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Annan peace plan fails as Asad's zombies massacre 92 inc 32 kids in Houla.

Until the day comes when powers like China and Russia learn to understand the value of human lives and Muslim lives, we Muslims should stick with the US/West and finish off these murderers among our midst. If I was in charge of Bangladesh, and if there was a coalition of the willing to take out Assad, I would send whatever resources necessary to take care of this job, including our Armed forces, a good part of which has experience with the UN as peace keepers. Fsck Russia and China for this inhuman power game and playing with Muslim lives.

I agree. America knows and values human life. That's why they send drones to attack remote villages in Pakistan without fear of reprisal and loss of human life. The problem here is that they don't see Pakistani lives as human. They don't care if they take out a couple of children or grandmothers as long as a "terrorist" get taken out along with them. See the problem?

America values lives alright, but they value their own lives, not those of Muslims or Pakistanis.

America values Muslim lives so much that they killed nearly a million Iraqis. That's a hefty number there. Compare that to Assad's 20k. Dude, Assad's got some catching up to do there.

America values Muslim lives so much that they support the same kind of killing in Afghanistan now. How many lives have they destroyed in Afghanistan? How many more instances of American soldiers killing for sport must you see before you believe?

America values Muslim lives so much that they support Israel and their crusade against Muslims unequivacably.

Now open your eyes and tell me, who values Muslim lives more? Go ahead, open your mouth and lie.
So again Syria is blamed for the killings, with no evidence they did it, no videos (only bodies, which could have been killed by anybody).

Use some logic - why Assad would kill its own people, and especially children? On the other hand, every single similar killing sprees in Syria by terrorists was done just before every important event, while pining it on the Syria. This time the goal is to sabotage the peace mission, and to give a pretext for the West and Arabs invasion.
Chinese and Russians are no saints, both of their history is full of genocides of Muslims. So America is no different with its idiotic GWOT. But putting aside all history, here in this case, both China and Russia are totally on the wrong. They are meddling and dictating to the majority on the ground, against their democratic wishes. So please keep your dirty hands off. Because of Chinese and Russian stupidity US/West/Israel are finding a righteous cause to champion and gain brownie points with Muslim masses. You need to question your strategists more instead of blindly following the official govt. line if it is helping your long term interest or not. After Assad's fall I am sure you will see the light, but be wise, see the writings on the wall, and change your strategy, before loosing too much, because every non-combatant innocent that is being killed there, their blood is in your hand, and you cannot wash it off. Take responsibility for your actions.
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