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Another "fake encounter"


I wasnt making a point against you, I was just telling you more Hindu's have died than Muslims. But nobody from the other side, is saying anything about those Hindu deaths. Why? isnt their life worth anything. When people talk about Gujarat Riots. 658 Hindu's died, What about them? Every year they bomb some temple's or market, or something.. what about those people?
Hindus dont consider Modi as hero. On what basis you can say that.
I haven't seen any Indian government which said they were happy about how he handled the riots.

Do the Muslims consider Osama Bin Laden as a hero?

Well said.

I wasnt making a point against you, I was just telling you more Hindu's have died than Muslims. But nobody from the other side, is saying anything about those Hindu deaths. Why? isnt their life worth anything. When people talk about Gujarat Riots. 658 Hindu's died, What about them? Every year they bomb some temple's or market, or something.. what about those people?

I dont expect that either.
In my personal opinion,death of Muslims has always been a political tool to use against India by our neighbours. To show that the Hindus are there to prosecute the Muslims.

The example being our friend from Bangladesh considers Gujarat riots more evil than slaughter of his countrymen in 1971,just because it Muslims who were killed at the hands of men from another religion.Amazing.
You dont need to blame your neighbours for every thing which is happening in India. It is not Muslim alone who are being persecuted, Sikh's, Christians, Dalits...all have same treatment in hands of Hindu's.

This is like a cycle, when any one talks about persecution of Minorities in India, some one would come out and blame it as a Pakistani propaganda. It is not a healthy style to discuss things, we have to repeat over and over same arguments.

Just look, how many people from minorities are persecuted with help of police and what are conditions of minorities, there is a lot of stuff on this forum.
You dont need to blame your neighbours for every thing which is happening in India. It is not Muslim alone who are being persecuted, Sikh's, Christians, Dalits...all have same treatment in hands of Hindu's.

This is like a cycle, when any one talks about persecution of Minorities in India, some one would come out and blame it as a Pakistani propaganda. It is not a healthy style to discuss things, we have to repeat over and over same arguments.

Just look, how many people from minorities are persecuted with help of police and what are conditions of minorities, there is a lot of stuff on this forum.

Should I consider PA's operation in Balouch as persuecution of Balouch people? 1971 occured because Punjabis did not want to give away dominance to other groups. Isn't that persecution?
I can give more examples,but not interested in d*** measuring competition.
Let's not talk about administration been used to persecute innocent people.It is not just in India.
It very well happens in Pakistan,Bangladesh and Srilanka.

Ans yeah.There are more people who talk about issues with minorities in India than those who would like to "show" sympathy from other countries.

The difference is the people in India can be understood talking about it,while our neighbours seem to have more concern about people in India than their own country men. How can that be understood?

When India does not bother for example about what happens to Hindus in Pakistan,wonder what is the eagerness neighbouring nations to be so very concerned about people in India.
Unfortunately it smells of political agenda.Nothing else.
Well , the neighbours are to be blamed and they have a history of promoting terrorism against us. Minorities in India are prescuted...lol...Keep on with your diatribe. 11% to 3% is your Minority population has come down. Systematic killing of Ahemdiya's, Shia's, Genocide of Hindus and Christians and their forced conversion is what is happening in Pakistan.
This would give you batter idea why people talk about persecution of minorities and state terrorism in India.

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This would give you batter idea why people talk about persecution of minorities and state terrorism in India.

Would you like me to post a similar video about "prosecution of minorities in Pakistan"..if this is a p****** competition?
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This is not Pakistani propaganda, this is what rest of the world is saying.

I am trying to prove my point that the persecution of minorities in India have nothing to do with Pakistan propaganda, it is really happening.
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yes, sure, but please open a new thread for it, let us keep things seperate.

And the point? the purpose? is the d*** measuring effort worth it? I dont think so.
I am more interested in putting across a POV and dicussion ,rather than posting videos and propaganda stuff.

Lets leave that to the people who have all the time in the world to search for "other nations fault" and be happy about it.
lol.................if you are not intrested in it, get in to some other thread which intrests you.
lol.................if you are not intrested in it, get in to some other thread which intrests you.

May be you need to read the post correctly. I said I am not interested in posting videos for d*** measuring competition.
You have a hobby about it,go ahead and do it. It serves no other purposed other than screwing the thread.
Guy you screw every thread, everything blaming on Pakistan, look, it is not going to help you, watch it, it will make you cry, but you deny everything and term it Pakistani propaganda.

Thats sad.

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