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Why India is a failed nation and why 9 times smaller Pakistan is an elephant in front of India

Oh sir. Please stop this joke.

First. China sends free money to Pakistan. Xi does not require Pakistan to repay.

Then. India mainly relied on robbing Chinese companies and technology to develop its economy.

China is the biggest victim.

Pakistan's economy has contracted after the fall of PTI-led GOP and there was not enough cash in the State Bank to meet requirements of the IMF bailout package. China, Saudi Arabia, and UAE put cash in the State Bank to make it possible for Pakistan to meet requirements of the IMF bailout package. ----[1]

CPEC is different from the above. Do you think Pakistan can finance CPEC projects? Pakistan is borrowing from China to finance CPEC projects. This is similar to taking house-building loan from a bank to construct a house.

Pakistani leaders should have committed to organic growth instead of taking so many loans and launching so many projects. But Pakistani leaders, particularly the PML(N) variety, are infatuated with big budget / white elephant projects to show development to the masses. PML(N) leaders think that people are stupid and will appreciate them for what they are doing, they are wrong.

China does not understand Pakistan's problems well enough. Do not judge me and others for venting on a forum.

US was providing funds to the Establishment during the War On Terror saga. These funds stimulated Pakistan's economy but Trump administration stopped these funds due to tensions with the Establishment. PTI-led GOP found a way to revive Pakistan's economy by giving the post of finance minister to the economist Hafeez Sheikh but PDM made its move with support of the Establishment, and this led to situation [1].

The bottom line is that Pakistan needs to create a sustainable economy for growth. How this is possible, is the question.

China should also look at financial aspects of any country when it provides loans. This is what a bank does.
Pakistan's economy has contracted after the fall of PTI-led GOP and there was not enough cash in the State Bank to meet requirements of the IMF bailout package. China, Saudi Arabia, and UAE put cash in the State Bank to make it possible for Pakistan to meet requirements of the IMF bailout package.

CPEC is different from the above. Do you think Pakistan can finance CPEC projects? Pakistan is borrowing from China to finance CPEC projects. This is similar to taking house-building loan from a bank to construct a house.

Pakistani leaders should have committed to organic growth instead of taking so many loans. But Pakistani leaders, particularly the PML(N) variety, are infatuated with big budget white elephant projects to show development to the masses. PML(N) leaders think that people are stupid and will appreciate them for what they are doing, they are wrong.

China does not understand Pakistan's problems well enough. Do not judge me and others for venting on a forum.
Sir. I hope you can understand. Compare Pakistani people. Chinese people are even more disappointed with CPEC.... And. Xi did not request Pakistan to repay the loan.

no, that picture is you Charlie Chan
Ah. You said this is my photo?


it is sad to see some pakistani braves such as this @Titanium100 @Abdul Rehman Majeed @ThunderCat etc. trying so hard to matter. their country keeps failing them. deservedly.

Well....at least our country does not spend 79 million sending rockets to the moon while our people sleep on the streets. And way less people sleeping on the streets compared to Bharat.

No thank you sir.
Any country that has poverty, mass hunger and starvations is a failed state.
On the geopolitical arena and on the conventional reality Pakistan has detered and checkmated India into stalemate To the point where Countries behind Pakistan don't worry about India at all these countries being Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.. They don't worry about India even a second nor plan their security around India because Pakistan has done such a phenomenal Job to the extent that these Afghans, Persians, Uzbeks can just chill.

Now I wanna explain how India a nation that should have technically been on par with China is 100 years behind China and is also big brothered by Pakistan?

The truth comes down to the fact that the people of Sindh (Pathans and Punjabis mainly use to reign over the entire subcontinent and Hind) They are the traditional elites of the sup-continent.

If they were not Muslims currently they would have destroyed the surrounding countries long time ago such as Uzbekistan, Iran and Tajikistan and the whole central Asia.

People tend to confuse Sindh and Hind but they are not the same but entirely different and never had anything to do with each other and the Arabs who first described this regions and mapped this regions during their conquests separated Fars, Sindh and Hind into 3 completely separate countries.

India is currently under going civil strife and the reason for that is they are not use to ruling themselves and they have divided their own country by their own hands via populism but that is not how you develop a country with ambitions hence there is a higher chance of India going thru multiple civil wars in the coming decades which has also lead to Pakistan decreasing their interest in india due to the ongoing populism which will eventually take it's tool on India and cause India great pain. When India's populism reaches a point of no return and the Indians fall upon each other then Pakistan can completely unfocus on India and come up with new political goals for other regions.

After reading this, I have to ridicule this. Those countries you mentioned have no beef with India and in fact have better relations with India than they do with Pakistan.

Your desperation to dissaocitate from the term Hind just because they stole it makes you less credible. Hind is the Persian cognate for the Sanskrit Sindh. Same land.

(2) Lifted a large number of people out of poverty - more people than the entire population of Pakistan

That part is a hoax. They did lift people out of poverty that but number is grossly exaggerated. I read the refutations myself.

The problem is our media is run by the wrong people, indoctrinating people with selective information.
fellow indians dont bother, this is expected after a successful moon landing :)

He's wrong and so are you folks. Sending objects to the moon while most of your people don't even have toilets. Delusional people everywhere I guess. No offense.
He's wrong and so are you folks. Sending objects to the moon while most of your people don't even have toilets. Delusional people everywhere I guess. No offense.
Yes and we shouldn't be working on STEM and just rely on agriculture so that our people just manage to survive:lol:?
Poverty can't be eliminated by food subsidies but by economic growth. Everything else is a cope.

Other than that our space program employs thousands of people directly and indirectly, helps us generate solid revenues by launching commercial satellites and helps us predict the weather.

You can continue to crack toilet jokes on us, but let's not forget china was poorer than us 30 or so years back and today they're decades ahead of India. Nobody there was crying "why you're building infra and expensive projects when people here are suffering poverty", they built it and are reaping benefits today. India is doing the same. You are not. You neither have toilets, nor have a space program but what you do have is ego and fake superiority complex of mocking others with zero achievements of your own I guess. No offence.

That part is a hoax. They did lift people out of poverty that but number is grossly exaggerated. I read the refutations myself.

The problem is our media is run by the wrong people, indoctrinating people with selective information.
United Nations is a hoax, indeed.
Inferiority complex is not part of Islam hence the Bangalis don't have any inferiority complex towards the Punjabis they said fuk you. We want to cherish our culture and language in their own eyes they see themselves superior to Punjabis and see themselves as the one or it people. There is no place for inferiority but only superiority complex every joe has to think he is the IT.

Actually you're wrong there. Plenty of Bangladeshis have inferiority complexes towards Pakistanis. You won't see Pakistanis flooding Bangladeshi forums comparing the two countries, rather than other way around.

All while their people come to Pakistan by the millions while no Pakistani could be bothered with Bangladesh. Even the Muhajir neo-liberals who falsely praise Bangladesh to provoke people would never dream of immigrating to that shithole and applying for citizenship.

Even though it takes only four years of living there to apply.
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Yes and we shouldn't be working on STEM and just rely on agriculture so that our people just manage to survive:lol:?
Poverty can't be eliminated by food subsidies but by economic growth. Everything else is a cope.

Other than that our space program employs thousands of people directly and indirectly, helps us generate solid revenues by launching commercial satellites and helps us predict the weather.

You can continue to crack toilet jokes on us, but let's not forget china was poorer than us 30 or so years back and today they're decades ahead of India. Nobody there was crying "why you're building infra and expensive projects when people here are suffering poverty", they built it and are reaping benefits today. India is doing the same. You are not. You neither have toilets, nor have a space program but what you do have is ego and fake superiority complex of mocking others with zero achievements of your own I guess. No offence.

No they weren't poorer than you at any time. And when they were, they aimed to actually eliminate the problem. Not by dumping more and more international money on themselves, but actually aiming for sustainability.

They haven't achieved a 100% goal but it's good enough. They are indeed entitled to work on such projects if they please. Indians are not.

When even countries more developed than Pakistan such as Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Nordic countries, Japan, South Korea aren't bothered by this publicity crap, why on Earth should Pakistan waste money on such projects.

I don't believe in CPEC. I don't believe in Gawadar expansion except for more environmental destruction it will bring. So, no.

United Nations is a hoax, indeed.

I'll see if I can find the refutation to that phony UN report. I believe it was posted right here on PDF. Let me check.

United Nations is a hoax, indeed.

Here is the thread on the article questioning the report I believe https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/un-poverty-estimates-for-india-a-simply-false-euphoria.772487/
India has lifted 415 million people out of poverty since 2001. This is impressive feat and globally acknowledged.
India has a much higher count of cities than in Pakistan, and is developing new cities as well.

That hoax has been discussed here https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/un-poverty-estimates-for-india-a-simply-false-euphoria.772487/

There might be truth to it, but highly exaggerated.
Never trust India's figures, it never has tangible progress on the ground to back those numbers up.

I can't decide which seem stupider. The Indian figures or Bangladeshi figures. Or both. Not that Pakistani figures are always trustworthy.

But whenever evidence goes against figures, that's the first clue that they're phony.
On the geopolitical arena and on the conventional reality Pakistan has detered and checkmated India into stalemate To the point where Countries behind Pakistan don't worry about India at all these countries being Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.. They don't worry about India even a second nor plan their security around India because Pakistan has done such a phenomenal Job to the extent that these Afghans, Persians, Uzbeks can just chill.

Now I wanna explain how India a nation that should have technically been on par with China is 100 years behind China and is also big brothered by Pakistan?

The truth comes down to the fact that the people of Sindh (Pathans and Punjabis mainly use to reign over the entire subcontinent and Hind) They are the traditional elites of the sup-continent.

If they were not Muslims currently they would have destroyed the surrounding countries long time ago such as Uzbekistan, Iran and Tajikistan and the whole central Asia.

People tend to confuse Sindh and Hind but they are not the same but entirely different and never had anything to do with each other and the Arabs who first described this regions and mapped this regions during their conquests separated Fars, Sindh and Hind into 3 completely separate countries.

India is currently under going civil strife and the reason for that is they are not use to ruling themselves and they have divided their own country by their own hands via populism but that is not how you develop a country with ambitions hence there is a higher chance of India going thru multiple civil wars in the coming decades which has also lead to Pakistan decreasing their interest in india due to the ongoing populism which will eventually take it's tool on India and cause India great pain. When India's populism reaches a point of no return and the Indians fall upon each other then Pakistan can completely unfocus on India and come up with new political goals for other regions.
What kind of shit did you smoke. We Pakistanis are fucuked big time by Generals. We have our own created mess. Yeha they kill their and linch their own people but economically they doing fine.
Pakistani gernerals are doing same, lynching people but killing them with hunger.
Defeat is not when you lose the ground. Real defeat is when nation loses the confidence.
Just one n half year ago our confidence was on moon. Now it is thousands mile beneath in ground
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This guy is supercringe. Back in 2009 I use to make Anti Indian Sarcastic videos on YouTube using Sony Vegas for fun. I use to believe the Faujeet propaganda and grew up with a thought that Politicians don't let army do good things (ik I was crazy). I use to believe that we won wars. I still hate Pajeet mindset Indians but Faujeets are cringier.
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