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Another "fake encounter"

Guy you screw every thread, everything blaming on Pakistan, look, it is not going to help you, watch it, it will make you cry, but you deny everything and term it Pakistani propaganda.

Thats sad.

No one denied that minorities have issues. And it is not abnormal either. It is no different from what minorities in Muslim majority countries face.

I expect similar behaviour from humans,no matter what religion they belong it.

Now I ask you.Would you deny what Adux has posted?
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Yes, I have seen that, its not a valid reason to persecute and discriminate minorities in India throgh state terrorism if some violence occour in other parts of the world.

Rather then posting unrelated links, please enlighten us, why it is happening on mass level, what government is doing to stop it and why all the minorities are suffering the same way.
Yes, I have seen that, its not a valid reason to persecute and discriminate minorities in India throgh state terrorism if some violence occour in other parts of the world.

Rather then posting unrelated links, please enlighten us, why it is happening on mass level, what government is doing to stop it and why all the minorities are suffering the same way.

what do you mean by persecuting minorites for violence in other parts on world?

You mean to say Indian government arrested Muslims in India because OBL blew up World trade center? The last time I knew it was Pakistan who was sending Muslims to Guatanamo bay,not India.

There are enough examples of persecution of criminals who have commited crimes against innocent people,no matter what religion they belong to.
If you notice the basis of this thread itself is the arrest of the top police officals who carried out out of law killings. It is a different story altogether that the chap killed was no better either. He was a extronist.

If top police officals can't survive what makes you think criminals are not prosecuted?
Yes, I have seen that, its not a valid reason to persecute and discriminate minorities in India throgh state terrorism if some violence occour in other parts of the world.

Rather then posting unrelated links, please enlighten us, why it is happening on mass level, what government is doing to stop it and why all the minorities are suffering the same way.

Mass level,you mean like 11% to 3% of a population minority population in pakistan or 300,000 bangladeshi's...... I would call that mass level.
I see your post as largely hypocritical. The so called 'perscuting Hindu Terrorist state' actually Dismissed and are standing for trail for murder of two people. An innocent woman and a criminal husband. They are the highest officers in the state police. What else do you want?
Yes, I have seen that, its not a valid reason to persecute and discriminate minorities in India throgh state terrorism if some violence occour in other parts of the world.

Rather then posting unrelated links, please enlighten us, why it is happening on mass level, what government is doing to stop it and why all the minorities are suffering the same way.

Dont mistake the overall inabilty of Indian system to address grievances as an effort targeted towards minorities.
Killer cops trigger fears in India
By S. N. M. Abdi (Special Report)

21 May 2007

INDIA is petrified of killers in uniform after an unprecedented confession by the Gujarat government in the country's top court that security forces shot dead a Muslim civilian in a 'fake encounter' — or a staged gun-battle.

Staged killings by the police and military are pretty common: similar cases come to light with alarming frequency in various states. But never before had the adminstration publicly conceded that it had blood on its hands. After admitting Sohrabuddin Sheikh's extra-judicial killing, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Gujarat government told stunned supreme court judges this month that policemen killed Sheikh's wife Kauser Bibi too and burnt her body.

Apparently, the woman had witnessed her husband's cold-blooded execution by the anti-terrorist squad and threatened to expose the killers. Kauser, according to some reports, was gang-raped by policemen before she was silenced. Her corpse was set on fire to destroy evidence.

The headline-grabbing case of Sohrabuddin and Kauser has rattled Indians and transfixed the nation amid calls by human rights groups and social commentators to severely punish rogue cops who break the law to maintain 'order'.

In the dock are trigger-happy policemen, para-military troops and army soldiers across India accused of killing thousands of men and women in so-called encounters claiming they fired in self-defence in gun battles with separatists and criminal gangs.

Thanks to the Supreme Court's activism, old cases are being reopened in several states.

Significantly, the majority of victims are Muslim men in their 20s and 30s. They are labelled terrorists and shot dead by law enforcement agencies. Police files say they were killed when they they were trying to escape. There are also instances of policemen acting as contract killers in property and matrimonial disputes. Moreover, Maoist rebels fighting for the landless poor and tribes-people are special targets of security forces who are a law unto themselves in backward regions.

In the wake of the Gujarat government's testimony, the alleged killers — three senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officers and their four subordinates — were promptly arrested.

But the jailed officials are fighting tooth and nail attempts by investigators to subject them to lie-detector, narco-analysis and brain-mapping tests.

Some experts blame extra-judicial killings on India's criminal justice system. They say that it takes decades to convict a dangerous criminal; laws are tilted in favour of the accused and corrupt judges do not think twice before granting bail. So for society's sake, policemen have to become executioners.

Police in major Indian cities, including the national capital, New Delhi and Mumbai, have so-called 'encounter specialists' or cops who are unofficially assigned the task of liquidating criminals.

Some of them, like Mumbai's Pradeep Sharma, have the dubious distinction of killing more than a 100 wanted men, while his protege, Daya Nayak, with 85 'successful encounters' under his belt, has been immortalised in a Bollywood film.

Sharma told an interviewer that most deaths at his hands were accidents. "When criminals on the run resist arrest, such encounters happen. It is more of an accident when we go to arrest criminals."

The other 'centurions' are Delhi's Rajbir Singh and Uttar Pradesh's Brij Lal. Criminals also dread UP's Navneet Sikera and Rajeshwar Singh, Kashmir's Hans Raj Parihar and Andhra Pradesh's J. G. Murali, whose 'scores' are 50, 23, 50 and 25 respectively.

The majority of such 'specialists' are household names in their respective cities, although sometimes their luck runs out and they are suspended for amassing wealth or hobnobbing with criminals. But they always bounce back.

Sheikh was gunned down in November 2005 in the suburbs of Gujarat's Ahmedabad city by the anti-terrorist squad which claimed that he planned to assassinate chief minister Narendra Modi. Branding Sheikh an operative of the Islamic militant outfit Lashkar-e-Tayaba, the police said that he wanted to kill Modi to avenge the deaths and destruction in the anti-Muslim violence that swept the Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled state in 2002.

After running from pillar to post for justice, Sheikh's brother complained to the Supreme Court. The apex court forced the Gujarat government to conduct an impartial investigation which also proved that he had no terrorist links. Indian media reports, however, said Sheikh was an extortionist and had a few criminal cases against him. Apparently, he tried to extort money from a rich Hindu businessman with BJP links. The police obliged the wealthy marble trader by gunning down Sheikh claiming that he was a terrorist on a mission to kill Modi.

The police version had many buyers because Modi was vehemently criticised for turning a blind eye to the 2002 pogrom against Muslims.

But Sheikh's brother, Rubabuddin Sheikh, threw a spanner in the works of the police. After the Gujarat government confessed killing Sheikh, he filed a petition demanding that the administration produce his missing sister-in-law, which led to the explosive admission that Sheikh's wife was also eliminated to silence a witness.

K. P. S. Gill, former police chief of Punjab who gave his boys a free hand to crush the armed Sikh campaign for an independent Khalistan, accuses the Indian media of hounding 'patriotic' policemen.

"There are bound to be some mistakes when you deal with terrorists and organised crime", said Gill.

E. N. Rammohun, former BSF Director-General, says: "In Kashmir, only a Truth and Reconciliation Commission like South Africa's after the end of apartheid, will enable India to make peace with the Kashmiri people."

But Harsh Mander, a bureaucrat who quit the elite Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in a huff after the 2002 Gujarat carnage and now runs a non-governmental organisation Aman Biradri, or Peace Brotherhood, laments that the current wave of outrage will taper off because extra-judicial killings have somehow gained social acceptance in the country.

Yes apart from the LTTE there have been attacks
on the Japanese underground by cult members,
In America by Tim Mcveigh and his ilk
In Spain by members of ETA
Northern Ireland with its various issues
Greece with the left wing anarchists

To name a few..............I am now going to read the report.....it looks quite interesting.
If you have an appetite, then there are more non-muslim terrorists group working in India.
ULFA, LTTE, Ranbeer Sena, Naxlites etc. etc.
It have become a practice, police would kill innocent Muslim and label them as terrorists, that is the easiest way to get away with murder of Muslim. And this is what is creating more unrest in Muslim youth, anytime they can be termed as terrorists and killd!

I say it Mir; If some body point a fingure towards me and say, 'Aye you are a terrorist'
I can not defend myself. I can not deny him. This is a LAW.
The police get convictions after all its third or fourth degree tortures from the 'Suspect', are 'LEGITIMATE' proof, in India. So it is becoming a greater risk to be an Indian Muslim, now a days.
I say it Mir; If some body point a fingure towards me and say, 'Aye you are a terrorist'
I can not defend myself. I can not deny him. This is a LAW.
The police get convictions after all its third or fourth degree tortures from the 'Suspect', are 'LEGITIMATE' proof, in India. So it is becoming a greater risk to be an Indian Muslim, now a days.

Well you start standing up and speak againt muslim terrorists you will find more support around you.

I you go about sympathising with terrorist activities and spewing anti american hatred around then definitly the public, and that includes hindus and Muslims alike would suspect you if ever you are accussed.
Well you start standing up and speak againt muslim terrorists you will find more support around you.

I you go about sympathising with terrorist activities and spewing anti american hatred around then definitly the public, and that includes hindus and Muslims alike would suspect you if ever you are accussed.

What if you do same for the HINDU terrorists?
Would you not get more sympathy and encourgement? What stops you? What is your contribution on this?
Dont mistake the overall inabilty of Indian system to address grievances as an effort targeted towards minorities.
Prove your point with reference to, say, last 15-20 years of Indian governments, both at state and central level. What these governments have done to substantiate your point? Any clues?
What if you do same for the HINDU terrorists?
Would you not get more sympathy and encourgement? What stops you? What is your contribution on this?

I have never supported any extremists and so for that same matter i can never be accussed.

What sympathy? Whose sympathy would i gain?
Prove your point with reference to, say, last 15-20 years of Indian governments, both at state and central level. What these governments have done to substantiate your point? Any clues?

Whats ur point? If you didnt understand what i wrote then ask, i will clarify.
I have never supported any extremists and so for that same matter i can never be accussed.

What sympathy? Whose sympathy would i gain?

Well maybe u dont but great majority of ppl in ur country do... the election of BJP which gain support from VHP and RSS is great example of this and the GUJARAT massacr occured under BJP rule and MODI was involved in this. This is no incidence but systematic massacar of minority. the lack of support and will by police to defend the citizen of that country is some strong factors in this... Than u have issue of Sikh massacr during the 80s again systematic killing of minority at the hand of government. Operation Blue star is good example of that....
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