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انقلاب ? Inqilab ? Revolution ?

The reason we are here today is due to a huge mistake of Imran Khan of going to IMF, IMF in return did everything possible to make life of Pakistani's hell and hence damage IK politically, some one ill advised IK to go to IMF, there could have been other options.
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This incident will be used as an excuse to bring ansar ul islam and youth wings of other parties into play.
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Awam are the biggest Chut**s themselves.

Real issue is jahil voters.
you are missing the change here.
People cant anymore accept the Lotas.. See the what is happening in Islamabad and Faisalabad in constituencies of Lotas..

Soon masses will not allow them to come and stay in constituencies.. Time is changing

The Establishment, unfortunately, has no problem with the Mafia doing corruption as long as they don't try to overstep their limits. NS was ousted twice not for corruption or misgovernance but for trying to undermine the power of establishment. In fact, the Establishment prefers corrupt and deal-making leaders like Zardari as it's always easier to work with them. IK was brought to power to undermine PMLN (Nawaz esp). IK has already outlived his utility.

The Establishment (local as well as international) wants Zardari back in power, but without PPP winning absolute majority. But there are factions within establishment that are opposed to it, and most importantly Allah is the best of planners. Let's see what happens

As always, excellent post. Kudos.
Then i believe, Establishment has also to change its attitude and character

This could be the beginning for them to realize it

Nothing cant stay same for too long Including how establishment has been working

I believe new generations in establishments are also tired of mentality of Old Babus
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I have a gut feeling opposition will be surprised, but this episode shows the system is deeply flawed and needs to be replaced by a presidential system.
Maybe this is why this is happening. I have been saying for past few months now that there is hinting of system change :

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Then just have one page that says "COAS shall automatically assume the post of President of Pakistan with full powers which he shall use as he deems fit" and call it a day. We might as well rename Pakistan as Dictatorship of Wannabe-Egypt.

You know who are criminals? The people who lie, cheat, & steal with total impunity. They are above any & all accountability. You can not touch them. You can not ask them anything. They manage Pakistan with zero accountability. Even their puppets are not accountable, as long as they tow the line. Remember attack on PTV in 2014? We saw everything happen & there was an audiotape of Alvi & IK congratulating one another over the 'accomplishment'. They knew that they would be protected & that is why they were not worried about any consequences. 4 years later IK became PM in a rigged election & Alvi became President. Both were let go scot free. Courts could not convict them, despite overwhelming evidence.


You can take THIS to the market, my friend.

Every System has its shelf life
No number of Patches can avoid/prevent the failure/rotting of Constitution going obsolete

We make Set of rules to run the affairs of country..., When the affairs of country could not be run even after amending the rules (i imagine it like Our base has so many mutation that it needs to be brought back to its original form and start again), we need to update our set of rules

I am not against the constitution, present form of Constitution itself is against the present nature
Your opinions have a shelf life, unless they are tattooed on your brain - which they are.

You really have no idea how a country functions under a constitution, do you? It is a LIVING document. You can change it. So why don't you? Go ahead. There is a way to change it. Be my guest & do whatever is legally permissible to change it. All this talk of mutation & base, and country is hog-wash. Those, whose job was to frame a constitution knew well what they were doing. A thousand of you can not come up with something even remotely comparable.

Typing treasonous stuff is easy, because you know that you would not be made accountable. Who would or could make you accountable for preaching treason? This is not a joke. I am deadly serious. Walk up to any random American and trash American constitution to his face - chances are that you would get yourself pretty well rearranged in the process.
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A lot has had happened since these few days... cannot focus/concentrate on life issues anymore
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Choose what you want, full Sharia or secular democracy, enough of dangling in between both.
The liberals and educated want democracy, the fundamentalists want full Sharia.
Pakistanis must decide what they want.

I want what Allah wants. What does he want?
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the reality is that pakistan is heading towards a civil war.
and India is going to intervene militarily. after all they did the same in 71. why wouldn't they do the same now?
we are near the end.
they will take take Azad Kashmir and GB with US approval, after all this cuts off Pakistan from China.
The jawans at the borders will fight bravely but lose thanks to our incompetent leadership that prefers to play politics and real estate. they dont have the stomach for a fight given the number of peace gestures, they have made already to the scum.
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the reality is that pakistan is heading towards a civil war.
and India is going to intervene militarily. after all they did the same in 71. why wouldn't they do the same now?
we are near the end.
they will take take Azad Kashmir and GB with US approval, after all this cuts off Pakistan from China.
The jawans at the borders will fight bravely but lose thanks to our incompetent leadership that prefers to play politics and real estate. they dont have the stomach for a fight given the number of peace gestures, they have made already to the scum.

I’m not totally sure about the validity of Shah Naimatullah Wali’s prophecies from 600+ years ago but many of his predictions have come true and many people believe him. This is what he said:

Pakistan will be invaded by India and will lose large areas, including Lahore and Gilgit Chitral.

They will be stopped around Attock.

Muslims from around the world will come to fight, including from Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan. There will be massive war.

Muslims will eventually win, inshallah. They will recover lost territory of Pakistan, then invade India and capture their leadership. I guess Modi and Co. will be brought as POWs in chains.

This is what is known as Ghazwa e Hind. It will last 6 months.

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