pakistan to minorities. As for India, a country where majorities are hindus, i must say it has treated it minority very well, discrimination isn't a government funded agenda, its lack of education among people, while we in Asia do it on basis of religion, west does it on bases of color.

As for India, let me say its doing very well on social and secular front, half the country which shout about india being anti secular don't have the right to before they mend their ways.
this is just a warm up exercise for the baniya ...

once the baniya terrorist is in power much worse will happen
this is just a warm up exercise for the baniya ...

once the baniya terrorist is in power much worse will happen
is it ? good for you then! We bunch of young Indians have moved away from religion, please leave it to us.
@TimeToScoot I expected better response from a Buddhist...

I'm not a Buddhist my Buddha brother. I'm a Hindu and a practicing Advaita Vedantist. As for my response I expect the Pakistanis to first get out of the stone age and embrace the 21st century. After that I'll be open to any advice and suggestions from them.
to all my pakistani friends who are laughing at a secular india. I am a minority in India, i find it funny when specially pakistani's blame Indians of not being secular enough, for obvious reasons about what has happened in pakistan to minorities. As for India, a country where majorities are hindus, i must say it has treated it minority very well, discrimination isn't a government funded agenda, its lack of education among people, while we in Asia do it on basis of religion, west does it on bases of color.

As for India, let me say its doing very well on social and secular front, half the country which shout about india being anti secular don't have the right to before they mend their ways.
not trying to nitpick but most hindus do not consider sikhs/buddists/jains as minority so your experience is difference from experience of a muslim (or a christian in specific areas).
anyway this is old video, these people were taken care of and hopefully they never comeback to haunt minorities again. I cant feel sorry for same event twice, I have finite emotions.. :coffee:
secular india .. :lol::lol: joke..
My question to you is that all the posts of Indian Trollers complaining about why the video is posted.

Not one of these low life Indian Trollers had the decency or moral courage to condemn this savagery by the Indian Police.

Seems to me that these low life Indian Trollers will justify any brutality of their Police against a minority.

Where is the damn moral outrage ?

Minorities are victimized in Pakistan as well, but I have yet to see Pakistanis justifying it and I know most of us condemn those in the strongest terms.

@nick_indian , @karan.1970 , @hkdas , @Reviewer21 , @illusion8 , @Victory

How about condemning the act ?

@TimeToScoot I expected better response from a Buddhist...

Mistakes happen everywhere, fukcheads are available in every nation... but the difference is that we take responsibility for it. This video is old, very old..... I am Christian myself and believe in the religious freedom in India.

And condemning such acts on the internet is good, but whats more important is that our justice system works for religious freedom and not against it.

Nobody gets sentenced to death for "blasphemy" in 2014.
What the Christian missionaries funded by EU and Western countries are doing in India. They would have been butchered in any Islamic country even moderate one.

I was shocked to see a church in deep down in tribal areas of jungles of Chattisgarh. I asked how does a church come up here in such a remote and highly naxal infested area. Where there is not even basic amenities or even roads.

I was told that Christian Missionaries have such centres in most of tribal areas. They are luring uneducated tribals to convert into Christian religion by offering them money and instigating them against about deplorable caste system of India in which they come at bottom most spot in India.

They are still doing it at rampant level but now not openly after being threatened by Hindus of the area for luring tribals to get converted to Christians.

The missionaries effort are slightly fading now as Christian converts are being socially boycotted by Hindus in area. Therefore creating a fear in tribals of being boycotted in very sparsely populated remote area.
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Agree on, There's no Secular India.

India is for Hindu, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc.

All Dharmaic religions originated in India.

If you are South Asian, proud with it, you must reclaim your birthright heritage, ditch anything foreign!

If you are non South Asian foreigner, please not to troll it!

What the Christian missionaries funded by EU and Western countries are doing in India. They would have been butchered in any Islamic country even moderate one.

I was shocked to see a church in deep down in tribal areas of jungles of Chattisgarh. I asked how does a church come up here in such a remote and highly naxal infested area. Where there is not even basic amenities or even roads.

I was told that Christian Missionaries have such centres in most of tribal areas. They are luring uneducated tribals to convert into Christian religion by offering them money and instigating them against about deplorable caste system of India in which they come at bottom most spot in India.

They are still doing it at rampant level but now not openly after being threatened by Hindus of the area for luring tribals to get converted to Christians.

The missionaries effort are slightly fading now as Christian converts are being socially boycotted by Hindus in area. Therefore creating a fear in tribals of being boycotted in very sparsely populated remote area.

We all Chinese people should learn from India. :tup:
Agree on, There's no Secular India.

India is for Hindu, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc.

All Dharmaic religions originated in India.

If you are South Asian, proud with it, you must reclaim your birthright heritage, ditch anything foreign!

If you are non South Asian foreigner, please not to troll it!

We all Chinese people should learn from India. :tup:

'The Christian minority in India is under serious threat'

Bhubaneswar, India, Oct 15, 2014 / 12:04 pm (Aid to the Church in Need).- With the election of Narendra Modi of the Hindu "Bharatiya Janata Party” (BJP) as prime minister of India the country's secular constitution has come under threat, a Catholic priest in India has charged.

Father Ajay Kumar Singh, a human rights activist in Kandhamal District in the East Indian state of Odisha (formerly Orissa), warned of the growing influence of radical Hindu forces on the Indian subcontinent.

"Especially under threat is the Christian minority because it is rejected by extremists as alien and because the Christian message is threat to the caste system," the priest said in an interview with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need.

According to Father Kumar Singh – who is associated with the “Odisha Forum for Social Action" – the BJP aims to establish a state religion which excludes the lower castes and all minorities.

"They even want to impose only one language, Sanskrit, even though hundreds of languages are spoken in India," he continued, adding that the strength of party and the movement it represents has become the strongest political force in India, taking many observers, including Church leaders and their flock, by surprise.

"It is important for us to understand what is happening. As a Church we must think way beyond the bounds of the individual dioceses; we must act regionally and nationally in order to find responses to this challenge,” the priest said.

“Otherwise Orissa 2008 will be repeated, even worse than then because we learned no lessons from it,” the priest said, referring to August 2008, when Hindu nationalists attacked villages of Christian dalits or “untouchables,” belonging to the lowest caste in the Hindu social hierarchy.

The violence left more than 100 dead, according to the "National People’s Tribunal” (NPT), an association of human rights activists in Odisha.

According to the NPT, the attacks had been prepared well in advance: more than 600 villages were looted, with 5,600 houses, 295 churches and 13 schools destroyed. More than 54,000 people were made homeless, and of this number 30,000 have not been able to return to their villages.

Around 10,000 children were robbed of the possibility to attend school because they were forced to flee and were displaced. Some 2,000 Christians were compelled to deny their faith. Numerous women were raped. Many of the perpetrators of the violence—though they are known to authorities—have never been charged.

Father Kumar Singh is afraid history might repeat itself.
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