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Ancient Man and His First Civilizations.Proving Aryan Invasion Theory is a myth and severe lie

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You visit this thread for the first time and you began to teach me.Just go through all this posts then talk if you cant do that then just stay way from topic.Look its title.Here we discussing about AIT not about glory of white people.
I have a decent history background. And that is what the post is about. (my knowledge of Indian history may not be as good as a native, but for a foreigner I feel it's not so bad). I have seen arguments on both sides. Most that are against the "Aryan invasion" don't address the linguistics very well. My belief is that it was more a migration than invasion, and the caste system also supports a separate race theory.
He have what we called an inferiority Complex & he's most likely racist.

I am not a racist .I can see all peoples in equal terms and dont believe in matical theory like foolishness.In India there is lot of culture both high and low.But I only oppose govt foolish act to taught our childrens about AIT.
Yes. they create a civilization on graves of declined advanced civilization.But Aryans only contribution is that they converted oral stories and traditions that spread through from people to people in to written books.Indian historians already analysed that and examples I showed earlier about Brahmins is just a case.They imprinted ideology of 4 castes in that book.But it only for their

What basis you claim that is their only contribution? Even Sanskrit was spread because of them and the Rigveda. You have no proof that they only soaked up the oral traditions and then spread it whereas Sanskrit has links to Avestan and that language is west of the Indus. Yes they even made the caste system but can you tell me what was the system before then? I don't think you can.
I have a decent history background. And that is what the post is about. (my knowledge of Indian history may not be as good as a native, but for a foreigner I feel it's not so bad). I have seen arguments on both sides. Most that are against the "Aryan invasion" don't address the linguistics very well. My belief is that it was more a migration than invasion, and the caste system also supports a separate race theory.

But local Indians create IVC not foreigners.That we are talking about.Casteism bring by Aryans is to ensure their rule in India.No more no less
I have a decent history background. And that is what the post is about. (my knowledge of Indian history may not be as good as a native, but for a foreigner I feel it's not so bad). I have seen arguments on both sides. Most that are against the "Aryan invasion" don't address the linguistics very well. My belief is that it was more a migration than invasion, and the caste system also supports a separate race theory.

Watch this video for a good rebuttal of the linguistic issue. He has completely debunked the theory with solid facts here.

A bit long but very interesting for those interested in this issue.
What basis you claim that is their only contribution? Even Sanskrit was spread because of them and the Rigveda. You have no proof that they only soaked up the oral traditions and then spread it whereas Sanskrit has links to Avestan and that language is west of the Indus. Yes they even made the caste system but can you tell me what was the system before then? I don't think you can.

I got all this knowledge from historians book in Kerala .And they wrote lot of articles in malayalam.
they also present proof for that.So I trust them.So I cant present a link in here.Even there is a time when Mahabharata (an epic with lakhs of poems) propagate through people to people like a speech.
they creates language and when they integrate into society their languages also mix with us.But they create some degrading structure in very Hinduism and later events show it as a grave mistakes
Watch this video for a good rebuttal of the linguistic issue. He has completely debunked the theory with solid facts here.

A bit long but very interesting for those interested in this issue.
No time now, but I will check it out.
I am not a racist .I can see all peoples in equal terms and dont believe in matical theory like foolishness.In India there is lot of culture both high and low.But I only oppose govt foolish act to taught our childrens about AIT.

AIT is real & it did happened. I learn it & so does million others. Learning about it hurts no one, anyone who said otherwise is a liar. This is why I have problem with 'revisionist' because of their refusal to accept basic archaeological evidence & genetic. Instead they prefer to use an alternative theory based on "Hindu-Nationalism" instead of rational though.

Contrary to your belief Max Müller did not just pull the AIT from its arse. Just because he want to Belittle Indian civilization.

But local Indians create IVC not foreigners.That we are talking about.Casteism bring by Aryans is to ensure their rule in India.No more no less

For God sake the Indus Valley Civilizations was not created by Indian! They were created by Caucasian Settlers, centuries before the Aryans came.
There is no archaeological, genetic (or any other) basis of AIT. In fact the genetics is debunking this myth.

No one had ever heard of it till the British colonialists created it a few hundred years back from thin air out of nothing but spurious speculations bases on linguistic considerations. There is no mention of it in even the earlier texts.

And the basis was very weak indeed and doesn't stand to scrutiny.

As for millions reading it, the whole world read and believed that the Earth is flat. Didn't make it true.
AIT is real & it did happened. I learn it & so does million others. Learning about it hurts no one, anyone who said otherwise is a liar. This is why I have problem with 'revisionist' because of their refusal to accept basic archaeological evidence & genetic. Instead they prefer to use an alternative theory based on "Hindu-Nationalism" instead of rational though.

Contrary to your belief Max Müller did not just pull the AIT from its arse. Just because he want to Belittle Indian civilization.

OK you can believe AIT.But Indians like me already debunked AIT .I also learn it in my school times.But my behaviour of reading a lot of books and searching just correct that mistake.Indians that debunking AIT is still inreasing.
For God sake the Indus Valley Civilizations was not created by Indian! They were created by Caucasian Settlers, centuries before the Aryans came.

Do you know what scientists found after discovering a dozen of skeletons in Mahenjodaro?
OK you can believe AIT.But Indians like me already debunked AIT .I also learn it in my school times.But my behaviour of reading a lot of books and searching just correct that mistake.Indians that debunking AIT is still inreasing.

And it is being discredited all over.

From invasion it became immigration and even that is without any real basis, just speculation as the video shows.
I got all this knowledge from historians book in Kerala .And they wrote lot of articles in malayalam.
they also present proof for that.So I trust them.So I cant present a link in here.Even there is a time when Mahabharata (an epic with lakhs of poems) propagate through people to people like a speech.
they creates language and when they integrate into society their languages also mix with us.But they create some degrading structure in very Hinduism and later events show it as a grave mistakes

You can't expect me just to take your word on it based on what you read in Malayalam just because you trust it though, you understand why that is unreasonable right? :pop:
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OK you can believe AIT.But Indians like me already debunked AIT .I also learn it in my school times.But my behaviour of reading a lot of books and searching just correct that mistake.Indians that debunking AIT is still inreasing.

You have not debunk any AIT. You just come up with far fetch alternative to an obvious fact.

For example, if you step out unto a street in the morning and the whole street with wet. The most obvious explanation is that there was rain over night. But the far fetched explanation is that a helicopter carry some water accidently dump some water in front of your street. You are using that far fetch explanation to deny AIT. The rest of the world would see that the rain cause the street to be wet so everyone else outside of India teaches AIT.

You Indians need to take your head out of the sand.
You can't expect me just to take your word on it based on what you read in Malayalam just because you trust it though you understand why that is unreasonable right? :pop:

You dont need to ask about malayalam articles.Just search Internet you will get a lot of info about how AIT used by british and
how can it become a fake theory etc ,etc.
When british land here and when they saw perfection of Indian culture they just become shocked.They know without reducation they cant rule us.So they create this theory.While all modern historians both India and West proves this theory is a lie, Some states in India still taught
this fake theory.I hope next BJP govt will change that mistake.
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