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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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KSA doesn't carry it anymore. We haven't stoned anyone either since the 60s.

I said that the Saudis are okay with you practicing your faith in compound, thus, the Saudi way is way milder than Angola's, and I did read the article.

The difference is that Saudi doesn't outlaws 5 religions or a million, while Angola does. In other word, there is no blacklist.

That's an insult to my family considering the fact that my mom is a Texan Christian, and Dad is a Riyadh(ian) Muslim :lol: JK :P

But the provision to punish Proselytism and blasphemy by death exists nevertheless. Scary! :sad:
Believing and practicing a religion is a basic freedom right of a person.
Banning is never a humane option.

Finally a sane Indian.

Thanks Sparky.
:lol: You do realise Angola is middle income country right? Its GDP per cap as of 2012 was $5700. Thats atleast 4 times more than that of Pakistan and India.

And as I said their major trading partner is China, with 50% of exports going to China. Do you think China gives two hoots about all this religious stuff :azn:


You 'actually' think that if it REALLY comes down to it, piece of sh!t country like Angola would survive an "actual", and "serious" economic/cultural sanctions from Islamic World?

Islamic World controls oil...most important trading routes on planet...has massively massive influence in gas markets around world...and exports around $2.2 trillion worth goods and services every year (bigger than ENTIRE gdp of some so called galatic hyperpowers with no toilets)...Only "big" boys can neutralize such global presence and influence..for example U.S/West etc..but a sh!tfilled retards like Angola? Not a chance.

How about Saudis/Iranians say "Hey you random Chinese company..if you're gonna do business with Angola in oil and gas sector, then sorry, you aren't very welcome in our markets" ?

Or how about UAE and other Muslim nations stop to provide their sea ports to any ship carrying Angolan containers etc?

Do you SERIOUSLY think that Chinese will sour their relations with a massive global giant like Islamic World just for the same of some shitty, dumb b!tches sitting in godforsaken sub saharan Africa?

trust me it is just start.....tons of other country is gonna to do the same thing in future

I am afraid to say your right , my fellow muslims should start cutting down the crap before its too late .
So another religion can not find place at a place from where some other religion originates?

Shouldn't it be the choice of individual's?

I am wondering how come India is secular when its a source of hinduism. We must be doing something horribly wrong. Is it?

I never said India is secular i said India "claims" to be secular and therefore it needs to present the image that it supports religious freedom in every way possible. There are churches and temples in my country and i have seen people freely praying there and nobody forbids them from doing so. Some places are considered holy by the followers of different religions. For Muslims those places are Makkah and Meddina, the land where our Prophet PBUH lived thats why i would respect the same decision from the Vatican if they do decide to do that but thats their choice not mine or you'rs. Most of the Christian world today doesn't adhere to their religion so hardly anything of that sort would happen.
trust me it is just start.....tons of other country is gonna to do the same thing in future

Would only cause anarchy and chaos in this world. Organizations like AQ, al Shahab and Bako Haram might welcome such moves.

You 'actually' think that if it REALLY comes down to it, piece of sh!t country like Angola would survive an "actual", and "serious" economic/cultural sanctions from Islamic World?

Islamic World controls oil...most important trading routes on planet...has massively massive influence in gas markets around world...and exports around $2.2 trillion worth goods and services every year (bigger than ENTIRE gdp of some so called galatic hyperpowers with no toilets)...Only "big" boys can neutralize such global presence and influence..for example U.S/West etc..but a sh!tfilled retards like Angola? Not a chance.

How about Saudis/Iranians say "Hey you random Chinese company..if you're gonna do business with Angola in oil and gas sector, then sorry, you aren't very welcome in our markets" ?

Or how about UAE and other Muslim nations stop to provide their sea ports to any ship carrying Angolan containers etc?

Do you SERIOUSLY think that Chinese will sour their relations with a massive global giant like Islamic World just for the same of some shitty, dumb b!tches sitting in godforsaken sub saharan Africa?


Please do a bit of research on Angola. They have ample resources, decent enough proven oil reserves, and backers in Europe and America to keep them going. I don't think Angola would have dared to take such a ballsy step without the blessings and assurance of the Church in Europe and America.

As for the shipping lanes, I don't think Angola needs to use UAE and other Muslim country ports for whatever reasons. Angola is on the West Coast of Africa.

And I would like to see Islamic countries put pressure on China and see how that goes, I infact suggested it myself somewhere in this thread. But will they?
I have to ask...What happened to 'It is their laws...etc...etc...' ?

Laws can not "ban" religions willy nilly, chawal...

PS, Angola is not a "Christian" country based on "Christianity" ....If it was craziness of "Only Christianity allowed, nothing else" ..then I would have been understandable (still a d!ck move)...but singling out one religion? Its clear bullshittory.

You 'actually' think that if it REALLY comes down to it, piece of sh!t country like Angola would survive an "actual", and "serious" economic/cultural sanctions from Islamic World?

Islamic World controls oil...most important trading routes on planet...has massively massive influence in gas markets around world...and exports around $2.2 trillion worth goods and services every year (bigger than ENTIRE gdp of some so called galatic hyperpowers with no toilets)...Only "big" boys can neutralize such global presence and influence..for example U.S/West etc..but a sh!tfilled retards like Angola? Not a chance.

How about Saudis/Iranians say "Hey you random Chinese company..if you're gonna do business with Angola in oil and gas sector, then sorry, you aren't very welcome in our markets" ?

Or how about UAE and other Muslim nations stop to provide their sea ports to any ship carrying Angolan containers etc?

Do you SERIOUSLY think that Chinese will sour their relations with a massive global giant like Islamic World just for the same of some shitty, dumb b!tches sitting in godforsaken sub saharan Africa?


One problem with your assumption is that the Islamic World isn't united in any way(except for Islam, of course). They haven't gotten their act together against so many issues that are much more pertinent than this. What kind of sanctions do the Islamic Nations have against Israel and the countries that trade with it? Angola also happens to have the one thing that the Middle East can hold the World hostage to, Oil!

@Roybot Who's the gentleman in your profile pic? Is it Zaid Hamid from his Ghazwa-e-Afghanistan days? :jester:
would lead to holocaust.

anyway will India or should India follow?
Indian will not for sure......?

important is , we can't generalize all Muslim(all sect) in same frame ,for example Ahmadia ,Sufi etc
but important is ? we need to identify particular set which is spreading more hatred and radical though ,and which is dangerous for any society

those has to ban strictly at any cost
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