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Another ATR Plane Catches Fire During Take Off in Multan ( all grounded)

Why these incidents happen during winter only?? :o:

because in winters engines get cold, soaked during night with due and unlike fighter jet engines they are not maintained so extensively so they have higher chance of failure
I think since in both incidents it was a engine problem, probe might tell about aging engines rather than maintenance issue
15-25kms in case of an ATR i heard.

It really depends on the height at which the engines turn off. The aircraft basically trades potential energy for kinetic energy i.e. height for speed. Then it all depends on the glide ratio. For example with a glide ratio of 15:1 a 747 can travel 15 miles laterally by losing a mile in height. So the higher the aircraft was when the engines were shut off the farther it can glide with the maximum being dictated by its glide ratio.

I'm trying to make some sense of it here...
Lets assume an aeroplane caught fire, the pilots,if i'm not wrong dont switch off the engines immediately. They bring the plane down to an altitude where single engine can handle the load. But the aerodynamics is disturbed in cases where engines explode. If that were to happen the flight will have free fall. Gliding isnt a possibility at all.
Terrible thing to experience.
Right @krash ?

That depends on the extent, shape and form of the damage. While aerodynamics can be sensitive, a fair amount of redundancy is built into the air frame designs. In some instances aircraft have landed and even flown successfully after sustaining extreme damage to the wing.


5 out of 10 ATR-72 aircrafts were procured in 2015, and they are latest. 5 ATR-42 are old one and they were procured in 2006 by PIA. They should be inspected thoroughly. Both of the aircraft which got engine problem were ATR-42.

You do know that time does not denote an aircraft's age? Flight time does. Even if time did, 10-11 years would make it, at worst, middle aged.
Thank you PPP and now your Jiyala's doing great work for this country. Thank you to fill PIA with your Jiyala's
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It really depends on the height at which the engines turn off. The aircraft basically trades potential energy for kinetic energy i.e. height for speed. Then it all depends on the glide ratio. For example with a glide ratio of 15:1 a 747 can travel 15 miles laterally by losing a mile in height. So the higher the aircraft was when the engines were shut off the farther it can glide with the maximum being dictated by its glide ratio.

That depends on the extent, shape and form of the damage. While aerodynamics can be sensitive, a fair amount of redundancy is built into the air frame designs. In some instances aircraft have landed and even flown successfully after sustaining extreme damage to the wing.

You do know that time does not denote an aircraft's age? Flight time does. Even if time did, 10-11 years would make it, at worst, middle aged.

It is common practise in Pakistan that we purchase used aircrafts, so expect it a little beyond to their middle age. My point is if ATR-72 which are recently purchased are in good condition, they should be allowed to do operations. They are flown by 25+ countries.
It is common practise in Pakistan that we purchase used aircrafts, so expect it a little beyond to their middle age. My point is if ATR-72 which are recently purchased are in good condition, they should be allowed to do operations. They are flown by 25+ countries.

The ATR-42s were bought brand new. They are exactly 10-11 years old. What I'm saying is that there should be no reason why the ATR-42s should not be in perfect condition. These aren't socks that you can wear for a little while and then just throw away.

List of all the ATR-42's operators.

How old is the ATR fleet?
Travelled a few times in Kingfisher ATR quite a few years ago which was acquired from deccan air. First time in a small aircraft so little excited but it was always a boring flight. Nothing to report sorry.
ATR 42 is a garbage and the PWC engine it uses is faulty it is not PIA's fault and Pilots fault SUE France ATR and CANADA for PWC engine
And how do you know this?


"Without assigning responsibility for the crash, the report confirmed that after the failure of one engine the pilot incorrectly shut down the other, working engine."
If it's true than they truly are azzholes.

Geayyyyyyyyyyy bhuuuuuuuuuutoooo lutto or phuttooooo . PPP is the reason why PIA is in shambles.

Have you ever traveled in ATRs? If its about to be grounded then i would support the decision.
not as if an indian supporting this decision would matter...but still :P

No and never would i------

Is it scary than normal planes? :sad::fie:

Boo :fie:

For me even a normal plane is scary...

Same here for me most scary part is take off.

Yeah when they turn off the lights during--- :sad:
Syed Ali Haider sb,

Things like that are commonplace in India. Very often the doctor removes the functioning kidney, not the failed one.

has to be raw, give me burnol
In Multan ATR plane AP BHJ engine caught fire while it was being ignited.

AP BHO OT showed fault during the flight. While it was already warmed up.

It shows weather isn't the main reason of mishap. Low quality parts might be, when planes were already declared ok for flight. Such parts can betray you at anytime.
In some instances aircraft have landed and even flown successfully after sustaining extreme damage to the wing.
Yes the F-15 with its flat body, speed and the right pilot to fly, managed to land safely despite the damage caused to one of its wings. But thats not a possibility incase of a passenger airline because it has heavy wing loading, and it will go into a spiral dive if one of the wings are damaged.
This plane with cargo managed to land safely though >>>


No and never would i------
Darpook. :haha:
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