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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

Female models make like 10x morenthan male models. Where is feminism there?

I would love to be shown where it is

That doesn't have anything to do with gender. Thats related to something called demand and supply. The female fashion industry is bigger hence more models are needed and hence paid more. It's alot like the sports industry where male sports has alot more viewership which is why they get paid a whole lot more.
It is a social system...read up on it your self if you have an interest, but it certainly does exist. Here is a wiki link for starters:

I do not agree with the whole article, but the definition of "Patriarchy"seems accurate to me.

As someone who has studied real science ( I now teach it), the problem I have with the patriarchy theory is that:

1. It's not falsifiable
Meaning you can't present new evidence to show that it's wrong, thus you can't prove that is correct.

2. It is bases based on confimation bias
Meaning that they said patriarchy exists, then went looking for evidence. That is not how real science works.

3. It's entirely based on emotions and you can't argue against emotions.
Ab ham enjoy bhi na kren?

Tinto Brass banne ka shauq tumhara jaega nahi

As someone who has studied real science ( I now teach it), the problem I have with the patriarchy theory is that:

1. It's not falsifiable
Meaning you can't present new evidence to show that it's wrong, thus you can't prove that is correct.

2. It is bases based on confimation bias
Meaning that they said patriarchy exists, then went looking for evidence. That is not how real science works.

3. It's entirely based on emotions and you can't argue against emotions.

Barring philosophy and psychology

Can i scientific experiment with complete isolation be done?

Will it be too cruel?
That doesn't have anything to do with gender. Thats related to something called demand and supply. The female fashion industry is bigger hence more models are needed and hence paid more. It's alot like the sports industry where male sports has alot more viewership which is why they get paid a whole lot more.
I agree

Supply and demand says that people who can do brutal labor will get paid more than KG teachers.

People who can work 60 hour weeks will get paid more than people who work 20 hours a week.

Now the problem is that men tend to be working the long and hard Jobs and then feminists cry about wage gap.
Tinto Brass banne ka shauq tumhara jaega nahi

Barring philosophy and psychology

Can i scientific experiment with complete isolation be done?

Will it be too cruel?

Not quite sure what you are trying to say. Could you elaborate?
Mere shauq, meri marzi.

Marzi belongs only to darzi

Not quite sure what you are trying to say. Could you elaborate?

Put two child in isolation. Like a real life blue lagoon movie.

See what nature chooses as best survival tactic.

As i said. Laws are man made. These are subject to change. Nature cannot be changed.
Marzi belongs only to darzi

Put two child in isolation. Like a real life blue lagoon movie.

See what nature chooses as best survival tactic.

As i said. Laws are man made. These are subject to change. Nature cannot be changed.
The universe is what it is, all we can do practice "best practices" and in science that means looking at the evuevide first, then coming up with theories, not the other way around.
The universe is what it is, all we can do practice "best practices" and in science that means looking at the evuevide first, then coming up with theories, not the other way around.

Totally agreed.

But natures best practices are an evolving science itself.

Every science is just observations made repeatedly to study numerics?

ok that is strange

Theres no next.

No more soup for you. I would have defended it lol
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