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Anti-Ahmadi groups plan for anniversary

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I thought issues were not to be discussed on PDF as previous anti/pro Ahmadi threads have been closed. Anyways, Enforcement against the Ahmadi so called ulema should have followed this constitutional amendment and their religious leaders put to trial and dealt with...... Ahmadis, as I have proven in previous threads are not muslim and should not hide behind this and misguide other ignorant Muslims as to their true identity.
Ahmadi's are not part of Pakistan which country they are from may be this thread should be moved to that country
Ahmedis should be provided equal rights and this evil witch-hunt to eliminate them must stop. Every corner the Ahmedi turns to he is faced with injustices and rights violations. Ahmedis are one of the most enterprising communities in Pakistan that could play a major, major role in Pakistan's economic growth.

The heroes of the Ahmedi people are people like Zafarullah Khan who Jinnah called "his son" and Abdus Salaam who was the first person from Pakistan to receive a nobel peace prize. It is unfortunate what this aspiring community is going through just because of fanatics and terrorists in Pakistan who do not wish to allow unity to be established in this beautiful land.

We need to take severe action against people who are hostile to Ahmedis. We should provide full protection to minorities and accord them with good positions in jobs instead of making them strain in brick kilns. I am very worried about the situation for minorities in Pakistan.

If the problem with Ahmedis arises from something as simple as them adding another prophet to what they believe is the Islamic faith and that is the cause of attacks on them, then the Christians and Jews should be killing Muslims with impunity because we added another prophet to their faiths as well. This bias and discrimination against the Ahmedis must end and bigotry must subside to give way to equal rights for all citizens in Pakistan.

Havi, you can not take something as truth just because people like Beena Sarwar, Raza Rumi, or Kamran Shafi, or anyone else says so. You need to go to the sources and learn for yourself. You are a journalist by training, right?

Your arguments are mostly recycled and in many cases specious. Let us just take your expression ".... then the Christian and Jews should be killing Muslims with impunity because we added another prophet to their faiths as well". Your view is so wrong on so many levels.

Let us see:

1. Jews and Christians did (and do) kill whenever they could (and can) - not all of them, but enough of them to be a counter point. They have killed each other and more, whenever they could. It is not just us. You forget or ignore history. You are right in one thing though. For them Islam is a blasphemy.

2. We did not add a prophet to their faith. We are a separate religion and we call ourselves as such. We do not claim to be Jews, or Christians.

3. Qadianis shamelessly present themselves as 'the true', 'the real', believers - and all others are Kafirs. In a secular environment, they could (and did) invent a religion, but they did not have the decency to call themselves by some other name. They HAD to lay exclusive claim to Islam, even when they were in violation of a fundamental article of faith. Did they not know what happened to Muslaima, or other false prophets like him and their followers?

4. Since you are very emotional and care very deeply about Pakistan - and I suspect your fervor for Pakistani nationalism is at the level of a deeply held religious conviction - let me ask you something. Suppose there is someone who is at odds with Pakistan. This person does not believe in Constitution, or the vision, or the establishment process, of Pakistan. How would you deal with them? Especially when they tell you that they are entitled to be a Pakistani and not you? Now invert this case and apply this to Qadianis. Catch my drift?

5. Qadianis dug a hole for themselves when they declared Muslims as Kafirs. Why complain now? If they must blindly follow the ruling of their caliphs as eternally binding, then why complain? Faith calls for sacrifice. Let them then make a sacrifice for their faith. Simple as that... Christians lived a life of sacrifice and repression for the more than two centuries before Constantine converted to Christianity.

6. Before you tell me about what Quaid-e-Azam said or did regarding a particular person, do you mind reading Iqbal's short poem "Punjabi Musalman" and thinking about what he is trying to convey? Everybody knows Quaid-e-Azam was not much of a religious person. He can not be treated as a religious leader, as far as his opinions or actions are concerned. But Iqbal, being the principal idealogue was different. His opinions do matter since he was a scholar in so many ways, unlike our Quaid.

Now here is a gem. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Qadianis try their best to portray Iqbal as a Qadiani. Now that takes the cake.


So far I have refrained from commenting on anything linked with Qadianis, because the level of din reaches such proportions that perspective is lost.

About Qadiani religion:

1. It is not Islam. This has been said ever since Mirza of Qadian claimed prophethood. This message took a while to surface on the collective consciousness of Muslims, simply because Qadiani religion was a fringe group. Its tamasha was restricted to a few districts of Punjab. In other places not many people noticed this thing before the death of its founder. This explains their erroneous inclusion by some in the bracket of 'Islam'. Some who do not believe in Islam find it expedient to use this bogey to cause confusion. Many do not understand the reasons why Qadianis are non-Muslims, and that is the function of either their lack of knowledge, or apathy. In either case, their uninformed opinion means nothing.

2. It would be wrong to View of Qadiani religion is an issue related to sectarianism. Sects are a function of perspective, view, emphasis, and religious practice. Qadianism by virtue of violating fundamental tenets can not be considered Islam.

3. One can draw a comparison of Qadiani religion with Bahaism, which took inspiration from Shia Islam. Bahais were honest enough to call themselves a separate religion, and they are known as such. There are some in Pakistan, but no one has heard of them - simply because they are not concerned with masquerading themselves as True Muslims and denigrating Muslims as Kuffar. This is an important distinction to remember.

4. The primary religious sources of this religion are filled with curses for people who disagreed with its founder. But the most outrageous denunciation for Muslims was the emphatic declaration by its first Caliph (Mirza's son) that Anyone who did not believe in prophethood of Mirza of Qadian was a Kafir. This put all of us on a plane of damnation as far as Qadianis were concerned. Nobody in subsequent years dared reverse this declaration. Nobody can. This was the damning proof which clinched the debate in Pakistan's parliament in 1974. If they could declare Muslims as kafirs, then Muslims had no compunction in telling them off as kafirs themselves.

Mirza of Qadian: I generally refrain from saying much at all about religious personalities of other religions simply because it is the easiest way of causing hurt. However, I would make a few quick notes.

1. People who come to defense of Qadianis are themselves ignorant of the career of Mirza of Qadian. Most of the liberal / secular gang would have second thoughts if they knew a bit of history. I will leave it at that for now.

2. Typically, Hindus are bewildered at rejection of Qadianis. For them it is difficult to understand as to why a difference in doctrine causes such a significant reaction. For them, I would advise that they learn a little more about Islam. While Islam generally has been more accepting of internal differences compared to, say Classical Judaism or Classical Christianity, there are however important red lines that must never be crossed. Claiming prophethood from God is historically the most important of these red lines. Anyone who crosses it is automatically a non-Muslim. There are no exceptions in this regard. All sects in Islam are agreed on this. That Qadian religion is NOT Islam is agreed upon by ALL sects.

3. In any case if Hindus were to know of the career of Mirza of Qadian, they would certainly have second thoughts about coming to defense for him and consequently of his religion. Why is it so? Well this has to do with his earlier chosen calling for 'defending Islam' in debates. The targets of his vitriol were often Hindu religion, its revered personalities, and its defenders. He often ignored the Islamic guideline of not saying bad things about gods (and religious personalities) of other religions. Islamic scholars had noted and deplored his tactics and denounced him.

4. Mirza of Qadian was not consistent in his approach on many things. His writings (at least as much as I have come across them) are convoluted, build impossible premises upon doubtful grounds and are filled with hyperbole. It was difficult to pin him down to a particular position. This was a reason why many people were slow in denouncing him. In his earlier career as 'defender of Islam' against Hinduism and Christianity, he had learned to use preconditions, shady rhetoric, vitriol, and unverifiable claims. He used all these devices to confuse Scholars & public at large. He lost many followers this way, but no matter. We Punjabis are suckers for demagoguery.

5. It is very important to remember that the rise of this phenomenon could not have been possible without monetary support from ordinary Muslims who believed his claims for being a 'defender of Islam'. Had the Muslim public at large known what was about to happen, they would not have been so generous, to say the least.

6. His doctrinal positions were important for the British crown. He ruled out Jihad, and therefore felt that he deserved official patronage. He is reported to have claimed that he did not receive enough support from Colonial administration. Direct or indirect British colonial support was important for him.

About Followers of Qadiani religion:

1. They tend to proselytise based on person to person contact. I lost a childhood friend this way. He tried to convince me to become a Qadiani. In my ninth year at school, I knew enough to demolish his attempt. I took the books he gave me. I scanned through them. Then I asked him questions that he could not answer. He ended up by saying "you shall see in 500 years"!!! As if... Efforts to convert are important for them. They would use any means - preying on the weak, needy, and gullible. In the process they would easily concoct new meanings for Quranic words and phrases. For example a Qadiani would tell you that the Arabic word for seal (Khatim), really actually means a ring, thus deliberately hiding the fact that engraved rings were used to make personal seals.

2. Family and financial ties are important to them. In case one of them (and there are many) wants to break free of this net and convert to Islam, they find it nearly impossible. But even then many of them do convert to Islam, and then they have plenty of stories to tell......

3. It is important to note that these people have found allies among exactly those, against whom Mirza of Qadian spoke in his inimitable way to 'defend Islam'. Hyprocrisy?
Even Abu Jahal never saw noor on Holy Prophet Mohammad(saw) face....

You are Wrong. Abu Jahl knew. But was too proud to accept. He saw miracles, but could not bring himself to become a Muslim. Kinda like you.
2 sects is enough , let me focus here

However , if they remain peaceful residents of country and follow constitution there is no problem
there are christians and hindus also in country

Our mulla folks are more troublesome at present
2 sects is enough , let me focus here

However , if they remain peaceful residents of country and follow constitution there is no problem
there are christians and hindus also in country

Our mulla folks are more troublesome at present

There are more than 2 sects of islam, soon it will reach 72.
2. Typically, Hindus are bewildered at rejection of Qadianis. For them it is difficult to understand as to why a difference in doctrine causes such a significant reaction. For them, I would advise that they learn a little more about Islam. While Islam generally has been more accepting of internal differences compared to, say Classical Judaism or Classical Christianity, there are however important red lines that must never be crossed. Claiming prophethood from God is historically the most important of these red lines. Anyone who crosses it is automatically a non-Muslim. There are no exceptions in this regard. All sects in Islam are agreed on this. That Qadian religion is NOT Islam is agreed upon by ALL sects.

3. In any case if Hindus were to know of the career of Mirza of Qadian, they would certainly have second thoughts about coming to defense for him and consequently of his religion. Why is it so? Well this has to do with his earlier chosen calling for 'defending Islam' in debates. The targets of his vitriol were often Hindu religion, its revered personalities, and its defenders. He often ignored the Islamic guideline of not saying bad things about gods (and religious personalities) of other religions. Islamic scholars had noted and deplored his tactics and denounced him.

Forget what Hindus are bewildered by & whether they would have second thoughts about defending some group; I continue to be amazed & bewildered by the reactions of many Pakistanis who are otherwise very sensible & polite, the moment religion is mentioned. It is extraordinary to see the almost instant transformation to rabidity. Most of us(especially here) are in the 21st century(atleast we try to be) & no matters what battles were fought for whatever reasons in the centuries past, no one is really interested in defending crazy practices of their religion. Fighting over whose fiction is more believable seems silly to a whole lot of us.

What this chap said about Hinduism etc...is no longer relevant if one wants to leave the bitterness of the past behind. It is not like mainstream Muslims have been very charitable towards Hinduism either.

I leave you with what one of Hinduism most powerful teachers said about worshiping God in temples. Shankaracharya's philosophy did not allow for a creator God but when asked about his thoughts of people praying in temples to God, his reply was that everyone's brain must not be burdened with more than it can handle. If people wanted to worship "God" in temples, so be it. Useless but harmless he said.

Maybe you should take something from that attitude towards ideological issues.
Havi, you can not take something as truth just because people like Beena Sarwar, Raza Rumi, or Kamran Shafi, or anyone else says so. You need to go to the sources and learn for yourself. You are a journalist by training, right?

Your arguments are mostly recycled and in many cases specious. Let us just take your expression ".... then the Christian and Jews should be killing Muslims with impunity because we added another prophet to their faiths as well". Your view is so wrong on so many levels.

Let us see:

1. Jews and Christians did (and do) kill whenever they could (and can) - not all of them, but enough of them to be a counter point. They have killed each other and more, whenever they could. It is not just us. You forget or ignore history. You are right in one thing though. For them Islam is a blasphemy.

2. We did not add a prophet to their faith. We are a separate religion and we call ourselves as such. We do not claim to be Jews, or Christians.

3. Qadianis shamelessly present themselves as 'the true', 'the real', believers - and all others are Kafirs. In a secular environment, they could (and did) invent a religion, but they did not have the decency to call themselves by some other name. They HAD to lay exclusive claim to Islam, even when they were in violation of a fundamental article of faith. Did they not know what happened to Muslaima, or other false prophets like him and their followers?

4. Since you are very emotional and care very deeply about Pakistan - and I suspect your fervor for Pakistani nationalism is at the level of a deeply held religious conviction - let me ask you something. Suppose there is someone who is at odds with Pakistan. This person does not believe in Constitution, or the vision, or the establishment process, of Pakistan. How would you deal with them? Especially when they tell you that they are entitled to be a Pakistani and not you? Now invert this case and apply this to Qadianis. Catch my drift?

5. Qadianis dug a hole for themselves when they declared Muslims as Kafirs. Why complain now? If they must blindly follow the ruling of their caliphs as eternally binding, then why complain? Faith calls for sacrifice. Let them then make a sacrifice for their faith. Simple as that... Christians lived a life of sacrifice and repression for the more than two centuries before Constantine converted to Christianity.

6. Before you tell me about what Quaid-e-Azam said or did regarding a particular person, do you mind reading Iqbal's short poem "Punjabi Musalman" and thinking about what he is trying to convey? Everybody knows Quaid-e-Azam was not much of a religious person. He can not be treated as a religious leader, as far as his opinions or actions are concerned. But Iqbal, being the principal idealogue was different. His opinions do matter since he was a scholar in so many ways, unlike our Quaid.

Now here is a gem. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Qadianis try their best to portray Iqbal as a Qadiani. Now that takes the cake.


So far I have refrained from commenting on anything linked with Qadianis, because the level of din reaches such proportions that perspective is lost.

About Qadiani religion:

1. It is not Islam. This has been said ever since Mirza of Qadian claimed prophethood. This message took a while to surface on the collective consciousness of Muslims, simply because Qadiani religion was a fringe group. Its tamasha was restricted to a few districts of Punjab. In other places not many people noticed this thing before the death of its founder. This explains their erroneous inclusion by some in the bracket of 'Islam'. Some who do not believe in Islam find it expedient to use this bogey to cause confusion. Many do not understand the reasons why Qadianis are non-Muslims, and that is the function of either their lack of knowledge, or apathy. In either case, their uninformed opinion means nothing.

2. It would be wrong to View of Qadiani religion is an issue related to sectarianism. Sects are a function of perspective, view, emphasis, and religious practice. Qadianism by virtue of violating fundamental tenets can not be considered Islam.

3. One can draw a comparison of Qadiani religion with Bahaism, which took inspiration from Shia Islam. Bahais were honest enough to call themselves a separate religion, and they are known as such. There are some in Pakistan, but no one has heard of them - simply because they are not concerned with masquerading themselves as True Muslims and denigrating Muslims as Kuffar. This is an important distinction to remember.

4. The primary religious sources of this religion are filled with curses for people who disagreed with its founder. But the most outrageous denunciation for Muslims was the emphatic declaration by its first Caliph (Mirza's son) that Anyone who did not believe in prophethood of Mirza of Qadian was a Kafir. This put all of us on a plane of damnation as far as Qadianis were concerned. Nobody in subsequent years dared reverse this declaration. Nobody can. This was the damning proof which clinched the debate in Pakistan's parliament in 1974. If they could declare Muslims as kafirs, then Muslims had no compunction in telling them off as kafirs themselves.

Mirza of Qadian: I generally refrain from saying much at all about religious personalities of other religions simply because it is the easiest way of causing hurt. However, I would make a few quick notes.

1. People who come to defense of Qadianis are themselves ignorant of the career of Mirza of Qadian. Most of the liberal / secular gang would have second thoughts if they knew a bit of history. I will leave it at that for now.

2. Typically, Hindus are bewildered at rejection of Qadianis. For them it is difficult to understand as to why a difference in doctrine causes such a significant reaction. For them, I would advise that they learn a little more about Islam. While Islam generally has been more accepting of internal differences compared to, say Classical Judaism or Classical Christianity, there are however important red lines that must never be crossed. Claiming prophethood from God is historically the most important of these red lines. Anyone who crosses it is automatically a non-Muslim. There are no exceptions in this regard. All sects in Islam are agreed on this. That Qadian religion is NOT Islam is agreed upon by ALL sects.

3. In any case if Hindus were to know of the career of Mirza of Qadian, they would certainly have second thoughts about coming to defense for him and consequently of his religion. Why is it so? Well this has to do with his earlier chosen calling for 'defending Islam' in debates. The targets of his vitriol were often Hindu religion, its revered personalities, and its defenders. He often ignored the Islamic guideline of not saying bad things about gods (and religious personalities) of other religions. Islamic scholars had noted and deplored his tactics and denounced him.

4. Mirza of Qadian was not consistent in his approach on many things. His writings (at least as much as I have come across them) are convoluted, build impossible premises upon doubtful grounds and are filled with hyperbole. It was difficult to pin him down to a particular position. This was a reason why many people were slow in denouncing him. In his earlier career as 'defender of Islam' against Hinduism and Christianity, he had learned to use preconditions, shady rhetoric, vitriol, and unverifiable claims. He used all these devices to confuse Scholars & public at large. He lost many followers this way, but no matter. We Punjabis are suckers for demagoguery.

5. It is very important to remember that the rise of this phenomenon could not have been possible without monetary support from ordinary Muslims who believed his claims for being a 'defender of Islam'. Had the Muslim public at large known what was about to happen, they would not have been so generous, to say the least.

6. His doctrinal positions were important for the British crown. He ruled out Jihad, and therefore felt that he deserved official patronage. He is reported to have claimed that he did not receive enough support from Colonial administration. Direct or indirect British colonial support was important for him.

About Followers of Qadiani religion:

1. They tend to proselytise based on person to person contact. I lost a childhood friend this way. He tried to convince me to become a Qadiani. In my ninth year at school, I knew enough to demolish his attempt. I took the books he gave me. I scanned through them. Then I asked him questions that he could not answer. He ended up by saying "you shall see in 500 years"!!! As if... Efforts to convert are important for them. They would use any means - preying on the weak, needy, and gullible. In the process they would easily concoct new meanings for Quranic words and phrases. For example a Qadiani would tell you that the Arabic word for seal (Khatim), really actually means a ring, thus deliberately hiding the fact that engraved rings were used to make personal seals.

2. Family and financial ties are important to them. In case one of them (and there are many) wants to break free of this net and convert to Islam, they find it nearly impossible. But even then many of them do convert to Islam, and then they have plenty of stories to tell......

3. It is important to note that these people have found allies among exactly those, against whom Mirza of Qadian spoke in his inimitable way to 'defend Islam'. Hyprocrisy?

Yes and the kind of language Mirza has used is enough to show his reality and above all his claims go against orders of Quran and Hadees and above all Quran and Hadees are clear that no PROPHET after Hazrat MUHAMMAD SAW and Jesus would return in syria not south asia and Ulemas have successfully encountered these liars Mirza was nothing but a liar and brought by British their main aim was to eliminate the concept of Jihad so they brought this liar but he started to claim other things of being Mahdi and than PROPHET but we all know how big liar he was
30 Liars

Dearest brothers and sisters, how truthful the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm was when he said:

“In my Ummah, 30 liars will be born. Each will claim Prophethood and claim to be a Prophet, even though I am the last Prophet and there shall be no Prophet after me.
(Abu Dawood)
According to his prophecy, many liars claiming to be the Prophet have already appeared and will keep on appearing until the last to appear will be Dajjal.

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The Final Hour

Hadhrat Samurah ibn Jundab Radiallahu Anhu reports that the HolyProphet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said in the sermon he delivered on the same day, there was a solar eclipse:

That the final hour will not come until 30 liars will appear (and claim Prophethood). The last of the liars will be the one eyed Dajjal.
These lairs began to appear at the very time of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm. Their aim was to create disunity among the Muslims. Some of these liars that claimed Prophethood in the past are listed below.

1. Aswad al Anasse – Claimed Prophethood whilst the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm was still alive. The Sahâbâh Radiallahu Anhum killed him before the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm passed away.
2. In the later part of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm life Musailama claimed Prophethood. The Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm wrote a letter to him and named him Musailamah al Kazzab (the liar). Many Sahâbâh Radiallahu Anhum gave their lives in the battle of Yamaamah which took place at the time of Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radiallahu Anhu to kill Musailamah and his followers.
3. A woman called Sajah also claimed Prophethood and married Musailamah. However, when he was killed, she accepted Islam again.
4. Al Haarith al Kazzab claimed Prophethood in the Khilafah of Abdul Malik ibn Marwaan. He was also killed.

There have been others like Mukhtar ibn Ubaid. However, the more recent liar was Ghulam Ahmad al Qadiani.

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Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

Mirza Gulam, besides claiming to be the Mahdi, the Promised Messiah, also claimed to be the Prophet in 1901. He was born in a village called Qadian (Northern India) in 1839. His fathers name was Gulam Mustafa whilst his mothers name was Chiraagh.

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Resistence Movement and Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani

India at the time was ruled by the British colonial regime. The war of independence of 1857 and the holy struggle of Sayyed Ahmed Saeed (One of our pious elders) frightened and scared the colonialist. Because the colonialist were facing difficulties in India they sought for an alternative to real Islam and disunite the Muslims and remove the notion of resistence in the Muslims. They saw that their target and aim could only be achieved if they can find somebody amongst the Indians to claim to be a prophet. The colonialists found in Mirza what they were looking for; Mirza Ghulam sold his faith for petty worldly gains and claimed to be a prophet, the Mahdi and the promised messiah.

Read the following conditions laid down by the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm regarding the Mahdi and The Promised Messiah and then decide for yourself whether he was the Mahdi and the promised messiah or an impostor.

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Comparison Between Mirza Gulam Ahmad and the True Mahdi

1. The Mahdi will be a descendent of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm He will resemble the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm in character and his name will be Muhammad and his father’s name will be Abdullah. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:

“The Mahdi will appear from my progeny.”(Abu Dawûd)
2. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:

“There will be a man from Tranxonia who will be called Haris-Harrath. There will be a man named Mansoor at his vanguard. He will give abode for the family of Muhammad (referring to the Mahdi) just as the Quraish gave abode to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm. (Mishkat)
This sign also did not appear before Mirza Gulam as the only people had paved the way for him was the British Colonial Government and not Haris or Mansoor. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:

“His name will be similar to my name and his fathers name will be similar to my fathers name. (Abu Dawûd)
Mirza Gulam was not a descendant of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm and nor did he resemble the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm in character. Drinking wine, eating pork and associating with woman was Mirza's habit. His name was Ghulam Ahmad whiles his fathers name was Ghulam Mustafa and not Abdullah as it should have been if he was the true Mahdi.

3. The Muslims will make Bai’at with the Mahdi in Makkah near the Ka’aba. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:

“Some people of Makkah will come to him (Mahdi) and will take him out though he will be unwilling. Then they will make him accept their Bai’at between the black stone and the place of Ibrahim.
(Abu Dawûd)
Nobody ever made Bai’at with Mirzah Ghulam in Makkah.

4. After Bai’at an army will be sent from Syria to fight the true Mahdi and the earth will swallow this army before it reaches him. The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm said:

“An army will then be sent to fight with him from Syria. The army will perish in Baydah between Makkah and Madinah
(Abu Dawûd)
No army ever came to Mirza Ghulam and thus never perished.

5. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm has informed us:

The true Mahdi will fill the world with justice and equality and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him
(Musnad Ahmad).
The only people pleased with Mirza Ghulam were the British Colonialists. He displeased one billion Muslims by insulting our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalm by claming Prophethood and making a mockery of the Qur’ân and Hadith.

6. We have been told in many Ahâdith that the Dajjal will appear in the time of Mahdi and ‘Isa (A.S) will descend to earth to kill him. It has been over 80 years since his death, yet the Dajjal has still not emerged and nor has ‘Isa (A.S) descended.

I am sure by now you have come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam was not the true Mahdi; referred to in the Ahâdith.

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Mirza Ghulam and the Real Messiah

We can learn from the Hadith of Nawas Bin Sam’an Radiallahu Anhu which can be found in Muslim Shareef (the second most authentic book after the Holy Qur’ân) and from the Hadith of Abu Ummamah Al-Bahilee Radiallahu Anhu which can be found in Ibn Majah, the following regarding the Promised Messiah:
1. The Promised Messiah’s name is ‘Isa (A.S) and his mothers name was Maryam.
2. The Mahdi and the Dajjal will have already appeared before his descension.
3. He will descend from the heavens to the white minaret in the east of Damascus wearing two garments slightly dyed with saffron and his hands will be placed on the wings of two Angels.
4. Every Kaafir (disbeliever) who smells his breath will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see.
5. He will kill the Dajjal at the Eastern gate of Ludd.
6. The barbarious tribe of Gog Magog will appear in his time and the promised Massiah will take the believers to mount Tur for their protection.
7. He will elevate the Islamic religion by breaking the cross and putting an end to Christianity.
8. The Jews and Christians will believe on him before his death.
9. He will kill the pigs and the Christians consider Halal it to eat and non-Muslims will not have to pay tax.
10. Wars will cease at his time, as everybody will be in complete agreement with one another.
11. There will be so much wealth that the receiving of Sadaqa will be discarded as everybody will have enough wealth of his own.
12. In his time, all harmful animals will be made harmless and the venom will be taken out from all venomous animals. A child will put his hand in a snake’s mouth and it will not harm him, a girl will be able to chase a lion away and it will not harm her.
13. The earth will spout with vegetation and will produce fruits so abundantly that a large group of people will gather to eat a bunch of grapes or one pomegranate, and it will suffice them.
14. From the Hadith of Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu in Muslim, we learn that the promised Messiah will perform Hajj and Umrah from a place called Rawha.
15. From the Hadith of Abdullah Bin Amr Radiallahu Anhu we learn that he will get buried next to the Holy Prophet ?.

None of the above conditions were fulfilled by Mirza Ghulam. His name was Ghulam Ahmad and not ‘Isa, he was the son of Chiragh and not Maryam. The Mahdi and the Dajjal did not appear before him and thus there is no question in him killing Dajjal. He did not descend from the heavens nor did any Kaafir die from his breath.

The tribes of Gog Magog did not appear in his time nor did the Jews and Christians believe in him before his death. He did not elevate Islam but insulted it by claming to be the Mahdi, the Messiah and a Prophet. He didn’t kill the pigs but enjoyed eating it. Wars did not cease in his time as the Muslims were struggling against the colonialists in India. The receiving of Sadqah was not discarded nor was venom taken out of venomous animals in his time. He never performed Hajj or Umrah and died in a toilet.

I am sure by now you have easily come to the conclusion that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was not the promised Messiah the Mahdi or a Prophet, but was an impostor and a liar. His aim and purpose in life was to keep the colonialists happy, those who made him and nourished him with evil ideas to confuse and disunite the Muslims.

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Is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad The Promised Messiah?

There are one or more sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(S) transmitted by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ahmad in their respective collections of Hadith books regarding Al-Masih Al-Maw'oud, the Promised Messiah. Fazlul Karim, in his translation of Mishkat Al-Masabih published under the title "Al-Hadis" Vol.IV, pages 82-83, quotes four Ahadith from sound sources. Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(S) are clear in identifying the Promised Messiah to be the great Prophet of Allah Isa(A) (Jesus) who was raised up towards Allah according to the Qur'an, Surah 4 Ayah 158. In the same Surah, Ayah 157, it is clear that the Prophet Isa(A) was neither killed nor died on the cross but it appeared so to his contemporaries who claimed to have witnessed the event.

However, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani (1839-1908), the founder of the so called Ahmadiya Movement in Islam, commonly known among Muslims as Qadiyanism or Mirzaiyat, denied that meaning of the Qur'anic verses (referred to above) as understood by Islamic scholars for thirteen centuries. He claimed that Isa Ibn Maryam(A) travelled to Kashmir, lived for a long full life, died and was buried there. This claim of Ghulam Qadiyani goes against the record of Christians as well as Muslims.

Instead of believing as Muslims believe (see the Qur'an 2:13), Ghulam claimed that he was Maryam (Mary, mother of Jesus(A)), he became pregnant and delivered himself as Jesus and turned into the Promised Messiah. On top of this, he claimed that he was the fulfillment of the prophesies of Prophet Muhammad(S). All references to Ghulam Qadiyani's claim and writing in this brochure are in "QADIYANIAT, AN ANALYTICAL SURVEY" by Ehsan Elahi Zaheer, published by Idara Tarjuman Al-Sunnah, Lahore, Pakistan.

Due to the lack of space, full text of Ahadith (teachings of Prophet Muhammad(S)) will not be given. Instead, relevant pieces of Ahadith will be given in simple language and the claim of Ghulam Qadiyani will be examined.

The Promised Messiah shall be the son of Mary and none else

Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani was not the son of Mary but son of an Indian lady whose name was not Mary but it was Chiragh Bibi. Just to fit himself into the prophesy he concocted the story that he himself was Mary, became pregnant, delivered himself and so on. He wrote, "I was made Mary. I remained Mary for two years. Then the soul of Jesus was blown into me as it was blown inside Mary. Thus I conceived metaphorically. After some months, not exceeding ten, I changed from Mary and was made Jesus. In this manner, I became 'son of Mary'". Another time Ghulam Qadiyani wrote, "I saw myself as if I am a woman and Allah expressed in me His reproductive power of manliness."

The Promised Messiah "shall descend amidst you"

Ghulam Qadiyani himself wrote: "It occurs in Hadith that the Messiah shall descend from the sky and will be (clad) in two yellow sheets". Ghulam Qadiyani did not descend from anywhere but appointed himself. He was born of Chiragh Bibi.

The Promised Messiah shall descend on the white minaret of a mosque in the eastern part of Damascus

He did two things to fit himself into this part of the prophesy.

(a) He claimed that the village of Qadiyan was like Damascus and he tried to fabricate similarities between Damascus and Qadiyan.

(b) He built a mosque with a minaret in Qadiyan and painted it white. He called the minaret, "Minaret of the Messiah".

However, he could not show people that he was descending from heaven on the minaret. Had there been helicopters in those days he, perhaps, would have borrowed one from the British to show himself descending on the minaret from a helicopter.

The Promised Messiah shall descend while clad in two yellow sheets

Ghulam Qadiyani rationalized that two yellow sheets meant two diseases. He said that he was suffering from polyuria (mituration) and giddiness of head. He boasted that he urinated 100 times a day. He also contradicted himself while saying, "It is possible that another Messiah may descend who befit the qualities mentioned in the Hadith, manifestly." Finally, he told the truth when he wrote, "two self-contradictory sayings can only come from a madman or from a hypocrite."

The Promised Messiah shall break the cross

This prophesy was interpreted to mean that all Christians shall convert to Islam and Christianity as a separate religion shall cease to exist. Qadiyani himself wrote, "The purpose of descent of Messiah is that the theory of Trinity will be completely obliterated..." It is obvious that Christians have multiplied manyfold during the last century. Even in the District of Gordaspur the Christian population increased eight-fold between the time of Qadiyani's claim of Messiahship and his death. Ghulam Qadiyani said to emphasize his mission of obliterating Christianity from the earth, "If I do not do for the protection of Islam what is attributed to the Promised Messiah and I die, bear witness that I am a liar." Well! Time has given the proof of what he was.

The Promised Messiah shall kill the pig

This prophesy was interpreted that the eating of pig products shall cease to exist. Obviously, this prophesy was not fulfilled.

The Promised Messiah shall be a just ruler

A just ruler is not a subject of any people or government. Firstly, Ghulam Qadiyani was a subject of the British throne not a ruler. He boasted, "Till his death, my father remained a sincere servant of the English Government". About himself he boasted, "I rose to the service of the English Government with my hand and pen... I have promised to God that I shall not write a book except that I shall mention in it the favors of the Imperial Government".

Secondly, he was accused by his own followers to be an embezzler of funds of his community. He was not even a just leader of his small community.

The Promised Messiah shall bring all humanity under one religion, Islam, before his death

Ghulam Qadiyani himself agreed, "... during the period of the Promised Messiah the false religious communities will perish." He further clarified at another place, "... lies will completely vanish and all religious communities except Islam will be destroyed." A century has passed since Qadiyani's claim of Messiahship yet the Muslims of the world remain 25 percent of the world population. If Qadiyani population only is considered (because Ghulam taught them that they are the only Muslims in the world) they are under 0.02% of the world population.

The Promised Messiah shall kill the Dajjal, the Deceiver, at the gate of Ludd or Lydda

Frequently Dajjal is translated as "Anti-Christ" which may not be true. In fact, in Islam, there is no concept of Anti-Christ associated with a person. Ghulam Qadiyani himself wrote, "Then, Messiah son of Mary shall move out in search of the Dajjal; he will overtake him at the gate of a town among the towns of Bait Al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem) known as Ludd and kill him." As we know that no such person having attributes of the Dajjal has appeared, yet. Naturally, Qadiyani did not kill any Dajjal, he was never accused of killing any person nor did he visit Ludd or Lydda.

Allah will generate so much wealth under the rule of the Promised Messiah that no beggar and no poverty will be left in the world

It is no secret that there is poverty and hunger all over the world including in the most prosperous First World of the West. Ghulam Qadiyani himself was a beggar; he wrote, "It is necessary for everyone of my followers to remit to me a monthly sum of his money." Qadiyani's brother-in-law Mirza Sher Ali used to say, "Ghulam Ahmad is indeed a liar and a looter; he has opened this shop to grab money from people".

The Promised Messiah will establish peace on earth. The lion will graze about with a camel, the leopard with a cow, the wolf with a sheep, Children will play with snakes who will not harm them

Ghulam Qadiyani lived for almost seventeen years after the claim of his Messiahship but he did not establish peace on earth. In fact, two world wars took place and hundreds of small wars have taken lives of millions of people since the death of Qadiyani. There has been inestimable damage to the environment during periods of "peace" and also due to wars. Lions continue to eat their favorite animals and snakes continue to bite people.

The Promised Messiah shall perform Hajj or Umra or both

Ghulam Qadiyani was so scared of dying that he did not perform Hajj or Umra despite his claim about himself, "And God will protect you from people".

The Promised Messiah shall remain on earth for forty-five years before dying

About Ghulam Qadiyani, his son Bashir Ahmad wrote, "His Holiness announced that he had been commissioned for the reformation of this Ummah in the year 1882. In the year 1889 he announced that he is the revivalist (mujaddid). He remained steadfast on this until in 1891 he announced that he is "the Promised Messiah". From the time of his birth in 1839 he lived for 69 years, dying in 1908. The time of his claim to be a reformer was 26 years, the time of his claim to be a mujaddid was 19 years and the time of his claim to Messiahship was 17 years until his death. When is one supposed to begin counting to make 45 years of Messiahship?

Ghulam Qadiyani agreed with a Hadith, "Indeed the Prophet of God said that the Messiah will be buried in my grave"

Ghulam Qadiyani did not even visit the grave of the Prophet(S). He died in Lahore, his body was carried to Qadiyan where he was buried.

The above points mentioned in prophesies of the Prophet Muhammad(S) regarding the Promised Messiah and their analysis in the light of Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani show that the claimant of Messiahship was a liar and an imposter. The Promised Messiah, Jesus(A), is yet to descend and he will at the time appointed by Allah Himself.
Mirza Sahib said that Mohammad(pbuh) had 3000 + miracles, but he will have over 3 million miracles, but he had none.
Than he claimed to have prophecies! Which never came true! Here are some better known prophecies of the person who called himself a Prophet, Mehdi, and the Promised Messiah. According to Mirza Ghulam himself, even if only one prophecy has not come to pass, we should view him a liar and an impostor. Let's count his most famous prophecies which did not come to pass==>Read all of the post.

Prophecies and Mubahala Concerning Mr. Abdullah Khan Atham
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani was badly humiliated by Mr. A.K. Atham, a Christian, in a debate. Mirza Ghulam's repeated prophecies regarding a miserable death for Mr. Atham did not come to pass.
Prophecy concerning Multiple Marriages and many Children
"Indeed God has given me the good news that I shall have numerous children from blessed women, whom I shall marry after this revelation."

(Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 5, P. 58)

"In February 1886, I made a declaration after receiving revelation from God that He gave me good news of marriages after this declaration and soon I shall marry women of good omen and virtue and to me will be born children from them."

(Tabligh-i-Risalat, Vol. 1, P. 89)

Mirza Ghulam made this statement when he was 46 years old. The fact is that he did not marry anyone after this prophecy.

Prophecies Regarding Marriage to Mohammadi Begum
Mirza Ghulam's repeated assertions that his marriage to Mohammadi Begum was ordained by God never came to pass. Additionally, none of the individuals he had threatened with death from God died as he had predicted.

Prophecies Regarding the birth of Sons to his wife
Mirza Ghulam made multiple prophecies regarding birth of sons to his wife. They all failed.
Prophecy about Marriage to a Virgin and a Widow
Mirza Ghulam has written:

"It is God's intention that He will bring two ladies in my wedlock. One will be virgin and the other widow. Therefore, this inspiration that is related to Bikr (virgin), it has been fulfilled and, presently by the grace of God, I have four sons from this wife. I am still waiting for the fulfillment of the inspiration regarding widow."

(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 15, P. 201)

Mirza Ghulam never married a widow.
Prophecies Regarding "A Spark of Light of Allah"
Mirza Ghulam's claim that a new born boy would grow up to become the savior of the humanity failed, when the young boy died of an illness.

Prophecies Concerning the Plague and Qadian
Mirza Ghulam feared Cholera very much and declared it to be one of his signs. He predicted that the plague that became rampant in Punjab will not enter Qadian, the dwelling place of God's prophet (himself)! However, not only did the plague spread to Qadian, it also took the life of several people in Mirza Ghulam's own house.

Prophecies Concerning Birth of a Son to a Follower
Mirza Ghulam's prophecies concerning the birth of a son to one of his followers, Manzoor Muhammad, did not materialize.

Prophecies and Mubahala Concerning Dr. Abdul Hakim
Mirza Ghulam Qadiani engaged in a discussion with a Muslim Doctor by the name of Abdul Hakim. During this discussion, the Doctor called Mirza a Liar and challenged him to a debate. Instead of accepting the debate, Mirza Ghulam prophecised a miserable death for Dr. Hakim. These predictions also failed and proved to be the inventions of a lost soul and a pretender.

Prophecy Concerning Long Life
Mirza Ghulam declared to have received wahi (revelation) concerning his lifespan:
"Enemies wish for my death and prophecise about it. God has, however, given me the good news that I shall live for eighty (80) years or more."

(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 19, P. 239; Mawahib-ur-Rahman, P. 21)

Mirza Ghulam Qadiani died when he was sixty eight (68) years old.
Prophecy Concerning his Death in a Holy City
Mirza Ghulam had stated:

"I will die either in Mekkah or Medina."

(Roohany Khazaen, Vol. 2, P. 105; Tadhkira, P. 591)

Mirza Ghulam did not ever see Mekkah or Medina. He died in the city of Lahor, Pakistan; his body was moved and burried in Qadian.
Dozens and dozens of prophecies like those that Mirza Ghulam had falsely attributed to Allah(SWT).
Allah said this to people who falsely attribute things to him:

Who doth more wrong than those who invent a lie against Allah? They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied against their Lord! Behold! the Curse of Allah is on those who do wrong!- Those who would hinder (men) from the path of Allah and would seek in it something crooked: these were they who denied the Hereafter!
(The Holy Quran, Hud, 11:18-19)

Even according to the standards set by the pretender Mirza, we should have no doubt that he was an impostor and a false claimant to prophethood. Allah(SWT), time and time again, has proved Mirza Ghulam's falsehood to those who seek guidance.

Evil as an example are people who reject Our signs and wrong their own souls. (The Holy Quran, Al-Araf, 7:177)

NYA tell me what makes Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a Prophet, Messiah and Mehdi?

It is sad to see people following something, that is abviously not real and not true.

[This message has been edited by Girl from Quraysh (edited September 19, 2000).]
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